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Night set for the forest of Starclan. The moon coming up from the mountains and the sun going behind them. Below a birch tree layed a cat, her silver fur shining in the moonlight. She lifted her head at the sound of another cat approaching. From the bush came a small, gray she cat.

"Midnightstar wants to see you." she said, looking the silver cat in the eyes.

"She can come to me herself if she needs to speak with me" the silver she cat replied, laying her head down on a patch of grass.

"This is important Frostcloud! You must come!" the gray cat was begging now.

"No, I won't co-" she was interrupted by a cat coming in from behind the gray cat.

"I'll take it from here, go back to your nest and get some sleep" the gray cat ran off, leaving the bushes behind them ruffled by the quickness in her run. "We have a problem, Frostcloud. You and me both know that we have to tend to it." she looked at the cat and then to the moon, now high in the sky.

"Times are changing. I can feel it." Frostcloud got up from her tree, walking over to the leader.

"Then we must do something about it! I can feel it, you can feel it, soon the kits will be able to feel it!" Midnightstar insisted.

"But we don't know what to do. How are we supposed to change something when we don't know what it is?" the she can was furious now, digging her claws in the dirt from frustration.

"I can help you with that." a new voice had entered the conversation and soon a shadow moved from behind the birch tree, revealing a very old, brown tom with long whiskers.

"You! All you've ever done is cause more trouble. No matter if you were alive or dead!" Midnightstar hissed.

The tom looked at her, something flashing in his eyes before he spoke again.

"This will be one of the last things that I say. I come from different ancestors than you, I'm fading faster and now I've been forgotten. It was my destiny for this to be the last thing I said. " And with that, the tom fell to the ground.

The two she cats ran over to him, trying to support him with their shoulders. They both looked at each other, worry growing in their eyes.

"No..this is my destiny..I must do what i was born to do." The tom was wheezing now, his body shaking from every breath he took.

"Nonsense" Midnightstar said, the recent quarrel now forgotten.

"You can be helped" Frostcloud said, frightened by the old toms state of health.

"No...I must.." His gaze hardened and he became strong once more and with his last breaths, he spoke.

"Four cats will venture out into the unknown. They must help and understand each other and if not.. not only will they die but the clans will too. A great danger is coming to the clans and all will be lost if one not brought." And with that, the tom exhaled and never inhaled again.

The two she cats watched as the tom's  body faded away. Midnightstar and Frostcloud walked into the woods, staying silent for a moment. Midnightstar broke the silence, sitting down on a rotting log.

"I hope you see now" she looked at Frostcloud and Frostcloud looked at her, sadness in her gaze.

"Yes, I do."

"Then we must gather the four cats, tell them their destiny." Midnight scooted over, letting Frostcloud have room on the log.

"I believe different. We should tell them separately. But who too chose? Some many cats and only four needed. It won't be easy." she looked at Midnightstar.

"It won't. We can trust the other clan leaders to pick their cat. One from each clan will do, I suppose." She looked at Frostcloud and then looked back into the forest.

They stayed silent for a little, watching the fireflys and the blowing wind. Until the silence was broken once again.

"Who will you choose for Shadowclan to choose?" Frostcloud looked at a passing leaf and then at Midnightstar.

"You." Midnightstar looked on into the woods, not seeing how shocked Frostcloud was.

"But why me? Why give me that much responsibility?!?" Frostcloud was excited and shocked at the same time.

"Because I trust you with my life, my friends" Midnightstar looked at Frostcloud.

"We could have been more then friends, you know." Frostcloud looked away from Midnightstar ans stared at her feet.

"They would have never accepted us. You and me both know that." Midnightstar whispered, with a look of sadness now flooding her eyes.

"I know" Frostcloud looked on into the night, as did Midnightstar. Soon after they had went to find the other leaders, informing them on the new prophecy.

Frostcloud soon walked with Reedstalker, Darkrose, and Sunbird as they went to tell their chosen cat their destiny. Frostcloud cast one final look at Midnightstar, and walked into Shadowclan territory, ready to give her cat the dream that would change their life.

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