A Strange New World. . .

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You sat front and center at a desk in an empty classroom at the Prestigious Beacon Academy, Playing thousands of years worth of Catch up with your Father who you had learned to be the head master and Ms. Goodwitch who was the Combat teacher and head disciplinarian. It was a matter of days before the next semester at the school began, and had been a few weeks since the reunion with your father who had been reincarnated many times since you last saw him. His well of magic near dry and his troubles many. . . 

He told you things, first with Glynda present to help explain and then increasingly without her as he began to share things with you even his most trusted subordinates didn't know. The most shocking and equally saddening was what became of the woman who gave birth to you, though you prefer not to dwell on it.

Ozpin: and that's the recent History of the fanus.

Y/n: by the gods. . . 

The fanus had it hard subjugation, slavery, bigotry, and while things had gotten better for them over the last hundreds of years they are still strained in some places of society. . . And the white fang, originally a peaceful activist group Had started taking to terrorism and human hate crimes over the recent years. This only further justified what people thought of and did to the fanus, even though it was the actions of the few and not of the many.

Ozpin: I know it's bad, trust me I had to witness most of it. 

Glynda: while I agree things have gotten better, the White fang aren't helping influence public opinions positively.

Y/n: Yeah, I understood that part. . .

Ozpin: I know, your a smart kid Y/n. 

Y/n: Thanks Dad. 

Among other things that were taught to you were modern social cues, laws, Etiquette, general society, Modern combat technology, Semblances, terminology, Transportation, entertainment, culinary- the list goes on because all you had was time, Zero distraction, and a willingness to learn mixed with healthy curiosity.

Ozpin: and with that, I think that's all I had planned for today. Now you're caught up with the modern world, well enough of it anyway I'll let you figure out the rest.

Y/n: well getting to experience new things for myself will be enjoyable.

Ozpin: exactly, glad you agree.

Glynda: Hopefully we didn't leave anything important out, hate for you to get into trouble that we can't help you get out of. . .

Y/n: trust me I'll be fine mom- 

You went red faced.

Y/n: Shit I did it again Ms. Goodwitch, Sorry.

Glynda: you've been doing that alot, any particular reason why?

Ozpin: You know I'm also somewhat curious. . .

Y/n: you mean you can't see it?

You look to your father.

Ozpin: See what?

Y/n: Ms. Goodwitch looks eerily similar to the woman who gave birth to to me, have you not noticed by now?

Glynda: Wait, I do?

Ozpin looks over at Glynda and this time really looks at her.

Ozpin: . . . Now that I think about it, yeah you two do really similar. huh, how did I not notice before?

Glynda looks a bit surprised at this information, and Slightly faltered at the same time as she blushed.

Glynda: well I. . . Don't really know how to respond to that. . .

Ozpin: is that a blush I see Ms. Goodwitch, does it really flatter you?

Glynda: Kinda, to be honest it's sorta strange to me how I could resemble a late wife of yours from thousands of years ago.

Y/n: well if you ask me you should take it as a compliment, you are both blonde and very beautiful only thing that really stands out to me is your eye color not being quite the same. If you told me you were my aunt I'd almost believe you. . . . If not for the fact I'm thousands of years old.

Glynda: Well in that case. . . Thank you i suppose.

Silence falls over the three of you as you shut your history book, standing up you take notice of your father in deep thought before he speaks up.

Ozpin: Y/n, would you like to attend Beacon this semester so you can become a Huntsman?

Y/n: Of course I was already planning on asking if I could join, I'm already pretty familiar with the layout of the grounds and getting to be close to you after all this time is something I don't really wanna pass up.

Glynda: Wait are you sure?

She turns to Ozpin.

Glynda: That's gonna be difficult, Y/n technically doesn't exist. He's got no prior documentation of any kind, not a birth certificate, not a GED, not citizenship to anywhere, nothing on any sort of permanent record. . .

Ozpin: You let me worry about his papers Glynda, I'll certainly have to pull alot of strings but it'll be worth it if I can give my son a stable life here in this new age.

Y/n: I really appreciate that. . .

You step over to your dad and give him a one armed hug.

Ozpin: I'll never get tired of this.

Y/n: nor shall I father.

He looks over to Glynda.

Ozpin: I just need to ask of you a single favor Glynda, I just thought of something bit I'd like you to have a say in it.

Glynda who was smiling from watching you and Ozpin hug looks up to him readjusting her glasses. You let go of your father and quietly listen to them.

Glynda: Yes, What is it?

Ozpin: I can't let people believe I have a son, of word of it spreads to the wrong people then it could lead to a multitude of complications especially on the Salem front. So I would like to ask that you be his mother, could you do that?

Glynda: Ozpin I. . .

She was a bit thrown off at the question.

Glynda: I'm flattered you'd ask, but why?

Ozpin: add to his paper trail, and if he's your son I doubt the News would Suprise anyone. I got the Idea from Him bringing up you looked like his mother.

Glynda: I mean. . .it would help I suppose. . .

Ozpin turns to you.

Ozpin: what do you think Y/n, I don't wanna leave your feelings out of this. I want you to have a choice as well.

Y/n: I don't really mind it I guess, if it helps.

Ozpin: well in that case it's settled, Glynda will adopt you and you'll be enrolled as Y/n Goodwitch. You both have time to change your minds of course, at least a few days. But until then I'm gonna start of that paper trail for Y/n. 

Glynda: alright then, if you excuse me I have plans this evening so I'll go ahead and take my leave.

She goes to leave the classroom as your dad looks to you.

Ozpin: Trust me you're gonna love it here, while your at it why not make some friends your own age. If memory serves correct you didn't have many growing up, so this would be the best chance for you to fix that.

Y/n: I think I might do just that, you mind if I catch a ride to town. I wanna explore for a little while.

Ozpin: Not at all, just be careful what you Do.

Y/n: Understood dad, imma go have some pizza and find a gym.

Ozpin: why don't you wait to use the Gym here when you get back, it's more spacious, quiet, and will smell a lot more favorable.

Y/n: good point, in that case imma go buy some books, some Manga too, and maybe some video games, there's just so much I wanna do.

Ozpin: Try not to go over board, and please be back before midnight. I'll have a Bullhead waiting for you to take you anywhere you need.

Y/n: Understood sir and again, thanks.

You leave the classroom and stop by the personal dorm Ozpin had given to you. while a temporary arrangement it did have a bed and a bookshelf which is pretty much all you typically needed in a living space. You swiped your Scroll of the counter and your wallet, more things your father had given you one being a sort of communications device and the other having a card in it that held a bunch of Lein that you hadn't done really much with. Something you hoped to fix by the end of the day.

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