Chapter 32

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Aphmau POV

I teleport back to the squid kingdom using my enchanted stick before walking to my room. As soon as I close the door behind me, I fall face first on my bed, pretending to sleep. I'm a good actress. A minute later, the door opens.

"Jess why didn't you go- oh." I hear Squidward open the door. He walks over and starts to shake me, trying to wake me up. I shift slightly, pretending to wake up.

"What?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes. He sighs before pulling me to a standing position.

"You was meant to be with the scientists a few hours ago." He informs me. I widen my arms in 'shock'.

"Oh my Irene! I forgot! I am so sorry big brother. I guess I fell asleep again. Sorry, I just felt tired and had a headache." I say, looking down with sadness. He wraps me in his tentacles for a hug, patting my head.

"It's okay. Let's just go to the lab together." He says before letting go and grabbing my wrist, swimming forward. I swim after him so I can keep up with his fast pace. When we arrive at the lab, everybody bows down to us. I curtsy like my fake memories showed I always did. I walk over to the machine and sit down in the chair.

"I'm ready." I say. Suddenly, an iron bar thing wraps around my arms and legs, keeping me to the chair so I can't move. I widen my eyes in shock. This wasn't part of my memories at all. "Brother what's happening?" I ask, 'scared'.

"Don't worry Jess. We are just extracting your power. It's for the good of the kingdom." He informs me, trying to sound sincere. I slowly nod before closing my eyes. I hear a switch flick on but nothing happens.

"Why isn't it working?" I hear Squidward ask. I open my eyes to Squidward frantically flicking the switch.

"According to my information, she doesn't have any power at all. It's vanished." The scientist says, shocked. I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"What power are you trying to look for?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it for now." Squidward says, helping me out of the chair. "I will have the maids take you back to your room. They should bring you breakfast." He says before walking away. True to his word, a maid comes in a minute later and leads me back to my room. She leaves and comes in a minute later with a potion and a tray of food.

"For you mistress." She says before leaving. I drink the potion before fully taking off my mask and sniffing my food. It smells like ask. The anti Phoenix drug. I push it away before lying backwards and closing my eyes, opening my mind link.

"It worked." I say. I get an immediate reply.

"That's good. Ready for the plan?" Jin replies.

"Not yet. I can hear guards outside of my room. My room isn't that big to fit us all." I tell them. It's true. It wouldn't fit our army. Also, the superheroes are going to help with Mitch and Jerome. I enchanted the superheroes some weapons and items so they could temporarily have the ability to kill the squids. Cadenza should be flying to the base with them right now and the hunger game kings should already be there.

"When do you suggest we should attack?" Sky asks.

"Midnight. That way everybody has time to prepare and we can kill them easier." I tell them before picking up the food and sending it to my storage room and hopefully over my lava so that it can just burn.

"We will prepare the power spheres." Travis says before cutting off his link.

"I will extract the power before we attack then. I have to go now before he comes back." I tell them before cutting off the link and putting my mask back on. Soon, I hear a knock.

"Come in!" I shout. A squid comes in. He looks like a guard with the sword on his belt.

"Hey Jess. How was your day?" He walks in and sits down on the chair. I think he must be Jack. He is meant to be the love of my life. I'm his fiancé by 'choice'.

"Jacky! It's been good. How about you? How was work?" I ask him, smiling.

"Well being the lead guard as I am, it was tiring." He explains. Should I mention that he doesn't really care about anybody but himself. He is basically a jerk.

"Aww are you okay? Do you want to go back to your room and rest?" I ask. He nods before going towards the door.

"Thanks Jess. He says before leaving, shutting the door behind him. He is definitely cheating. It's very noticeable. I check the time to see that it is still early. I take out a bag of breadsticks, eating them while the potion is still in use. I'm hungry and I will need my energy for the fight.

Tonight we end it. Once and for all.

As soon as I go through my soggy bread sticks, I send the bag away and bring out an alarm clock that is luckily waterproof. I set it for 11:50 pm. Ten minutes before we have to fight. As soon as I do this, I take a sign that says do not disturb and hang it on the outside door before going over to my bed and under the covers. The darkness slowly drags me into a calming sleep.

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