Chapter One

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Emberpaw looked around, confused. This isn't the Shadowclan forest... She walked around, surprised to see the full patches of catmint and tansy. She smelt the leaves, realizing the scent on them.

"But he died moons ago..." Emberpaw whispered to herself.

She continued to prod the plants, puzzled by the dead cats scent on them. She soon felt a presence behind her and she whipped her head around, unsheathing her claws.

"Relax little one, it is only me, Frostcloud. You are in Starclan's forest." The she cat began walking, signaling that Emberpaw followed.

Emberpaw hesitated, not knowing if she wanted to follow the cat she had heard nursery stories about. After much debating, Emberpaw followed the she cat.

As Emberpaw ran through the forest of Starclan, she saw cats that had died during her apprentice ship and...was that him? No, he wouldn't care, he didn't even belong in Starclan. Emberpaw sped up, trying to forget about the tom.

When Emberpaw had caught up, Frostcloud had sat down on a flat rock. Under the rock was a small pond, with lily pads and little fish swimming around them. Frostcloud looked at Emberpaw and patted the place beside her with her tail.

Emberpaw raced up to the rock and sat down. When Frostcloud said nothing, Emberpaw decided to follow her gaze. Frostcloud was looking in the pond and so did Emberpaw. After looking at the reflection of herself, Emberpaw looked at Frostcloud and broke the silence.

"Why am I here?" Emberpaw wanted to know so much, but knew she wouldn't get anything if she begged for answers.

"Isn't it beautiful? The reflection on ourselves, it feels as if it tells or destinys." Frostcloud looked at Emberpaw, then continued to look at her reflection.

"Erm, yes, I suppose so" Emberpaw was confused and frustrated that the she cat had avoided her question.

The two she cats sat in silence, looking at the dishes swiming and the reflection of the moon. The silence was once again broken.

"Come here, I want to show you something" Frostcloud moved closer to the water, waiting for Emberpaw to move closer.

"This is the pool of destiny. It shows what a cat will do in their life, dead or alive. Many dead cats come here to look at their past and what messages they bring to the clans in the future. You're one of the few living cats to see it. When you put your paw in the water, it makes ripples. Those ripples show you your future and the prophecys you will fulfill. Here I'll show you.." Frostcloud poked the water with her paw and stepped back as the ripples settled.

The water shown two she cats, play fighting and sharing tounges. Then the same cats growing older and their warrior ceremonies. One of the cats left the other, while a whole new pack of cats piled around the one that left, looking up to them while the other cat sat alone. It then showed a wall being built between the two cats, both yowling for each other and trying but failing to reach each other. It last showed the same two cats, their faces clear now. They were sitting on a log, sadness overpowering the silence in the air.

Emberpaw looked at Frostcloud in disbelief. She was in love with a she cat!

"I know what you're may sound wrong to you.. but it felt right for us. It was cats like you that stopped us from growing into something more." Frostcloud whispered, sadness coming off of her in waves.

"Tap the water with your paw. See what happens." Frostcloud looked at the water, avoiding Emberpaw's gaze.

Emberpaw did what she was told and watched as the ripples began to go away. She soon saw a group of cats, of all different sizes and fur colors. There were about five of them, but Emberpaw couldn't recognize any of the pelts. Besides one..she saw her mottled gray fur along with the mixed of the other cats. The scene turned as soon as Emberpaw saw herself and it was replaced with the same group of cats, surrounded by more cats who were staring at them with round, curious eyes. The cats were coming closer, their pretty, well groomed pelts becoming more clearer. Emberpaw was barely able to hear what there were saying when the scene stared to change. The last part was one of the cats directing the others, many others. The pictures vanished within seconds and Emberpaw sat in silence, shocked by what she saw.

"This is your destiny, Emberpaw. You must venture out with a cat from each clan and find what will save the clans. If you fail, the clans will die." Frostcloud was starting to fade.

Emberpaw watched in shock as the she cat faded in nothing. She looked at the setting moon, day was coming! Suddenly a voice whispered her ear.

"I trust you and the other cats to save the clans. All will be lost if you fail. I believe in you and I'll always be with you. Meet the others o-" Her voice was cut of by Emberpaw's names.

"Emberpaw. Emberpaw! Emberpaw, we're going on the dawn patrol. After you're getting bedding for the elders. Come on!" Emberpaw opened her eyes to her mentor, Sparrowfeather.

Emberpaw watched as her mentor left the apprentices den. Or more like Emberpaws den. She was the only apprentice in Shadowclan and the kits still had sometime before they were even close to becoming apprentices.

She hauled herself up and groaned from yesterday training session. They had practiced all the moves she still needed to learn with extra things added to them.

She walked out of the apprentices den and looked around for her mentor. Once she spotted Sparrowfeather, she walked over to her and met the rest of the patrol.

"What about the dream?" A voice whispered into Emberpaw ears.

Emberpaw looked around in confusion. No one was near except her mentor and she was talking to Plumheart and Rainpuddle, who Emberpaw guessed they were in the patrol too.

"The dream! What about the dream?" Emberpaw heard the voice again, but where was it coming from?

She started to think. Maybe it was her mind. Her imagination. She always wanted to be something more, she was never the same for other cats. Her father and mother died and she was the only kit of the litter. She was also the only apprentice and had to do all the work, with no help from the younger warriors. It probably was her imagination, she knew it!

Disappointment struck Emberpaw like an adder. She always wanted to be something more, but didn't know how. It wasn't meant too be.

Emberpaw left the thoughts behind her as she started walking with the rest of the patrol. As the patrol went, Emberpaw thought about the dream more and more. She started debating with herself, barely paying attention to the patrol now.

Maybe it was a sign, Frostcloud wouldn't lie

No Emberpaw, it was just your imagination

But it could be something important!

Emberpaw, you just want to be something more than the only apprentice, that's all.

The journey would be so fun! Just imagining it!

Emberpaw was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't notice the tree in front of her. She slammed into the tree and looked up just in time to see a squirrels nest fall on top of her head. She got up and turned around, embarrassed by her behavior.

Sparrowfeather looked at Emberpaw sternly, while Rainpuddle and Plumheart looked at her in confusion.

"I pity the hunting patrol. You probably just scared all the prey from here to Windclan." Sparrowfeather whipped around, flicking her tail.

Emberpaw followed after and stayed silent for the rest of the patrol. She didn't think of the dream anymore and went straight to collecting the elders bedding.

For the rest of the day, that was all it was. Emberpaw cleaned out all the dens and did nothing fun. It sometimes felt like she was never going to be anything. She wasn't going to do anything. She thought that she would always have a boring life. Do nothing but clean bedding and get rid of ticks. She didn't think that she would be important. But she didn't know she was so wrong.

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Okie, so how is this? Is anyone even reading this? Or am i just doing this for myself? Idk, comment what you think about this! Do you like the perspective of it? If you want to know more about all the cats in the books, check ouy my name generator and look at the chapters between the generators! I hope you like this and make sure to vote! Bye! 👋🏼

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