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"To...." The coach paused for dramatic affect.
"I'm sure you all know. It goes to Jaden. I'm pretty sure I made that clear when I told the story."

Jaden nearly exploded inside.
She was on the team! After all this!
She did it!

The coach then proceeded to backups, and people who suck.

Once the people who suck left, the coach turned to them.

"Ready for another longgggg speech?"
He asked, looking around.
"Good. So I'm going to make this short.
Why? Because I don't want to waist my life on long pep-talks. How was I hired? No idea-"

"Uh, coach?" One of the players said.

"Right," He sighed. "We all know the Titans aren't really the strong team. We really suck. As a matter if fact, we've only been to the superbowl once! And we lost-"


"Shhh, I'm almost to the life-changing sappy stuff.
So yeah, we lost. So yeah, we suck. So yeah, no body except Tennesseeans know who we are.
Should that stop us?
Should we sit and cry?
Should we give up?
Should we?
Every single successful team starts out like us. The sucky, never-wins team.
And look at who they are now!

They all sat there, thinking for a moment.

"Well!" The coach clapped his hands together.
"Go be lazy sleepers, so your not grumpy. Next Wednesday you will return to meet the rest of the team."

Jaden waved goodbye to Isaac, and walked back to her car.

She sat in the driver's seat and pulled out her phone.

"Uh...hi. You've reached the voicemail of Aria. Go ahead and leave a message. But if you're selling something to me, don't even try it."

Jaden rolled her eyes at the voicemail.
"Hey Aria, this is Jaden. I've got some exciting news to tell you. Call me back when you feel like it, knowing you."

She put her phone back in her pocket just as it buzzed.

"Hello?" Jaden answered.

"What exciting news?!?!?!? Did you finally get a boyfriend?" Aria's excited voice came through the phone.

"No." Jaden rolled her eyes. "I made the team."


"Yeah, I made the-"

"I KNOW, BUT HOW?" Aria's voice raised and Jaden had to pull the phone slightly away from her ear.

"Honestly, I don't know," Jaden sighed. She went over everything that happened in her mind.

"Ah well, good job, I gotta go, bye."
Aria hang up before Jaden could say anything.

Jaden sighed. "Sometimes, I really don't get that girl."


''Well done, Aria. We shall soon crush the one known as Jaden Williams."

"Thank you." Aria said. "But how long do I have to stay her friend? Not even the money can make me stay for much longer."

''Only until she has become close with another..... very close. Then I'll need you to find out who that is, and show her what true pain feels like."

"It will be done," Aria smirked evilly.

After that, the only sound that filled the room was of evil laughter, who's owner's revenge was nearing.


Plot twist!

This chapter dedicated to Timber_Wolf_724 for reading, voting, and commenting.

Have a nice day! 😊

-Snips <3

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