Chapter 25

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Aphmau POV

"Did you hear something?" I ask Max as I hear a shuffling in the distance. I look below me to see him asleep. So much for helping me. I pick him up bridal style and place him in his tent, next to Ross, before flying back up into the air to see where the noise came from.

"How could you get us lost in the forest! You idiot. We can't stay out of the water for too long without drying up." I hear. I groan. Squids. I fly back down and walk into Sky's tent, yawning while shaking him.

"Five more minutes." He mumbles, turning over.

"Sky, get up. Squids are near. I promise you can go back to sleep after we sort this out but Max fell asleep and I don't know how many there are." He sits up, rubbing his eyes before standing up and walking out of the tent. He puts a pair of sunglasses on, not wanting to put his eyepatches on if he will be taking them off soon anyway.

"How long have you been keeping watch?" He gives me a questioning look as I yawn.

"Most of the night. Max fell asleep on me though so I put him back in his tent." I explain to him before picking him up by his arms and flying into the air. He grips onto my arms so he doesn't slip.

"As soon as we get back, you are going to sleep. I will keep watch the rest of the night." He says. I shake my head.

"I can't sleep. After the end of this fight, I will be wide awake anyway. I drank some coffee as well." I tell him. He sighs. Soon, I place him on the floor and land next to him, summoning my sword.

"Status report on the squids." Sky says.

"They are lost while trying to look for something. I heart about 20 but there could be more." I tell him. He nods before summoning his sword. I summon my Irene sword and we quietly walk towards the army. In front of us is an army of squids with swords but no armour.

"When I give the signal, we strike." Sky says through the group mins link since we don't have a separate one and it takes energy to make a new one.

"Right." I nod at him. He runs across the field without being detected and hides behind a tree opposite me. He does a hand symbol, telling me to attack. I do. We both run at the squids and kill them, dodging all of the tentacles that are coming at us. Soon, only one is left, panting. I pin it down to the ground.

"Why are you here?" Sky shouts at the squid. The squid glares back at him before turning towards me.

"The king has asked us to take the princess." I sigh as Sky sticks his sword in his head, killing him. I wipe off the squid blood from my cheek as I stand up.

"Let's get back to camp. It's already sunrise. Everybody should be waking up by now." I grab his arms and fly into the air, flying us back to camp. It takes longer than usual since the battle was a little exhausting and we are far away from camp. It took us longer than I thought to kill them. Soon enough, we land. Barney and Jin run up to us. Everybody else is packing up the camp.

"Where were you guys? When Max woke up in his tent, he became worried and woke us up- is that squid blood? Explain." Jin says. I sigh before yawning, leaning into Sky who helps me stay standing.

"Max fell asleep on duty and I heard rustling from a distance. I put Max in his bed with Ross and got Sky. Basically, we flew their, killed the squids after finding why they were out here and then flew us back here to get yelled at by you, asking where we are." I explain.

"Did you get any sleep Jess?" Barney asks.

"Nope!" I say with fake enthusiasm. Sky sighs before placing me on his back.

"Go to sleep Jess." He tells me but I shake my head.

"Just give me some coffee. I will just slow us down if you carry me and I've already slowed us down enough. Let's just go." I say, getting off of Sky's back and taking a coffee machine from my storage. It's battery powered. I put everything in it and took my coffee as soon as it was done. If this was an anime, everybody would be sweat dropping.

"Okay then... let's go." Jin says before walking away, taking his compass out. We all follow him, me walking over to Max, Ross, Katelyn, Castor and Quentin.

"Where did you go and where did the coffee come from?" Max asks me.

"You fell asleep and there were squids so me and Sky went to kill them. I just made the coffee so I can stay awake. Somebody fell asleep while on duty." I glare at him, slowly taking a sip of my coffee.

"Grumpy Jess! Everybody run!" Ross shouts before running away. Everybody laughs while I run after Ross and jump on his back, my cup of coffee floating next to me.

"Nooo! I've been attacked!" He shouts. I turn into a rabbit and cuddle into his neck, his scarf keeping me up. I make my coffee float to Max.

"Coffee won't keep me awake. I'm too tired." I groan. Sky walks up next to Ross, petting me on the head.

"Do you know what she said?" Sky asks. I feel Ross nod.

"She said that the coffee isn't keeping her up and that she is too tired." Sky sighs before turning to me.

"Go to sleep Jess. We will wake you up when we need you. I promise." Sky promises. I just mumble under my breath before falling into darkness.

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