Chapter 5

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Ross' POV

I start to swim back to the closest bit of land since it's getting dark and I haven't found the kingdom just yet. I think Jess mentioned something about her uncle using a spell on it but I don't know. As soon as I find a bit of land, I turn back into my human form and bring out my tent before setting it up. I seem to be on an island. I set a waypoint at my tent before adventuring out.

"Good thing I can make waypoints or I would be lost." I mumble to myself as I watch the squirrels run past me. They seemed afraid. I concentrate on what the squirrel right next to me is saying.

"The shrine is glowing! This is bad! Run!" It says to its friend before running off. I run in the direction of the shrine to see a passage opening but as soon as I try to walk through the door, I am shocked.

"Only the one that is worthy can enter this shrine!" I turn my head to see two Irene statutes with red eyes, moving towards me with swords. I run out of there, picking up an injured squirrel on the way since it was injured. As soon as I get to camp, I place the baby squirrel gently on a pillow before taking out a roll of bandages and gently wrapping its arm.

"T-thank you human." It says it a little baby voice. I smile at it.

"You're welcome. You can stay here as long as you like. I might be here a few days." I say before rubbing its head and going into my tent. She follows me.

"You understand me?" She tilts her head to the side. I nod and smile before summoning out a flint and steel and lighting a fire onto the campfire I made.

"I can turn into squirrels so I learned to understand them Miku." I say. She tilts her head.

"Is my name Miku?" She sits on my shoulder.

"I don't know. If you want to be then I will call you that since I don't know your name." I give her a few nuts before taking some steak out and cook it before eating it.

"Miku!" She cheers before eating her nuts.

"Where are your parents?" I ask her, instantly regretting it as she turns sad.

"I don't know. They abandoned me when I was born. I've been alone ever since." I instantly pet her head.

"You can live with me if you want? You can be my sidekick or something." She instantly perks up.

"Really?" She gives me these cute eyes.

"Sure! I'm a squirrel and you're a squirrel. I also know a creeper minion and a Phoenix that you can treat like siblings. It would be nice. I know what it's like to have no family. I met very good friends and we made our own family. You can join us if you wish." I say. She rubs her head against my cheek.

"Thank you!" She says before finishing her nuts and rolling up on my pillow. I get under the covers in my tent.

"Goodnight Miku." I say, hearing her make a little noise before falling asleep. I will have to speak with the guys tomorrow.

Aphmau POV

"Hello my little girl." I hear behind me. I turn around to see Irene. My mother.

"Mom!" I run into her arms. She hugs me back before putting her hands on my shoulders and pushing me an arm distance away from her, not letting go.

"Listen to me. Your uncle has released the spell on my shrine and I need your help. You, your demon friend Travis and your narwhal friend, Ross need to go into that shrine and stop it using all of your abilities. Please hurry! If you don't do it in time, the whole world could be in serious danger." She says, in a rushed yet slow voice. I give her a panicked look.

"But where do I find this shrine?" I ask her. She smiles at me.

"The narwhal has already found it. As soon as you wake up, you need to teleport to Travis and tell him that you need him before teleporting to Ross." She hugs me one last time before letting go of me completely.

"Wait!" I say but she just shakes her head.

"Tell Travis that he needs to use his book one last time. Goodbye. I love you. Always remember that." She says before disappearing.

"No!" I shout, sitting up and reaching forward. I try to calm down my heavy breathing before getting out of bed and taking a quick shower to wash away all of the sweat. It's around midnight. Good thing Katelyn is a heavy sleeper or it would be hard to sneak out. As soon as I finish getting ready, I leave a note saying that I will be back and I am doing my job as a superhero and saving the world before taking out my enchanted stick and teleporting to my waypoint in MyStreet. I knock on the guys door. Travis answers it.

"What are you doing here so early Jess?" He says as he rubs his eyes. I grab his wrist and drag him outside before shutting the door.

"I need your help." I say. This wakes him up.

"What's wrong?" He asks, alert.

"My mother came to me in my dreams. She told me that her shrine is unleashing something bad and I need you and your demon book to stop it. Please! Think of it as superhero work." I start to beg him. He looks shocked.

"How did you know I was a demon?" He asks.

"Unlike others, I pay attention and saw the signs. My mother just finalised the theory when she told me to get you. So will you please help me? Just this once?" I ask. He just sighs.

"Let me go get my demon book." He quickly runs into the house and comes back out with the book.

"Ready? Let's go!" I say before grabbing onto his wrist. I take my stick out and teleport us to Ross.

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