Chapter 32

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Aphmau POV

I look at the right to see my brother, Squidward dragging me up to the surface and away from the attacking army. I look to my left to see myself along with the leaders of the Sky Army, killing my father. Well I think he is my father.

"Hey Jess? Can you hear me?" I hear Travis say.

"Loud and clear!" I shout.

"Okay so in front of you, there are two memories. One is real and one is fake. You have to find the real memory by looking through both memories and finding a flaw." Travis informs me.

"How in the nether am I meant to find a flaw?" I shout back but I get no reply. I sigh before walking to the memories of the Sky Army.

"Quick! Kill them! They are getting in the way!" Sky says as he is trying to fight through to the doors, water breathing potions strapped on his shoulder. So did everybody else.

"I got them! You just get the king before it's too late!" Red shouts as he slices a squid on half. Blue was assisting Pink by using his magics to make him faster and stronger.

"Let's go then Sky!" I shout as I kick the doors open, drinking another water breathing potion as I do.

"You have arrived. But you will never get what you want!" The King shouts as he stands up. We all get into a fighting stance, eating a budder Notch apple as we do. I turn into my Irene form.

"We will defeat you and shut off that machine!" I shout before striking at the king. We all start attacking him, the squid king fighting back. Jin slows down time, making us seem like we are going really fast. After a while, I have him pinned down with my Irene sword and I have both of my swords at his head.

"Any last words?" I ask. The king smirks at me.

"We will take over the world! Just you watch!" He shouts. I cut his head off, watching as he dies.

"We finally did it!" I start to jump up and cheer. The other leaders join me. This is when the most horrifying thing happens. I start to fade away.

"What's going on?" Sky asks, running up to me but when he tries to reach for me, his hand goes through me. "What? Jin! Quick! Help her." Jin runs up to me but it's too late. I only get one last sentence through.

"Never forget me because I will be back."

The memory ends. I turn to my other memories of the squids and walk towards it.

"Hey Squidward, want to play?" I ask my brother as I swim towards me. He meets me halfway.

"Sure Jess, let's go!" He says, wrapping a tentacle around my wrist before dragging me outside of the castle and into the garden. Suddenly, the alarm goes off and many people from the surface start coming down with golden swords. A man with eyepatches over his eyes shouts to the humans.

"Kill them all. Leave no survivors!" He shouts. They all start killing all of the innocent squids with no hesitation at all. Squidward quickly grabs my wrist and swims away with all of the other children, taking us all into the castle and down the secret passage that's in the castle. Soon, we are all on land and in a cabin. Nobody else is here but us children.

"Who are they, brother?" I ask. Squidward turns towards me.

"They are the Sky Army. There life goal is to take over the world. We have been trying to stop them but I guess they finally decided to kill us all so we can't stop them anymore." He explains, wrapping me in a hug with his tentacles. I hug him back, crying into his body.

"Will we ever see mommy and daddy again?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Jess." He says, making me cry harder. Soon, I feel myself falling asleep.

Well that was the end of that memory. Now to think of a flaw... wait! My mask! I have worn it since I was a kid but in that memory, I'm breathing underwater just fine. I think I found my flaw! I quickly jump into the memories with the Sky Army, absorbing them. Instantly, I wake up in the lab that me and Travis made. I smile up at the guys who are looking at me with worried looks. Travis has a headset on facing a screen. Most likely watching my progress. That's how he was able to talk to me.

"Good job Jess." He tells me. I nod at him before turning to the others who all jump on me, giving me a hug. Even Max did. I laugh.

"I love you guys too!" I hug them back before letting them go.

"Never do that again." Sky says. I just shrug.

"He had a kid held hostage. How was I meant to not go with them?" I ask. He just sighs before hugging me again.

"Well we need to figure out the plan of what we are going to do." Jin says, breaking the hug.

"Well I can go back. I can put all of my Lady Thor magic in the energy container that me and Travis made." I say.

"No." I am instantly shot down by Max. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Why? I can get information that I could tell you and they can't extract my magic because it will be in a small sphere in all of our storages. I would also be safe because I'm the kings 'little sister'. I will be fine and I can also teleport." I try to persuade them.

"I'm up for it." Travis says.

"Yeah. Everybody seemed friendly with her." Green also says, backing up me and Travis.

"Alright then. I agree with you." Sky says, making me cheer. Max starts mumbling under his breath.


Sorry I haven't updated. I might not update as much as well because of tests and school. Also I am working on something so I will be busy.

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