Chapter 24

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Aphmau POV

As soon as we finished eating, everybody started talking around the camp fire while I snuck off again and climbed up the tree. Boomy is asleep in my hood so I stayed silent while scouting the area, making sure nobody comes to disturb the only peaceful atmosphere we have had in ages. I use my super hero hearing to listen to them.

"So Katelyn, how did you and Jess become such good friends? How did you even get her to let you come with her to find us?" Jin asks, making everybody turn to her.

"That's a good point. Jess would never endanger anybody she could protect. Wait, where is she?" Sky asks. Max looks up at me. I don't turn back to look at him though and just keep scouting the area.

"She's up there. So tell us this story." Max says.

"Well back when Travis saved Jess, we became good friends along with our roommate Kawaii-Chan who is a Mei-fwa. We invited her to live with us and we always got along. Back when we were staying at Asguard, my birthday passed and her along with Travis and Cadenza remembered. Jess made me these claws while Travis gave me this charm bracelet that has a hover board of my own. Cadenza made me a cake to eat when we were locked away in our cell. We escaped together. Formed a little team together that consisted of me, Cadenza, Kala and Alex. We became super close and back when she was going to leave to find you, I came with her. That's when we found Mitch and Jerome. I am so grateful to have her as my friend. No, not friend. My little sister. Now I will do anything for her, even put my life at risk to make sure she is safe." Katelyn says. A tear escapes my eye as I listen to her words. Everybody looks at her in awe.

"I guess somehow, she saved us all. Whether it would be from danger, loneliness or just from ourself. She found us all, befriended us and helped us in her own way." Sky says. Everybody cheers, making me want to cry out of happiness.

"I tried to steal from her and kill her but she gave me a home and family." Cory says.

"I was being hunted by hunters and she took a bullet for me." Preston.

"She saved me from the squid labs that experimented on me." Quentin.

"I was always mean to her, always ignored her and got on her nerves but she traded places with me when the squids captured me and tortured me." Max.

"She was the only person who would help me built and try out parkour maps that I find." Deadlox.

"She helped me and Crainer fight off royal guards without asking what we did. She believed us and even got us out of trouble with them afterwards." Ian.

"She helped Blue from bullies and became our only friend before we met you guys." Red.

"She has helped so many of us. She even believed me when I told her that squids were evil. She was the only one to trust me at the time and together, we saved the world from being destroyed." Sky says. I see a bright light coming from my chest, giving me energy. Nobody seems to notice it though.

"My child. All of your friends are giving you energy. This is unlocking your goddess side more and more. You did good." I hear a voice say from above me. I look up to see just the night and starry sky.

"Thank you mom..." I mumble under my breath before releasing my wings that were begging to be released. Luckily, they are transparent so they don't ruin my clothes. They are probably the same length of my small body, except glowing unlike my body. I fly down towards the camp with Boomy still asleep in my hood.

"Jess? Your wings..." Ross mumbles. I smile at him.

"Thanks to all of your kind words, my powers are unlocking themselves from the deep slumber they were forced into. Thank you so much." I cry tears of happiness, hugging Katelyn from behind who turns and hugs me back. Everybody aww's at us.

"You are my little sister. We should be thanking you for everything you have done for us. You could have still stayed mad at me for trying to figure out all of your secrets but you didn't. You didn't have to tell me about the Sky Army but you did." She tells me. She let's go of the hug and I do the same.

"Never stop being rossome Jess!" Ross shouts, hugging me. Everybody joins the hug.

"I love you guys." I laugh. Everybody laughs with me. Soon, we all sit down around the fire after talking for about half an hour.

"So who is going to take the first night shift?" Sky asks. I raise my hand first.

"I will. That's what I've been doing in that tree anyway since I have a good view." I say before standing up. Max stands up with me.

"I will help you. Two is better then one." He says. I shrug before going over to the tree and flying up it. I come down a minute later, realising that Max is bad at climbing trees and pick him up before flying back up. "Jess! Put me down!" He screams. I just laugh, placing him on the branch below the one that I claimed as mine.

"Good view isn't it?" I ask. He hugs the trunk of the tree.

"It is but it's so high up. And you just climbed up here the first few times? How did you even jump down!" He asks. I shrug.

"I jumped like I said. I have magic remember? A little wind magic doesn't hurt." I explain to him. He just face palms.

"Of course. Anyway, let's start watching the area." He says. We do what he says.

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