Chapter 23

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Aphmau POV

Right now, everybody is in the meeting room talking about the Sky army's new base. Deadlox was able to find out where the area is and the Vacktors were able to dig it out and help build the walls and stuff. It has been a month since Lucinda joined and the only thing we have done is create the water breathing devices and plan our attack. We are in the dining room with all of our stuff, getting ready to start our journey.

"Thank you so much Mitch and Jerome. It's sad that you cannot come with us but I understand that you have your own life now." Sky says, pulling them both in a man hug. Everybody then hugs him, me being last.

"Thank you so much and I'm sorry for causing you so many problems. Thanks for putting up with me." I say before letting them go. I go back to the Sky Army 2.0.

"It was good to see you guys again. Also it's nice to meet the rest of you." Mitch says.

"Stay safe and save the world!" Jerome says after Mitch. We say our goodbyes before leaving and going outwards into the forest. I put all of the luggage in my storage since the others with a charm has all of the food and materials we will need for this 3 day journey. I would teleport us all but it would probably drain me completely of my magic and would probably make me unconscious for a week. Too many people to a far location. Even my enchanted stick won't work.

"So we just go through the forest and towards north?" I ask, looking at my map and compass. Jin takes it off of me and leads the way.

"I will lead the way since I already know where we are going. Just follow me." He says. I just cross my arms and stick my tongue out at him. Everybody else laughs.

"It's okay Jess! You can come hang out with us!" Yellow shouts, dragging me to his family who is walking with Crainer and Ian.

"I'm loved!" I cheer. Everybody laughs again. Blue comes over to my right side and hugs my arm. I pat his head.

"I haven't seen you for a while even though I'm meant to be your bodyguard." He mumbles. I smile gently at him.

"We need to talk! We have to talk about our lives since squid war 1." I say as I wrap my arms all around them somehow. We spend the rest of the day just talking, some of the other members of the sky army joining in every so often but me, Pink, Red, Blue, Yellow, Ian and Crainer didn't separate from the group. We stayed together and just talked until we had to stop and set up camp.

"Okay so everybody set up your own tents. Some people will have to share." Sky shouts, loud enough for only us to hear. We all nod and everybody sets their tents up while I climb up a tree and sit in it, my back leaning on the trunk and my legs on the branch that it the highest and sturdiest I could find.

"Hey where's Jess?" Barney asks while Ross and Miku climb up the tree and stand on my leg. Since it's folded and the knee cap is pointing upwards.

"I think she climbed up a tree." Cadenza replied to Barney. They start to search for me but they don't look high enough. Probably because the tree is really tall and nobody expected me to climb so high.

"I'm up here!" I shout down . Everybody looks up.

"Jess get down from there! You could hurt yourself!" Max shouts. I sigh before face palming.

"Your not my mom! I can do what I want!" I shout back at him.

"Okay Jess stay up there but don't call for us if you want help getting down!" He shouts back before turning and working on his tent again. I think he is sharing with Ross. No wonder Ross and Miku is up here with me. Max is quite scary when working with a partner. He will get frustrated easily and probably set something on fire without realising it. I remember the last time Max and Ross worked together in building a tent, Ross rand straight in front of me screaming like a girl while on fire. Quentin used his water gun to put him out.

"I might stay up here for a while to relax. Want to stay with me?" I ask Ross while Miku jumps on my head. Ross shakes his squirrel head.

"I'm going to go help Max with the tent before he notices I left." He says before climbing down the tree with Miku following. I sigh before turning my charm into a hat and putting it over my eyes so that I can't see anything. This gives me time to think.

What should I do when all of this is over? I like my life as a normal person in MyStreet but I am also a superhero. I have to help save the world but I also have an army that I'm one of the leaders of. I have three different lives. How do I choose just one? If I do choose one, what about the people in my other lives. Do I go to MyStreet with Katelyn, Travis, Lucinda and Cadenza or do I go to Asguard to help protect the world with my superhero friends. Do I stay here with my family who I have known since I was younger? I don't realise I'm crying until my hat it taken off of my face, making me open my eyes to see who took it.

"Mom what's wrong?" Lucy asks. I just smile at her and stroke her head. She nuzzles into it.

"Just thinking about life. Did you need something?" I ask her, taking the subject off of me.

"Oh right! Jin asked me to ask if you wanted to come down and eat. Food is ready." She tells me, flying around me. I stretch and yawn.

"How long have I been up here?" I ask.

"About two hours." She replies. Two hours? Seemed like two minutes.

"Okay I will be down in a minute. Go back to uncle Jin." I tell her. She does as I say and flies back down and lands on his shoulder. She did that a lot so he got shoulder and arm pads so he doesn't get hurt. I sigh before standing up on the branch and jumping down. Before I hit the ground, I use my wind magic to catch my fall just before I hit the ground.

"Let's just wait for Jess to climb down." I hear Ian say, making everybody else pout.

"At least somebody is being a gentleman." I say, sitting next to Ian.

"That was quick." He says. I just shrug.

"I just jumped." I say. Suddenly, I hear somebody spit out their water. I turn around to see Max covered in water and Sky holding a flask.

"Stop doing dangerous things!" Sky exclaims. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Well it seems to me that you are the one who did something stupid." I point to a fuming Max.

"Adam..." Max drifts off, making Sky gulp. I try to hold on my laughter.

"Now now Max, murder him after we have eaten." I calm him down. He gives Sky a look.

"Next time you're dead..." Sky gulps.


I have no idea what to write now and that is why I have moved the story on. School gives too much homework and tests for me to do. Can I go one week without an essay to write? I started school two months ago and I had to do this on the fourth day... sorry for late updates!

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