Chapter 2: The Egg

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3rd. Pov.

The sun had risen, allowing sun to creep through the window of Y/Ns' bedroom curtain. As the sunlight shone on Y/Ns' face, he stirred in his sleep until he woke up. Annoyed by the light, Y/N rolled to the other side of his bed and was about to fall back asleep, until he laid eyes on the Pokémon egg on his desk. Y/N rubbed his eyes and pushed himself up as he stared in wonder at the egg.

Y/N: It really wasn't a dream.

A smile slowly crept onto his face as he got out of bed and walked towards the egg. He placed his hand on the container as he felt a slight warm sensation. Y/N then proceeded to get dressed and then picked up the egg incubator and walked downstairs to the kitchen where he saw his mom making a bento.

Mom: Goodmorning Mr. Future Trainer. How did you sleep?

Y/N: Pretty good.

Mom: Good. Now, I want you to be careful with the egg. Keep it safe and always in your sights. Every movement might lead to it hatching.

Y/N: I know mom. You reminded me plenty of times yesterday.

Y/N placed his bento in his backpack and walked to the door.

Mom: I'll see you after school. Have I nice day sweetie.

Y/n: You too mom.

Y/N left the house as he then felt a slight vibration in his pocket. He looked and pulled out his phone which had a Rotom design.

A message popped up on the screen.


[Hey. Something came up from the club I'm part of. Had to leave early. I'll see you later.]

Y/N: Huh. Wonder what it could've been.

Y/N shrugged his shoulder and put his phone back in his pocket. As he walked by himself, Y/N was smiling while looking down at the incubator in his arms. A familiar voice caught his attention while he was walking, so he looked up and saw Issei talking with a girl with long black hair.

Issei: Hahaha. I guess that is true.

Y/N: Hyoudou?

Issei: Hm?

Issei looked behind him and saw Y/N approaching him.

Issei: Hey Y/N. How are ya?

Y/N: Fine?

Y/N was skeptical of Issei who was oddly chipper.

???: Who's this Issei? A friend of yours?

Issei: Oh yeah. Y/N, meet my girlfriend, Yuuma.

Y/N: Your girlfriend?

Yuuma Amano

The New Girl in Town

Yuuma: Hi. It's nice to meet you.

Y/N: Ok, be honest, how much is he paying you?

Yuuma: Huh?

Issei: Dude, I'm serious! She's actually my girlfriend!

Y/N: Her?

Issei: Yeah.

Y/N: With you.

Issei: Yeah?

Y/N: No.

Yuuma: As odd as it may seem, I did confess my feelings to him.

Y/N: Really?

Yuuma: Mhm.

Y/N: Ok.

Issei: Isn't Yuuma amazing?

Y/N: Well, good for you I guess.

Issei: Thanks man. What about you? What's with the egg. Are you delivering it to someone?

Y/N: As a matter of fact, it's mine.

Issei: Seriously!?

Yuuma: Oh! Are you a trainer or a breeder?

Y/N: Neither actually. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I've never had a Pokémon.

Yuuma: Really? I never would have thought that.

Issei: If I remember correctly, you never had a Pokémon because you said you sucked at catching them.

Y/N: Yeah, that sounds about right. I never was the best a catching them.

Yuuma: Well: congratulations. Do you know if it's a rare Pokémon egg?

Y/N: No, but my dad said it should hatch soon.

Issei: Wait, your dad? That doesn't make any sense.

Yuuma: What do you mean?

Y/N: My dad's an archeologist, so he works in all over the world. He's currently in Spain, but he sent me this egg along with a whole bunch of other stuff from his dig sight.

Yuuma: So, he mailed you that egg.

Y/N: Yeah. I know it's weird. Please don't remind me.

Issei: Well, it looks like miracles can happen in pairs. I finally got a girlfriend, and you finally got a Pokémon! Even if it's still in its egg.

Y/N: I guess so.

Yuuma: As much as I would love to continue discussing this, I think it's best that we get going.

Y/N: You're right about that.

Issei: Then let's get going.

As the trio walked towards Kuoh Academy, Y/N noticed that Yuuma wasn't wearing the usual uniform.

Y/N: Hey Yuuma, do you not attend Kuoh Academy? I don't recognize your uniform.

Yuuma slightly flinched as she turned her head and awkwardly smiled.

Yuuma: You'd be right. Truth is I actually attend one of the specialty courses at the school, so I have a different uniform to show I have different classes than everyone else. Not many students are in the specialty course so you might not see a uniform like mine often.

Issei: That's so cool!

Y/N: That makes sense. I know my old school had something like that too.

After some time, the three of them made it to the bridge and Yuuma stopped.

Yuuma: This is where we split up. I have to go to another location first.

Issei: Oh! Ok then. I'll see you later.

Yuuma: Yeah. It was nice meeting you Y/N.

Y/N: It was nice meeting you too.

Yuuma walked away as Y/N and Issei walked the rest of the way to school.

Issei: Isn't she awesome?

Y/N: She seems nice.

Y/N and Issei walked the rest of the way to school together. As soon as they made it to the front gates. a swarm of girls surrounded Y/N, just like the day before.

Girl: Hi Y/N.

Girl: Is that a Pokémon egg? Are you looking after it for someone?

Girl: That's so kind of you!

Y/N: Actually, the egg is mine. I got it as a gift from my dad.

Girl: That's great. Is it going to hatch soon?

Y/N: Yeah. It should.

While Y/N was answering the many questions, Issei was seething as he looked on in envy at the sight of Y/n surrounded by many.

Issei: One day, I will have what he has.


Classes went on normally for Y/N. Many of the students he bumped into asked about the egg, and Y/N gave them answers. The lunch bell rang, and Y/N is currently heading to the roof with his lunch in one hand and the incubator in the other. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Koneko and Shirou sitting against the guard rail.

Koneko: So, the rumors were true. You do have a Pokémon egg. 

Y/N: Yep.

Koneko: Cool.

Y/N sat down as he placed the egg in front of him. As usual, he handed Koneko whatever the sweet treat was in his lunch.

Koneko: Has it done anything?

Y/N: It's just been warm. Aside from that nothing really happens.

Just as he said that the egg slightly wiggled. Koneko and Y/N both looked at it for a second before reacting.

Koneko: Huh. It moved.

Y/N: Astute observation as usual. This is great though! It means it could hatch any day now!

Koneko looked at Y/N as he lifted the incubator while he smiled with glee. Koneko slightly smiled at the sight as Shirou meowed with joy. The two friends continued eating while making guesses as to what kind of Pokémon will hatch from the egg. After some time, the bell rang and the two went their separate ways. Y/N was making his way to class when he bumped into someone on the stairs. The person accidentally dropped some of their papers and started picking them up.

Y/N: I'm so sorry. Here, let me help.

???: It's alright. Thank you for the help.

Y/N placed the incubator on the floor and started picking up the papers. Y/N noticed that the voice belonged to a girl, so he was preparing himself for a bombardment of questions. Once all of the papers were gathered, the girl stood up as Y/N Picked up his incubator. Upon looking at the girl, he first noticed her vibrant red hair, followed by her clear blue eyes. Y/N slightly blushed at the sight as the girl smiled.

Rias Gremory

The Red-Haired Princess

Rias: Thanks for that. Hey, are you Y/N L/N by any chance?

Y/N: U-uh, yeah. And You're Rias Gremory.

Rias: You know me?

Y/N: It's kind of hard not to. Everyone says you're the best-looking girl at school. Your most defined feature is your red hair. Wait a second. How do you know me?

Rias: Oh, sorry. Kiba is a member of my club. He talks about you from time to time.

Y/N: Oh. Cool.

Rias: Is that the Pokémon egg I've heard of?

Y/N: Yeah. It's already moving, so it should hatch soon.

Rias: That's great. It must be a huge deal for you.

Y/N: More than you could imagine. I've always wanted to be a trainer, but whenever I tried to catch a Pokémon, I'd always screw it up somehow, but now, my chance to be one has finally arrived.

Rias: Well, I hope it goes well. Does this mean you'll enter the school Pokémon tournament?

Y/N: Maybe. It'll still be a hatchling, so it'll have a lot of growing to do, but I'm hoping to give it a chance to shine.

Rias: Well, as one trainer to a future one, let me give you a heads up. It's a lot harder to be a trainer than it may seem. You need to maintain a strong bond of trust with your Pokémon. Not only do you need to take care of it, but you also need to train it and nurture it. Especially when they hatch from an egg. Most Pokémon are easily taught into thinking a certain way, even if it's against their nature. The easiest thing to do is let them act accordingly, but to teach them to only do so when it's appropriate.

Y/N: Thanks for the warning. I'll remember that.  Well, it was nice finally meeting you, but I have to get to class. Take care.

Rias: You as well.

Y/N left the stairs as Rias simple smiled, as she spoke to herself.

Rias: So that's Y/N L/N. I hope we run into each other again sometime.

Back with Y/N, he made to class in time and listened to the lesson while glancing at the egg. After some time, the bell rang, and students were leaving class. Aika approached Y/N while smiling.

Aika: So, Mr. Popular, how's it feel to finally be a trainer like the rest of us?

Y/N: I'm not a trainer yet Aika. The egg still needs to hatch.

Aika: Still, I'm a bit surprised. Your dad mailed it to you.

Y/N: Ugh. Don't remind me.

Aika: Well, I won't hold you here. I've got some things to do back home.

Y/N: Alright then. See you tomorrow.

Y/N left the building and proceeded to wait for Kiba at the front gate. After a few minutes, Kiba ran over to Y/N.

Kiba: Sorry I'm late. Some of the girls in my class wanted to talk.

Y/N: It must be so hard being so popular.

Kiba: I heard that you had a taste of what I deal with every day. I've been hearing about you and the egg all day.

Y/N: Is it really that big?

Kiba: Apparently. Did anything happen when you got here?

Y/N: It moved.

Kiba: Really!?

Y/N: While I was having lunch with Koneko.

Kiba: That's great. I wonder what kind of Pokémon it's going to be.

Y/N: Yuuma was curious about the same thing.

Kiba: Yuuma?

Y/N: Oh yeah, you weren't there. Apparently, Issei got a girlfriend yesterday. Some girl named Yuuma. She's part of a specialty course, so you wouldn't have met here, but you may have seen someone wearing a uniform like hers.

Kiba: I've never heard of some kind of specialty course. I wonder what you learn from taking it.

Y/N: I don't know. Maybe something for a specific job?

After some time, Y/N made it to his house and waved Kiba goodbye. After some time walking, Kiba looked around to check if anyone was around. After seeing that he was alone, Kiba placed his hand close to his ear as a red glowing circle appeared over his palm.

???: Kiba. Is something wrong?

Kiba: Do you remember the fallen angel problem we talked about last night?

???: Yes.

Kiba: I may have a lead.

???: Come back to the club building. I'll call the others over.

Kiba: I'll be right over.

Kiba put his hand down as the circle vanished. He then walked into an alley and a larger glowing circle appeared beneath his feet. Just like the evening before, Kiba vanished in a bright flash. Kiba then appeared in the same flash of light in front of an old-looking building. As he walked in he saw Koneko and a girl with long black hair and lilac eyes.

Koneko: Sup.

Kiba: Hello Koneko, Akeno.

Akeno Himejima

School Hottie #2

Akeno: Hello Kiba-kun. Are you the reason we were called today?

Kiba: I am. Sorry if I interrupted whatever you were doing.

Koneko: It's cool.

Akeno: I wasn't doing anything important, so it's fine.

Kiba: Well then, shall we?

Kiba held the door open letting Koneko and Akeno in first. The room was dimly lit but had enough light to see where everything was. Sitting in a chair across from a couch, was Rias Gremory.

Rias: You're all here? Good. Be seated.

Following her instructions, the three of them sat down on the couch.

Rias: Kiba has some information for us. Tell us what you know.

Kiba: As I was walking home with Y/N He told me the about a girl named Yuuma.

Rias: Yuuma. I'm not familiar with that name.

Kiba: Neither am I, but that's not the strangest part.

Akeno: What's so strange about this Yuuma?

Kiba: According to Y/N, She's Isseis' girlfriend.

Koneko: Seriously?

Akeno: I don't understand.

Rias: So my hunch was right.

Akeno; Your hunch?

Rias: I've been sensing some kind of power within Issei for some time now. It hasn't grown, but it definitely exists.

Akeno: You did say that the fallen angels had been attacking Sacred Gear users and stealing rare Pokémon from trainers.

Koneko: Plus, there's no way the worst of the pervs could ever get a girlfriend, even if it was a bad joke.

Rias: I think what Koneko means is since all of the evidence points towards it, it's most likely that Yuuma is one of the fallen angels we're looking for.

Kiba: Should we act now?

Rias: Not yet. She's only one fallen angel. With how frequent their activity has been, there has to be more of them. Therefore, we should wait until we know for certain that there are more, and where they're hiding.

Koneko: So where should we start looking?

Rias: I'm not sure. I'd say the abandoned church would be an obvious choice, but we would need permission from the church to be on the grounds. For now, our best bet on gathering intel is observing Yuuma. Akeno, I want you to follow her. See what you can find, but don't engage with her.

Akeno: Aww. I was hoping to have some fun, but oh well.

Rias: Koneko, I want you to send Shirou and have him watch Issei.

Koneko: As long as I can stay away from the perv, I guess that's fine.

Rias: Kiba I want you to provide support to whoever needs it.

Kiba: What about Y/N? Yuuma asked about the Pokémon egg he has. If she believes it's a rare Pokémon, and it turns out to be one, Y/N will be in danger.

Rias: Leave him to me. The moment any of you find out something, tell me immediately.

Akeno/Kiba/Koneko: Understood.


The next few days passed like any other. Y/N woke up, checked on the egg, and went to school. Nothing different happened each of those days. It was currently Sunday and Y/N decided to stay at home for the day. The Pokémon egg he had was shaking more than usual. Y/N was watching it with anticipation. Even though he was anxious for the egg to hatch, Y/N was still getting bored. Luckily Y/N got a call on his Rotom Phone.

Y/N: Hello?

[Mom: Hi sweetie.]

Y/N: Hey mom. Is everything alright?

[Mom: Everything is fine. Are you busy right now?]

Y/N: Not really. What's up?

[Mom: I have some coffee beans that were I ordered a while ago, but I forgot that I had them scheduled for pickup. I was wondering if you could get them for me. I won't make it to the shop and back in time for work.]

Y/N: Sure. I can do that.

[Mom: Thank you so much. I'll send you the address. I'll get you something nice when I come home.]

Y/N: Thanks mom. I'll see you later.

[Mom: Stay safe sweetie.]

Y/N hung up and not thirty seconds later, he got a message with an address from his mom. Y/N got dressed and picked up the incubator and walked out the door. Since it was the weekend, lots of people were walking about. Y/N looked at the address and noticed that the location he was going to was somewhere around the mall. It was a bit of a walk, but it wasn't too far from his home. After a few minutes of walking, Y/N made to the mall, but before he could walk inside, a small bat-like Pokémon flew over to him, carrying a flying in its mouth.


The Sound Wave Pokémon

Y/N: Huh? Do you want me to take this?

Y/N grabbed the flyer as the Noibat flew back to a stack of the flyers. Y/N looked down at the flyer and read the large text.

Y/N: "Have your deepest desire granted." What a weird flyer. And what's that symbol all about? Is that their logo?

Y/N didn't think much about it and put the flyer in his pocket. Afterwards he entered the mall and looked around for the shop in question. He spent a few minutes looking for the store but couldn't find it. Eventually he asked around and was luckily pointed in the right direction. After a few minutes, Y/N made to what appeared to be a coffee shop.

Y/N: Chateau Noir? Mom sure knows some weird places.

 Y/N entered and to his surprise the inside of the shop looked like some kind of lounge bar.

A waitress saw Y/N and walked up to him.

Waitress: Are you old enough to be her young man?

Y/N: I-I'm sorry. I think I was pointed in the wrong directions. I'm supposed to pick up some coffee beans for my mom.

Waitress: Oh? What's her name?

Y/N: Um, M/N?

Waitress: Oh! We have her order.

Y/N: What? But this place looks like it serves alcohol.

Waitress: It does. We serve an assortment of drinks here. Why don't you take a seat at one of the tables and I'll go look for the order.

Y/N: Um, ok.

Y/N then proceeded to walk over to a random booth and sat down waiting for the order. While he was waiting, He noticed that the lights dimmed around him as a spotlight shown on a small stage. Curious, Y/N looked towards the stage. He saw a small band start playing slowly, and then a spotlight lit up on the center of the stage revealing a girl around his age in a white dress with a white hat singing.

Y/N was mesmerized by her voice and beauty so much that he didn't even notice that he didn't even notice that the song was already over. The girl noticed that Y/N was staring at her in wonder, so she smiled and winked at him before walking away. Y/N noticed and looked down while blushing. Y/N was then sitting there waiting awkwardly for coffee beans, until he heard the clicking of heels coming towards him. He looked behind him and saw the same girl standing there.

???: Well, hello there.

Y/N: Uh, hi.

???: I hope you don't mind if I sit with you.

Y/N: N-no! Not at all. I'm just waiting for a pick-up order.

???: Well, it shouldn't take too long.

The girl sat down and proceeded to stare at Y/N with a smile on her face. couldn't look at her so he just stared at the egg in his lap. After a few seconds Y/N decided to speak up.

Y/N: Um, I liked your song.

???: Did you now.

Y/N: Yeah. To be honest I kinda got lost in the sound of your singing. You could definitely get popular.

???: What makes you think I'm not already.

Y/N: Huh?

???: Where are my manners. My name is Catharine. I own this establishment.


The Lady of Château Noir

Y/N: Wait, you own this place!?

Catharine: Surprised? It used to belong to my grandfather before he passed away.

Y/N: I'm so sorry.

Catharine: Don't be. He was horrible. What about you?

Y/N: Hm?

Catharine: I told you my name. It's only right that I learn yours.

Y/N: Oh. I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you.

Catharine: L/N... You must be M/Ns' son.

Y/N: You know my mom?

Catharine: Of course. She's told me a lot about you. I've been wanting to meet you.

Y/N: You have?

Catharine: Mhm.

Y/N: Oh, well, that's nice.

Catharine: *chuckle* No need to be so nervous. I don't bite, unless you want me too.

Y/N: I-I, uh...

Catharine: 'M/N was right, he is cute.' So, I take it the egg is yours?

Y/N: Huh? Oh! Yeah. I got it last Monday. It was a gift from my dad.

Catharine: A bit of a strange way to send such a gift, but at least it made it to you safely.

Y/N: Yeah. It's been moving a lot lately, so I'm keeping it with me at all times.

Catharine: I know what you mean. I first met my partner when they hatched from an egg as well.

Y/N: Really?

Catharine: Ziggy!

A loud thumping noise was slowly getting closer to Y/N and Catherine. Y/N was holding the egg incubator close to him as he pushed himself against booth, when suddenly, massive black and white Pokémon was towering over him with a wicked smile on its face and its arms crossed over its chest.

Catharine: Y/N, meet Ziggy. You could say he's the muscle around here.


The Guarding Pokémon

Y/N Uh, nice to meet you?

Ziggy: Goon!

The Obstagoon opened its arms and hugged Y/N while resting its head on Y/Ns'.

Catarine: He may seem scary, but Ziggy is a big hugger.

Ziggy: Goon!

Y/N: He's so soft.

Catharine: I found Ziggy when I was little. He was abandoned in an alley while still in his egg. I decided to take him home. My grandfather, who I was living with at the time was against the idea, so I kept him hidden until he hatched.

Y/N: What did you do when he did hatch?

Catharine reached for a fancy looking Poké Ball placed over the ribbon on her hat.

Catherine: It took me a while, but I saved up for a Luxury Ball. It certainly wasn't cheap, but thanks to my grandfather having me do singing for a living, I managed to get it before he found out. 

Catherine rubbed the side of Ziggys' face, making him lean his head into her palm.

Catherine: Grandfather was furious when he found out. Luckily, Ziggy hear kept me safe from his wrath.

Y/N: Thank goodness.

Cahterine: Indeed. When I took over this place, Ziggy insisted on being security. Since then, this place became a peaceful place where you can unwind, but if you disrupt the peace, you have to deal with Ziggy.

Y/N: Well, it sounds like you have everything taken care of.

Waitress: Excuse me sir, but your order is ready.

Y/N: Thanks.

The waitress handed Y/N a bag and walked away.

Catherine: Well, I think I've taken up more than enough of your time.

Y/N and Catherine stood up.

Catherine: I do hope to see you again some time, along with your little friend.

Y/N: Um, sure.

Catherine: Take care now.

Catherine then walked away with a sway in her hips as Ziggy followed behind her.

Y/N: She's bad for your heart Y/N. She's bad for your heart.

Y/N left the lounge and noticed that the sun was setting.

Y/N: It's already getting late? How long was I in there?

Y/N proceeded to walk home, but while he was walking, he noticed that there was no one around, which put him a little on edge. As he was walking Y/n looked to his side and noticed that Yuuma and Issei were talking at the fountain.

Y/N: Hm? What are they doing here?

Suddenly Yuuma was enveloped by black feathers and emerged in a skimpy outfit with black feathered wings coming out of her back. She was also holding a sear made of light.

Issei/Y/N: W-What the-

Yuuma: This was fun Issei. I mean, sure, it was unbearably boring, but it was fun. Now, be a dear, AND DIE FOR ME!!!

Yuuma threw the spear at Issei with such force. Issei was so shocked he didn't move, and the spear pierced right through his stomach. Issei fell on his back as blood poured from his wound. As if slowly coming out of his state of shock, Issei slow lifted and looked at his hand, which was covered in blood.

After a few seconds, his hand fell to the ground and Issei stopped moving. Yuuma smirked and looked as if she was about to leave, but before she did, she noticed Y/N standing on the sidewalk, staring at Isseis' dead body.

Yuuma: Well, looky who we have here. Hello there. Y/N, right?

Y/N looked at Yuuma while taking a step back.

Yuuma: How's that Pokémon egg been doing? I remember you saying it was going to hatch soon.

Y/N shielded the egg in both of his arms.

Yuuma: Tell you what. Let's make this interesting. Killing Issei was so boring, so how about I hunt you. I'll give you a ten second head start. Are you ready? One.

Y/N immediately ran away from Yuuma who simply made a light spear and threw it at Y/N. Y/N felt the impending doom, so he jumped to the right. Sadly, he couldn't dodge it completely and got stabbed in the arm, dropping the incubator. Y/N fell to the ground as her yelled out in pain, grabbing his arm.

Yuuma: Ten.

Yuuma laughed at the sight and slowly walked towards him. Y/N slowly looked up and realized that the incubator wasn't with him. He looked to his left and saw that the incubator was broken open, and the egg was on the ground. Luckily, it didn't look damaged. Y/N, who was crying from the pain, slowly pulled himself over to the egg.

Yuuma: Well, this was at least more interesting than that stupid date with Issei. You're much more fun. But all the fun and games are over. Don't worry about that Pokémon either. I'll be sure to take good care of it.

Yuuma made another Light spear and held it above her head. Y/N shut his eyes and was waiting for the inevitable death, when suddenly, a sound rang out.


As if time itself had stopped, both Yuuma and Y/N froze in place. A strange warm sensation welled up within Y/N. It was almost comforting to him. Y/N opened his eyes and saw that the egg had a crack that was glowing. The air started to get warm as a sudden wave of heat blasted out from the egg.  Y/N stayed put, but Yuuma was pushed back from the force. Y/N lifted himself from over the egg as he held it in front of him. The Crack got bigger, and as it did the glow was getting brighter.




The light got so bright; Y/N had to cover his eyes. After a few seconds, the light died down. Y/N uncovered his eyes and looked down and saw a little red and black Pokémon that looked like it had a flame coming out of its head. It slowly opened its eyes, waking up for the first time. It looked around before its eyes landed on Y/N who was wide eyed. The little Pokémon stood up as it stared back at Y/N. Y/N however then noticed that one of its eyes was red while the other one was blue.

The two were just staring at each other. It was as if the two were getting to know each other, but before anything else could happen, a familiar voice called out from behind Y/N.

Yuuma: Well, isn't that just the cutest little thing.

Y/N turned around and looked at Yuuma who was now flying in the air. Y/N held the freshly hatched Pokémon close to his chest, which just looked at him with curiousness.

Yuuma: This was an interesting turn of events, but I should really wrap this up.

Yuuma lifted her hand as a spear formed in it. Y/N shielded his Pokémon, but before Yuuma could throw it, a bright red flash of light appeared over by Issei. When the light died down, a familiar girl with red hair appeared.

Y/N: Rias?

Yuuma: Gremory!?

Rias looked around her and saw Issei dead right in front of her. She gasped and knelt down.

Rias: No! How could this have happened?

Rias looked behind her and saw Yuuma holding a Pokémon with his arm bleeding while Yuuma is floating in the air with a spear in her hand. Rias glared as she placed her hand on Issei.

Rias: Yuuma, I take it. Did you do this?

Yuuma: And what if I did. Last I checked humans aren't your responsibility.

Rias: And yet, Kuoh is under my responsibility. The fact that you'd so casually bring harm to the people is reason enough for me to view you as an enemy.

Rias started to glow red. Yuuma saw this and flinched at the sight, as if she was afraid.

Yuuma: This isn't over Gremory.

Yuuma wrapped herself in her wings and vanished in thin air. Rias looked at Issei again. Y/N slowly stood up and carried his Pokémon over to Issei and Rias. He sees Rias holding a strange looking chess piece.

Rias: With this piece your soul shall be devout to my cause. Your body shall be my weapon. Your mind shall be my puppet. With this contract let my first decree be known. Return to the land of the living, as my pawn.

The pawn piece went into Isseis' chest. A faint glow was seen until the hole in his stomach was fully healed.

Y/N: W-what did you do to him.

Rias: I brought him back, but at a price. One that I never wanted him to pay like this.

Y/N: Rias, what just happened? What are you?

Rias: I understand that you have a lot of questions, and I'm willing to answer them, but not today. Tomorrow is Monday right. Come to school tomorrow and I'll have someone bring you to my club building. I'll explain everything there.

Y/N: What about Issei?

Rias: I'll take care of him. For now, I want you to go home and get some rest.

Rias looked at Y/N with a sense of urgency. Y/N was still overwhelmed by everything that's happened, so he simply nodded without saying anything. Y/N walked over to pick up the bag, but flinched when he stretched out his arm.

Rias: Here, let me fix that.

Rias walked over to Y/N and placed her hand over his arm and a faint glow appeared. When the light died down, Y/Ns' arm was healed.

Y/N: How did you-

Rias: We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Y/N: R-right.

Y/N picked up the bag and was about to walk away, but before he got too far, Rias spoke up.

Rias: And Y/N, congratulations.

With that A giant circle that glowed red appeared and Rias and Issei vanished in a flash of light from it. Y/N stared in disbelief. Y/N looked down at the Pokémon who hadn't stopped staring at him.

Pokémon: Fwoo?

Y/N: *chuckle* Not exactly how I was hoping to meet you, but I'll take it.

Y/N smiled gently as the Pokémon expressed joy as it hugged back at Y/N. However, before Y/N could savor the moment anymore, a sudden thought popped into his head.

Y/N: Aw crap! What am I gonna tell mom!?

A/N: What do you think?

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