Chapter 1: The Package

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3rd. Pov.

 The world of Pokémon is as mysterious as the stars in the night sky. Humans and Pokémon have lived together in harmony for years, but Our story starts with a young boy who's about to discover that Pokémon aren't the only thing that are still a mystery in the world. Our story begins in the town of Kuoh, a boy with black hair and light-brown eyes is seen walking out of a house while wearing a school uniform and carrying a backpack.

Y/N L/N:

Pokémon Fan

As he walked out of the house, he saw a blonde-haired boy waving at him.

Kiba Yuuto:

School Pretty Boy

Kiba: Good morning, Y/N.

Y/N: Sup Kiba. How are you?

Kiba: I'm doing fine, thank you.

This was Kiba Yuto. He was one of Y/Ns' first friend since he attended the same school. The two boys walked together as people and Pokémon cooperated together in the small town of Kuoh.

Kiba: Any word from your dad?

Y/N: No. I'm not that surprised to be honest. He's always busy.

Kiba: Don't say it like that. As an archeologist, your dad is bound to be busy.

Y/N: But to be busy for almost all year long? I get lucky just to talk to him.

Kiba: Still, that has to count for something, right?

Y/N: Yeah, I guess. Hey, are you going to enter the Pokémon contest this year?

Kiba: Yeah. I'm hoping to not be the only guy this year. What about you?

Y/N: C'mon Kiba. You know I won't. I don't have a Pokémon and I suck at catching them.

Kiba: You know I can always help you with that, right?

Y/n: I know, but I want it to be a special moment for me. No help or assistance from anyone.

Kiba: If you say so.

The two boys walked for a while longer until they made it to school: Kuoh Academy.

Kuoh Academy:

Pokémon School

Once they walked through the front gate together, they were then getting an unnatural amount of attention. a large group of girls flocked around them as a bunch of male students looked at them with envy.

Girl: Hey Kiba. Are you going to help out the kendo club again today?

Girl: Y/N, do you mind helping me with my history assignment?

Girl: Kiba, do you want to have lunch with me today?

???: Alright girls. They just got here. You have all day to talk to them, now go on and get to class.

Everyone looked ahead of them and saw a girl with short black hair and was wearing glasses walking alongside a girl with long black hair, who was also wearing glasses.

(Left) Sona Shitori                                 (Right) Tsubaki Shinra

Student Council President                Student Council Vice President

Girls: Yes Ms. President.

The girls begrudgingly walked into the school building as they waved Kiba and Y/N goodbye.

Y/N: Thanks for the save Sona. I appreciate it.

Sona: It was no problem. Kiba, how's Rias. I haven't had the chance to talk with her recently.

Kiba: She's fine. Something came up involving our club activities, so she's been a lot busier than usual.

Sona: I see. At least she's ok.

Kiba: It's nice to see you again Tsubaki-san.

Tsubaki slightly blushed and bowed to hide the one on her face.

Tsubaki: It's good to see you as well Yuuto-kun.

Sona: Y/N, I hope you are doing alright.

Y/N: I'm doing just fine.

Sona: Any word from your father?

Y/N: Nothing recently.

Sona: I'm sorry to hear that.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. I'm used to it by now. I'm gonna go on ahead. I'll see you after school Kiba.

Kiba: See ya later Y/N.

As Y/N walked away Sona then had a more serious look on her face.

Sona: So, what happened.


Y/N was walking to his class as he was still being approached by many of the female student. After some time, he finally made it to his classroom. As he walked in, Y/N noticed that many of his classmates were all talking with each other and had their Pokémon out as well. Y/N goes and sits at his desk as he pulls out a notebook with a Poké Ball design on it. As soon as he opened it a girl with brown hair and glasses walked up to him.

???: Heya there Y/N-kun.

Aika Kiryuu

Size Scouter

Y/N: What do you want Aika?

Aika: Is that any way to talk to a friend Y/N?

Y/N: We had one science project together.

Aika: One project is all I need with you.

Y/N: Quite making it weird.

Aika: Relax. I'm just messing with you.

Y/N: By making every morning at school as awkward for me as possible?

Aika: Exactly. See, we're always on the same wavelength you and I.

Y/N: Yay me.

Aika: How have you been?

Y/N looked at Aika and noticed that she was slightly more serious than before.

Y/N: I'm fine.

Aika: Have you heard from your dad recently?

Y/N: No, but it's fine. I'm used to it by now.

Aika: You really shouldn't.

Y/N: I know, but I'm ok with it. I know I shouldn't be used to it, but he's been going overseas for so long, it seems normal to me.

Aika: Still, you should at least call him.

Y/N: He's busy.

Aika: Are you for certain?

Y/N: I mean, he could be?

Aika: Call him some time.

Y/N: What am I supposed to say? "Hey dad. Where the hell have you been?"

Aika: It's a start.

Y/N looked out the window as he saw three boys being chased by the members of the kendo club. Aika noticed this and snickered.

Aika: Well, well, well. Looks like the perverted trio got caught again.

Y/N: One of these days, those three are gonna get expelled for that kind of stuff.

Aika: The girls can only hope at this point.

After a few minutes, the bell rang signaling that class was going to start. Students started sending their Pokémon back into their Poké Balls and sat down at their desks. The teacher then walked in and began the lesson. After some time, the bell rang again revealing that it was time for lunch. Y/N stood up and was going to leave, but before he did, he heard the perverted trio talking amongst themselves.

???: Dude, did you check out the new magazine that came out?

???2: Of course I did. I have a subscription for them. I even brought it with me.

???3: Well, let's see it!

Aika: You three are hopeless. You know, you three wouldn't be having so many problems if you at least try to be gentlemen.

(Left) Matsuda         (Middle) Issei Hyoudou       (Right) Motohama

Perverted Baldy                   Biggest Pervert                           Perverted Glasses

Matsuda: Hey, Shut up!

Motohama: Yeah! You're just as big of a pervert as us!

Aika: Yeah, but at least some like me.

Issei: Oh yeah! Name one!

Aika: Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, keep me out of this!

Issei: He doesn't count! Everyone likes him.

Y/N: Thank you?

Aika: Face it boys. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be anything more than the bottom of the barrel.

Issei: No way that'll happen. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but one day I will be the harem king!

Issei raised his fist as tears poured from the trios' eyes.

Matsuda: That's the dream man!

Motohama: Way to tell her! We believe in you Issei!

Y/N then started to leave the room while staring at them.

Y/N: 'As weird as they may be, you don't find friendships like that very often.'

Y/N was on his way to the roof with a packed lunch in his hands. as soon as he got there, he noticed that no one was around. Y/N sighed and decided to sit down against the railing. He opened the lunch and smiled at the sight.

Y/N: Thanks for the meal.

As soon as he was going to eat Y/N heard a noise.



The Shiny Litten

Y/N: Hey there Shiro.

Y/N picked up the little white Litten and held it in his arms.

Y/N: I 've found the cat, but where is the kitten.

???: I told you not to call me that.

Y/N smiled and looked to the side and saw a girl with white hair and two cat-themed hair pins, eating a small fish cracker.

Koneko Toujou

Sweetest Tooth

Y/N: You never complained about it before.

Koneko: That was when we first met.

Koneko then walked over to Y/N and sat down next to him as the Litten walked over and laid down on her lap.

Koneko: Are you going to try and catch another Pokémon today?

Y/N: Nah. My mom has to work late today so I'm in charge of cooking dinner.

Koneko: Bummer.

Y/N: Tell me about it. I'm sixteen and I still don't have a Pokémon. I've seen kids young than me who already have at least three.

Koneko: Don't worry so much about it. You'll catch one. I t took me a while until I caught Shiro.

Y/N: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

Koneko then stared at Y/Ns' lunch, more specifically a cookie that he had.

 Y/N noticed this and sighed as he handed Koneko the cookie who proceeded to eat it happily. After some time, the two parted ways and Y/N went back to class as soon as the bell rang. During the class, Y/N was pondering to himself. He was thinking of all of the things he talked about, from his father to catching a Pokémon. It may seem easy to catch one, but Y/N always had trouble when it came to catching Pokémon. They would always see him and run away. As for the other conversation, Y/Ns' father was an archeologist that would often travel around the world. He would help excavate fossils and even discover ancient ruins. However, due to his job, Y/Ns' father was rarely home. That didn't mean he didn't want to be home, but being an archeologist was his dream, and eventually became his passion. As the last bell rang, the teacher spoke up to the students.

Teacher: Don't forget about the upcoming Pokémon contest. If you haven't signed up, make sure you do so.

Everyone was getting ready to leave as they all talked about what Pokémon they were going to enter into the contest. Meanwhile Aika walked over to Y/N.

Aika: Honestly, they all act like children. All they talk about is the Pokémon contest.

Y/N: Didn't you enter?

Aika slightly blushed as she tried to find an appropriate response.

Aika: Well, yeah, but I'm not talking about it all the time.

Y/N: Maybe not in front of me.

Aika: So you do know that you're special to me.

Y/N: I'll see you tomorrow Aika.

Aika: Take care Y/N. And call you dad.

Y/N: I already have a mom Aika. There's no need to tell me that.

Y/N left while Aika grinned while slightly shaking her head. As Y/N left he heard voice behind him.

Kiba: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey Kiba! Don't have any club activities today?

Kiba: No. I already filled my quota, so Rias let me take the day off.

Y/N: Lucky you.

The two boys walked together talking about a bunch of random topics until they made it to Y/Ns' home.

Y/N: Looks like this is my stop.

Kiba: I'll see you tomorr- huh?

Kiba looked at Y/Ns' house and saw that there was a large box at his front door.

Kiba: Y/N did you or your mom order something?

Y/N: What?

Y/N looked and saw the box as well. They walked up to it and saw that it had fragile written on it with a letter on the top addressed to Y/N.

Y/N: Huh. I don't remember ordering anything.

Y/N tried to pick it up but could hardly lift it off the ground.

Y/N: Do you mind giving me some help?

Y/N opened the door and Kiba helped pick it up and carried it to the coffee table in the living room. They gently put it down as Y/N took the letter and opened it, reading it to himself.

Dear Y/N,

I know it's been some time since I've seen or even talked with you, but I wanted to let you know that I was alright. I know you'd rather have me home, but the company isn't letting us leave until the we're finished with this site. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but there's nothing I can do. Since I'm stuck here, I decided to send you and your mother some things from the dig sight. I also sent you a special present as well. I love you son. I want you to know that, and I want to tell you. Never think I that don't love you or your mom. I'll try and talk with you as soon as possible.

Love, Dad.

P.S. Your present has been out for a while so it might take a few days.

Y/N: It might take a couple of days? What's that supposed to mean.

Kiba: Maybe it was sent separately?

Y/N grabbed a knife from the kitchen and opened the box. Inside was a bunch of old pots, bowls and masks.

Kiba: Wow.

Y/N: Neat mask.

Kiba: It's so weird to see artifacts not on display.

Y/N: Do you mind taking the stuff out of the box? I'll get us something to drink.

Kiba: You don't mind do you?

Y/N: Only if you don't. I don't want to keep you for too long.

Kiba: It's fine with me. Would your mom mind though.

Y/N: Nah. She loves having you over. You are one of my only friends.

Y/N walked over with two glasses of juice. He placed them down as Y/N and Kiba kept going through the packing peanuts and ancient relics. Y/N was looking at some more of the masks as Kiba was digging into the box until he stopped. Kibas' eyes widened as leaned back and stared at the contents he discovered.

Kiba: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: hm?

Kiba: You're gonna want to see this.

Y/N leaned over the box and froze at the sight.

Y/N: No way.

Y/N reached in and pulled out an egg incubator with a Pokémon egg inside.


A Bit Undercooked

Y/N: An egg. He sent me a Pokémon egg.

Kiba: Do you know what this means Y/N!? As soon as it hatches you can catch it and officially become a trainer!

Y/N: I have a Pokémon egg.

Before Y/N could finish processing everything, the front door opened up as a dark-skinned woman with long black hair in a lab coat walked in the door.


Still got it going on (Self Proclaimed)

Mom: I'm home! Hello there Kiba. It's nice to see you again.

Kiba: Hello Ms. L/N.

Y/N: Mom? I thought you were working late?

Mom: They called in someone else to cover the extra shift I had, so I decided to surprise you. What do you have there? Hm?

Y/Ns' mom blinked a few times while looking at the egg in Y'Ns' hands.

Mom: Huuuuuuhhh??? When did you get an egg!!!

Y/N: From dad.

Mom: Huh?

Kiba: It would appear that your husband sent this along with some other things.

Mom: D/N sent this.

Y/N: Yeah.

Mom: Well, this certainly is a surprise.

Kiba: I think I'll leave you two to this.

Mom: Are you sure?

Y/N: Y-yeah. You can stay for dinner if you want.

Kiba: Thanks, but I'm alright. You two clearly have some talking to do. I'll see you tomorrow Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah. See ya.

Kiba: Congrats again by the way.

Kiba walked out as Y/Ns' mom walked over to the box. She picked up the letter and read it herself as Y/N sat down and placed the egg right in front of him.

Mom: He's always thinking of others before himself. well, I think these calls for celebration.

Y/N: Really?

Mom: Of course. This is a big deal for you. You have a Pokémon egg. Once it hatches it'll be your first Pokémon.

Y/N: Yeah, if I can catch it.

Mom: Of course, you'll catch it. A Pokémon hatched from an egg will have a stronger bond with its trainer than one getting caught in the wild. Plus, you have a licensed doctor to help you take care of it. Now leave our new friend here and go wash up.

Y/N placed the egg down and went to the bathroom as his mom went into the kitchen. As the two walked away, the egg slightly wiggled in its case.


Kiba is walking down the street until he made it to an ally and went right in. As he walked into it, a strange red glowing circle surrounded him, and he disappeared in a bright flash of light. He then appeared in a small room with dimly lit candles and three other people sitting down. One of them was Koneko.

Kiba: Sorry I'm late buchou. I was helping my friend Y/N with something.

???: It's alright Kiba.

Koneko: How's he doing?

Kiba: I'd say he's doing better now.

Koneko: What's that supposed to mean.

Kiba: You'll find out tomorrow.

???: Well, now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting. Apparently, there are fallen angels in Kuoh.

???2: Do we know how many?

???: No, but we know that they're active.

Koneko: How so?

???: From what I've gathered, they are currently targeting Sacred Gear users along with Trainers with rare Pokémon.

Kiba: Talk about a big list. Do we know who their next target is?

???: No, but it's most likely going to be non-trainers with Sacred Gears.

???2: They would be easier targets.

???: While on that topic, I have my eyes on a potential new member for our club.

Kiba: Who is it?

???: Issei Hyoudou.

Koneko: No.

???: Excuse me?

Koneko: I refuse to have that perv be a part of this.

???: Koneko-

Koneko: You can choose anyone else, but not him.

???: This isn't up for discussion. Besides, I'm almost certain that he possesses a Sacred Gear.

???2: Do you know what type?

???: No, but it might be a powerful one. Regardless, I plan on inviting him here and seeing if he would like to join us.

???2: I think it would be a wonderful idea. It'll be nice having a new face around here.

Kiba: If that's what you want, then I shall accept it.

Koneko: Whatever.

???: Good, now, everyone head home. We have a lot of work tomorrow.

As Koneko and one of the mysterious people left, Kiba slowly stood up with a troubled look on his face.

???: Are you alright Kiba? You look like something's bothering you.

Kiba: It's nothing just...

???: Kiba, you know you can tell me when something is troubling you.

Kiba: My friend, Y/N L/N. He's a great guy. Everyone likes him at school.

???: But?

Kiba: His dad is an archeologist. He works around the world and digs up ancient artifacts and treasures. He just got a package from his dad after school today.

???: Are you worried that one of the relics could hold magic or a power of some sort?

Kiba: Not exactly.

???: Then what's wrong?

Kiba: He was sent a Pokémon egg.

???: Really.

Kiba: Look, I know I might sound crazy, but with how often his dad collect rare artifacts, I'm just worried that he sent Y/N the egg of a rare Pokémon.

???: Hm. I understand your consideration. I'll keep an eye out for any activity regarding Y/N. 

Kiba: Thank you buchou.

???: You're welcome. Now go home. You still have school tomorrow.

Kiba: Yes ma'am.

As soon as Kiba left the building the figure moved out of the shadows and into the moonlight, revealing a beautiful girl with long red hair.

Rias Gremory

(̴͈̇̆͗Ṫ̷̨̠͕̓͊̃̓̓̊̈́͐̃͝ḩ̶̖̦̭̗̪͔̲́ę̶̗̟̖̬̺͈̳̙̺͎͐̾̏͗̈́͑ ̵͇͈̥͕̋̄̓̓͗͌̾̚C̸̡̪̮̪̼̀͆̿̃̓͋͑̔͝͝ŗ̶̛̯̝̰̖̟͛̏̀̋͑͐̔̈͝ì̸̞̫̖͙̺̼̙̹̎́̀̏̋̓̾̌̚m̷͇͌̓̆͛s̴͉̯̍̊̀̽͊͆̍͆̂ő̸̢͚̎̋ņ̸̡͚̻̲͕̟͌̂̾͑̏-̴̡̺̀̈́H̶͕̙̘͉̒̏̉̅̀͋ā̷̢̨̩̤̣̝͉̥̖͍͐̈́̽̾̋̑ḯ̵̯̘͇̹͎̯̥r̶̠̳͑͆͑̉̔̔̌͠ȅ̸̡̤̦̞̳̼͍͕̥̚͜ͅd̶̰̗̳̄̄̊̿̈́̽́̓̚ ̴̠̦̫͙͔̰̮̪̝͈̹͊̽̽͗̔̏͒͝͝R̸̨̛̜̘̱͇͎̥̟̯͗̄̃̐ṷ̵̪̬̭͖̲̙̼̻̱͍̲́̽̔͒̉̽͘͠i̷͉̳̹͕̳͚̮̫̰͚͚̍̒̀̉́ǹ̵̲̙͉͍̯͕̭̬͜ ̷̛̺͚̲̮̰͎̙͇̓͛̏͆̉͂͐̓̚P̵̡̞̞̙̪͓͇̬͂ř̷͓̹́͆͒î̶̡̢̨̯̜͖̞̱̽̄̓ͅn̷̰̺͈͎̬̗̭͚̦͉̤̚c̸̦̜̱͌̉ę̸͙̒̒̂̓ş̷̠̫̫̇̒́̌̃̀̈́̔̍̔́̐s̴̯̭͚̭̝̣̬͔͛̅̏͛͋̔̚͝)̶̛̤̲̫͚̳̠̤͚̜̬̿

Rias: Y/N L/N huh?

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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