Chapter 26

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Aphmau POV

I open my small bunny eyes to see orange and red. I'm wrapped in Ross's scarf. I concentrate my hearing to hear heavy rain and a fire. I start shuffling around, making Ross uncover me from his scarf. I look around before yawning. We are in a cave and it's pouring down with rain.

"That yawn was adorable!" Cadenza squeals, picking me up and cuddling with me. I struggle in her grasp, wiggling out just enough to jump down onto the cold, wet ground. I run over to Katelyn and Travis who is sitting down next to each other on a rock. I jump on to Katelyn's lap, making her jump.

"What? Why is there a rabbit on my lap?" She asks, petting me. I cuddle into her arms.

"Hey Jess. Finally woke up I see?" Travis asks. I jump out of Katelyn's arms and transform mid-jump.

"What? How did you know that was Jess?" Katelyn asks him. He just shrugs while I sit next to them.

"Babe, I'm a demon and a descendant of Enki. I can sense a goddesses power from a mile away." He says. Katelyn punches him.

"Don't call me babe!" She shouts, making me and Travis laugh. Pink walks over to us with Blue behind her. Blue comes straight over to me.

"What did Travis do this time?" She asks.

"He called Katelyn babe." I explain to her. Blue sits down on the ground next to me. I bring out my spectral key, using it to travel to my dimension before grabbing some chairs and dragging them out with me. I set a few up, leaving the rest in the corner.

"Yay! Actual seats!" Katelyn cheers, catching everybody's attention. They all come over and grab their own seats before setting them up next to us and around the fire.

"Afternoon Jess. How was your sleep?" Sky asks. I shrug.

"Good. Until I woke up, suffocating in a scarf." I stick my tongue out at Ross. He raises his hands up in surrender.

"What? It was raining so I wrapped you in my scarf. I thought it was a rossome idea!" He says. I shrug.

"It could be argued with." I say before putting my marshmallow over the fire on a stick.

"Where did that come from?" Ian asks. I shrug.

"When I'm hungry, food usually appears in my hands. Most likely from my storage. You don't know what I have in there." I simply say.

"I wanna know!" Yellow cheers. I grab his hand and twist my key in the air, creating a door this time. I drag him in. We come out a minute later.

"I never wanna go there again!" He cheers before sitting back down.

"If Yellow doesn't want to explore then it must be bad..." Red says, drifting off. Everybody gives me horrified looks. I just shrug before putting my marshmallow on a cracker.

"So who is watching tonight's shift? I can do it again if you want since I slept all day." I say. Sky looks over at me.

"It would be best I guess. You have your super hearing and your angel wings if you need to use them." He says.

"I will stay with her." Katelyn says. We smile at each other.

"I guess we will be going to sleep then. It is very late after all. This time, remember to switch over when you get tired." Jin says, making everybody pull out their sleeping bags and get in them while me and Katelyn walk out. It stopped raining so it's okay. I turn my charm into a bench before sitting on it. Katelyn joins me.

"Hey Katelyn?" I say after a while of silence, the snores of everybody not making much difference.

"What's up Jess?" She asks, turning to me.

"Are we always going to be this close?" I ask her, making her freeze.

"Why would you ask that?" She replies to me. I shrug.

"Well, when all of this is over, will we still be together?" She gives me a confused look, telling me to continue. "Well when all of this is over, I do t know what I will be doing. You will have a life in MyStreet but I have three different lives I have to live. We will grow further apart and soon, you will get a boyfriend, have a family. Same for me." She stands up and walks in front of me, kneeling down.

"Jess. Why is all of this bothering you now? So what if we split. We can still talk to each other. After all, we are sisters." She says. I just look down, my hair creating a shadow over my eyes. "Is there a reason you are asking this?" Suddenly, I jump up, hugging her as close to me as I can. She doesn't hug back, shocked at my sudden move.

"I have so many friends out there. So many lives. But you are the only sister I have. I can't loose you." I start to tear up, sniffling. She slowly wraps her arms around me.

"Silly..." she whispers, drifting off. "I will never leave your side. I will follow you anywhere. I promise we will not split." She mumbles to me, her eyes also gathering tears.

"Thank you..." I mumble before letting go of her and smiling slightly, turning the bench into a rolled up sleeping bag. Late summons her own.

"Who should we wake up?" She asks.

"Hmm... how about Crainer and Ssundee?" I ask. She nods. We walk over to the guys and I gently shake them. Ian sits up, running eyes while Crainer buries himself deeper into his sleeping bag.

"Is it out turn to keep watch?" Ian asks. I nod before dragging Crainer out of his sleeping bag with one hand and standing him up. He yawns.

"It's too early for this man." He mumbles, walking outside with Ian. Me and Katelyn lay our sleeping bags next to each other.

"Goodnight sis." I mumble before falling into the darkness I call sleep.

I watched gravity falls-forever twins on YouTube and thought 'why not make a scene similar to it'. Search it up on YouTube if you wanna know what I'm talking about.

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