Chapter 4

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Aphmau POV

Right now, me and Blue are running laps around the house. Punishment of Max and Katelyn. It's our 163 lap and me and Blue are not tired at all. I had one year of running training while Blue never stopped his.

"Why aren't you tired yet?" Katelyn wonders to us.

"We have been training in running." Blue simply says, running up next to me.

"I have had a year of constant training. I hardly slept. Now it's ju-" I am cut off by a pain in my head, making me kneel down. Blue kneels down next to me.

"Y-your eyes... they are changing different colours..." Blue drifts off. What does he mean my eyes? I take out my stick and concentrate on it, quickly putting myself in the clones body.

"This is the third time and it's not working. We have raised the power of the machine to full capacity." I turn my head to see one of the scientist squids talking to Squidward. I suddenly get another jolt of pain in my head. I can't put my clone through anymore of this pain.

"You monsters!" I shout, glaring at them before using my new strength to break myself out of the machine. I then summon Mjolnir and smash everything up while dodging all of the other squids attacks and attempts to try and attack me.

"You fool! You don't know what we will do to your friends if you don't stop this!" Squidward shouts. I just stick my tongue out at him.

"Until next time." I wink before disappearing in a poof of smoke, opening my eyes and bolting up in my own body.

"Jess!" Blue hugs me. I hug him back before summoning two headache tablets and a glass before using my water magics to suck out the clean water from the ground. I then drink it before putting the glass away and lying back down on the ground.

"What happened? Your eyes are back to normal. Are you okay?" Max continues to ramble. I just freeze his mouth shut.

"I have a huge headache! Shut up and leave me alone. Also, turn that light off in the sky." I say, pointing to the sun she before covering my eyes with my arm.

"Let's get you inside and to Castor to check you. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell." Max says, burning the ice away before picking me up. I just groan.

"The squids know I'm gone." Is all I say as soon as I feel myself get placed on a soft surface.

"What? How?" Sky asks, coming near me. I know this because I can sense his aura. Blue, Katelyn, Castor and Max is also here.

"I took her away. I felt her pain. It was too much. I couldn't make her go through that pain anymore so I destroyed the machines and sent her back into my stick..." I drift off, taking my arm off of my eyes before sitting up, frantically looking around and. It caring that it's making my head worse. "Where is my enchanted stick?" I ask.

"Calm down Jess! You're making it worse." Castor holds onto my shoulders, making me look at him.

"I have your stick here. See? It's safe." Katelyn walks towards me slowly, holding out the stick. I take it out of her hands before sighing. I put it in my storage.

"Are you okay now?" Blue asks, looking worried. I nod at him with a smile before taking my stick and casting a healing spell on myself.

"Do me and Blue still have to run the 500 laps?" I ask.

"No Jess. I don't think you can do it in this state anyway." Max says. I give him a look.

"Are you saying I can't run 500 laps?" I gasp at him.

"N-no! I'm just saying that you shouldn't run after you just passed out!" He tries to cover himself up but before he could continue, I turn into sassmau.

"I did not just pass out! I just transferred bodies! I could probably beat you in running 500 laps and even run 500 more!" I sass him, Caster going 'oooh' in the background.

"Race me then!" Max says, loosing his temper. I just smirk before turning around, flicking my hair in his face. I should really cut it again.

"Meet you outside." I say before walking outside, drawing a line. Max meets me back at the line.

"I will count you guys in." Castor says before explaining the rules. No using magics or superhero abilities. Just pure skill. He then counts is down. As soon as he reaches 0, I run so fast, leaving a trail of dust behind me. What? I was holding back so I could run with Blue but now I don't need to hold back. Soon, I finish 1000 laps before Max can finish 500. I stop next to Castor as Max continues with the laps, not knowing that I'm finished.

"How did I do?" I ask. Everybody is just looking at me. "What? Did I do bad?" They just sweat drop before sighing. Soon, Max is finished.

"Ha! I wi-" he says before turning and looking at me. I stick my tongue out at him.

"I already did 1000. I win." I say before turning into a squirrel and start to play with Ross, Boomy and Lucy. What? I've always wanted to play with them and now I can! Hehe.

"I guess I shouldn't try and race you ever again..." Max drifts off. Everybody else just laughs.

"Now let's go inside! I'm hungry." I say before grabbing Blue's wrist and dragging him into the kitchen with me, having fun with the gang for the rest of the day.

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