Father. . ?

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You managed to calm yourself and stabilize your state of mind, negative emotions weren't too terribly good for you ever since you came out of the Grimm Pool. They always managed to pull out the worst in you, being a Grimm made you sensitive to the emotions of people. . . Especially your own.

Y/n's thoughts: I gotta find a way outta here, find father. . . If he's even still around, how long did he put me asleep for?

You pulled yourself to your feet and brought up your right hand, using your Magic you created a ball of fire that emits a bright light that illuminates the cavern.

The ice you emerged from was centralized in the chamber, while the floor and ceiling had formed stalagmites and stalactites from however long you were trapped in here for. . . Probably ages, though no way to actually pinpoint an exact duration. Making your way past the rock formations and squeezing through the odd cracks in the walls here and there, doing your best to remember the way in reversed.

Y/n's thoughts: father said this was an old place he grew fond of in his youth, he would often tell me of his days as an aspiring wizard in Apprentice. . . Those days feel almost like a dream now, what happened between him and mother that would lead him to seal me in arcane ice?

You kept going as you combed through hazy memories until you reached an open cavern with an opening roof letting natural light in as you stood before a sort of bridge over a casam.

Y/n: Yeah, that wasn't there before. . . .

You said looking upwards and into a cloudy blue sky, appreciating it's beautiful sight as you proceeded forward to look over the edge. Your absent minded thoughts danced as you listened to the rushing waters falling from the ceiling above and into the depths below, that was until an unfamiliar sound occupied your thoughts. Looking up through the roof of the cave you see a strange object pass overhead, with a confused look on your face.

Y/n: what on remnant was that, it looked like it was made of metal and it flies. . . That definitely didn't exist before I was frozen.

You scratch your head as more questions start to form, while one just repeats in your head.

Y/n's thoughts: Just how long did I sleep for. . .

You rub your face with your free hand as a Slight headache sets in, either as a side effect of your acute confusion or from lack of neural activity attributed from your freeze. Just then you feel an itch in the pit of your body and in the blink of an eye you side step faster than any normal person could reasonably see, dodging a swipe attack and looking to the right you smirk as you see a type of Grimm that you have never seen before.

Y/n: I didn't know you things were subject to change, but I suppose there's stages to everything. . .

You stand a few feet away as it snarls, looking it over you chuckled.

Y/n: and you were able to sneak up on me, clever. You're lucky I wasn't on guard, unlucky for you. . . Now I am.

You dodge a pounce attack from behind as another deceiver tried to leap onto you from the ceiling, Combat rolling into a relaxed stance as you looked between the Grimm.

Y/n: and where there's Grimm there's never only just one. . .

Red eyes could be seen appearing in the darkness as more snarls accompany the bio-luminescence.

Y/n: Alright then, this'll definitely do for a warm-up.

Several charge at you as you smile, your pupils dilate as spikes of ice suddenly appear from the ground Impaling several of the charging Deceivers at once without you lifting a finger.

You slowly bring your arms up, the ball of light you had made disappeared.

Y/n: lets see if you can even make me break a sweat you Peons!

–(View Transition)--

The screen shows Ozpin sitting quietly with his hands on the pommel of his Cane in the passenger section of the bullhead contemplating the situation as a feminine voice speaks up, breaking his concentration.

???: So just what is it are you and I looking for Ozpin, I think I'm entitled to an explanation at least if it warrants your personal attention of all things.

The screen pans around to show a woman with blonde hair, glasses, Jade green eyes,and a purple cap speaks up.

Ozpin: Miss Goodwitch. . . Glynda. . .

He speaks in an uncertain tone of voice, sighing before he opens his eyes and looks up at his associate across the cabin.

Ozpin: You are aware there's some things that I keep from even those I trust, Don't you?

Glynda: I do, though It's not that hard to figure out. . .

She shifts in her seat, uncertain of Ozpin's state of mind. He was always so composed, so imagine her surprise when he practically dragged her to a Bullhead appearing quite distressed.

Glynda: It worries me sometimes what you choose not to tell me, but I accept it. . . Most of the time. . . But just what are we doing, what's got you so shaken up?

Ozpin: . . .

Ozpin looked down at the floor as he closed his eyes again, an image of a young blonde mage which he used to spend his time teaching magic to because he loved it so much.

Ozpin: It's my son. . .

Glynda: . . . I'm sorry, I must have misheard you just now. . .

Ozpin: no you heard correctly, we're looking for my son.

Glynda: You have a son, since when?

Ozpin: remember when I told you I could reincarnate?

Glynda: Yeah, wait, are we looking for a son you had in one of your past lives?

Ozpin: not just one of them, my second life. . . My first and only son. . .

Glynda: Ozpin. . .

She tries to be gentle about the subject, seeing both Ozpin's sincerity and sadness.

Glynda: Are you sure? Wouldn't that have been thousands of years ago, shouldn't he be dead then? Unless. . . Can he-

Ozpin: he can't reincarnate like me Glynda, and I pray he never has to suffer such such fate. . . No. . .

Glynda: Then what makes you sure he's even alive?

Ozpin: because. . .

He looks back up at her.

Ozpin: because last time I saw him I had personally Sealed him into a magic induced sleep encased in Ice to keep Salem away from him. . . Then I forgot about him. . .

He began to visibly tear up as his hands trembled, Glynda looked upon him with a measure of sympathy

Ozpin: I told him I'd be back soon, and then I forgot about him. . . I left my son on ice for Millennium Glynda. . .

His eyes water as tears roll down his face, trying his best not to let himself full on break down in front of someone else.

Glynda: Ozpin I. . .

She stops herself, she doesn't know what or how to say it to try to comfort him. He just brings his head down to rest on his Cane as a few tears fall to the floor.

Glynda: for what it's worth, I hope he's OK. ..

Ozpin: I just pray Glynda. . . Pray that my son is still here, thank you for your words. . .they do little to relieve this pain, but they are appreciated. . .I hope he can forgive me, but I'd understand If he didn't. . .

Pilot: found a landing site, prepare for touchdown I saw some Grimm a second ago.

The pilot chimes in through the speakers in the cabin, Ozpin wipes his tears on his sleeve but does little to quell his despair. . . Which is something he didn't need in an area full of Grimm.

Glynda looks to him as he returns her gaze.

Ozpin: I'm trying, give me a moment. . .

He takes a few breaths as he straightens up.

Ozpin: Ok, I'm ok. . .

He presses a button on the intercom to speak to the pilot.

Ozpin: Set us down.

Pilot: As you wish sir.

The Pilot brings the bullhead down in a clearing, the passenger cabin doors sliding open as Ozpin and Glynda exit the bullhead.

Glynda: So where to?

Ozpin: hmmm. . .

Ozpin attempts to visualize his surroundings as it were when he sealed his son, only to fail to recognize anything around them. Beowolfs emerged from the forest, running at the pair.

Glynda: Ozpin, eyes up we have company.

Ozpin opens his eyes, reading himself as he raises his Cane. only for both to be surprised as the Grimm avoided them entirely, going around and past them as they appeared to be running from something.

Glynda: That's strange, what are they running from?

Ozpin: not what. . .

Ozpin lowers his Cane as he watches them run past, shifting his gaze to the Forest as laughing could be heard getting louder as the Grimm that ran got struck by various elements. One by ice, one by fire, another by lightning, and another being crushed beneath a gravity well.

Ozpin: But Who. . .

Something emerged from the forest behind the feeling Grimm with a red and black aura, laughing and smiling as he effortlessly killed the running beowolfs.

???: Hey where are you going, you were so eager to attack me a moment ago!

Glynda raises her Riding Crop and readied her semblance in shock, a Grimm human perhaps a subordinate of Salem. . .

Glynda: What am I looking at. . . OZPIN WHAT IS THIS?

Ozpin: . . .

The all white individual shifts his attention to the two humans, sniffing the air out of curiosity.

Glynda: Ozpin ANSWER. ME.

Ozpin didn't make a sound, instead reaching up to wipe his teary eyes.

Y/n: I smell. . . *sniffs* joy mixed with sadness. . .

He steps closer as Glynda was about to attack, only for Ozpin to put his arm in front of her making her stop.

Y/n: It's. . . faintly familiar. . .

He keeps stepping forward until he gets right in front of Ozpin, disregarding Glynda's presence as he stares at the man.

Y/n: you look different father, and where's all of your magic?

Ozpin steps forward and brings his arms up, wrapping them around Y/n who does return the hug.

Ozpin: You have a lot of catching up to do my son. . .

Glynda completely drops her guard and it's replaced with immense confusion.

(To be continued. . .)

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