Chapter 3

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Aphmau POV

I wake up to Blue shaking me, telling me to get up because he was hungry. I open my eyes and get out of bed, picking up Lucy who slept above our heads. I don't know where Boomy is. As soon as we both reach the bottom of the stairs, he goes and sits at the back of the room, in the dark corner. Boomy goes over to him to help cheer him up.

"What do you want to eat Blue?" I ask as I start to get some ingredients out.

"C-can I get some of the pancakes you use to make me?" He shyly asks. I nod before turning back to where I took the ingredients out. When me and Blue were the first ones up back at the base, I would always cook us some chocolate chip pancakes with some of my own chocolate syrup that doesn't make the pancake take too chocolaty or terrible. We both hated chocolate syrup that the others use to buy so me and Blue made our own. It's our little secret.

"How many do you want?" Blue replies with the amount he wants and I quickly make us both a lot before making the syrup. Soon, I am finished and we both sit down to eat in the corner.

"Thank you." He says quietly before slowly eating the pancakes. I do the same.

"Did you know that Sky made you my bodyguard?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. He shakes his head. "Probably because we were both asleep and I forced Red to tell me." I say innocently, making Blue smile a tiny bit.

"Does this mean I get to stay with Boomy?" He asks as he feeds Boomy a spoon of his pancakes. So Kawaii!!

"Yes it does." I smile at him, finishing my pancakes. He half smiles back. I take his empty plate and the bowl of gunpowder and nether rack filled with fire before taking it to the sink and washing it, putting the fire out and taking the nether rack out. Blue sits at the counter before taking the bowl with the rest of the syrup in and taking a spoon, cleaning the bowl out for me. He always did that so I told him to just keep doing it since he always used to ask me.

"Morning guys!" Sky says as he walks through the door. I just nod at him before continuing to wash the dishes, trying not to laugh as Blue basically ignored him. "Feeling the love Blue!" He says dramatically before sitting down next to Blue.

"Leave him alone while he's happy." I scold him. He just pouts. Blue soon gives me the bowl and spoon for me to wash before wiping his mouth with a tissue that I have him.

"Why does he get a bowl of chocolate syrup? I want chocolate syrup!" Sky complains. I just sigh before going over to the cupboard and taking out a bottle of chocolate syrup. I hand it to him. I turn back around to see Blue drying the bowl before putting it away with the spoon.

"Thanks Blue." I say before hugging him. He then sits down in his corner, shy because Sky is in the room. "What time is it anyway?" I ask.

"6am." Sky says before yawning. This is when I realise the bags under his eyes. He goes to drink the bottle of syrup but I take it off of him.

"When did you go to sleep?" I give him a look, knowing he will lie. He just sighs.

"I've been up all night trying to figure out a plan." He yawns again.

"Go to bed." I simply say.

"What?" Is his smart reply.

"Go to bed or I am hiding all of the budder until you do." I give him a look, making him run all the way back into his bedroom. I just sigh before turning to Blue. "I'm going to go to a place. Do you want to come?" I ask him. He nods before standing up, picking up Boomy.

"I'm going to go to uncle Jin." Lucy says before flying away. I grab hold on to Blue before teleporting us both to the cabin with the river in front, making our presence unknown so that the squids can't sense us here.

"This is where I go when I want time alone. Only Max has been here so far." I explain to him as I sit down. He sits down next to me.

"How did you find this place?" He asks.

"Remember Kala? She got mad at me, making me fly away from Mitch's house to here. I slept here the night after sitting in the rain for a few hours. Bad idea. I got a cold and Alex had to fly us back to the house." I say before laughing.

"How do you know Kala?" He asks, curious.

"Me, Castor, Kala, Alex and Cadenza are all superheroes." I say, calling Mjolnir.

"Are you Lady Thor?" He asks. I nod. "Lady Thor is my favourite superhero." He says.

"Aww thanks!" I say before sending Mjolnir back. I am about to say something but I am cut off by the mind link.

"Jess where are you?" Max panics.

"Me and Jess are hanging out." Blue replies for me. I hear Max sigh over the link.

"Where are you? I'm going to go to you with Katelyn." At this, I instantly groan.

"But me and Blue are having fun!" I complain.

"Either come back or I find you and you won't be so happy then." Max says in a threateningly deep voice.

"Hold on Blue!" I say before taking out my stick and doing a few slashes, instantly falling on a body.

"Seriously? Max is the one who wants you! Not me!" Mitch complains. I just laugh, Blue quietly laughing as well.

"Blue is laughing! Yay!" Yellow cheers as Blue holds onto my arm, hiding behind me.

"Jess!" Max says, making me and Blue freeze.

"Gotta run!" I say before me and Blue run out of the training room, laughing as Max chases us. Blue looks so happy at this moment. I'm glad I could cheer him up.

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