Chapter 3: The Explanation

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3rd. pov.

Y/N slowly opened his eyes as he woke up. He stared at the ceiling as if he were some kind of trance. He then felt something warm snuggle against his chest and looked down and saw the newly hatched Pokémon.

Y/N: Oh yeah. After everything that happened, I almost forgot about you.

Y/N gently patted its helmet-like head, remembering everything that happened yesterday. He was still in a bit of shock after everything. From Yuuma killing Issei, to Rias appearing and bringing him back to life, to even the Pokémon egg hatching during the middle of all of it. Y/N was still a bit overwhelmed by everything, but he also knew that he would get his answers today from Rias Gremory herself. Y/Ns' alarm then went off, waking the Pokémon from its sleep. It looked up and crawled over Y/N to turn of the alarm. It then jumped up and down on Y/Ns' bed, as if it were trying to wake him up. It succeeded as Y/N had rolled onto his back and the Pokémon proceeded to jump on his stomach. Y/N jolted as the first thing he saw was the Pokémon in the air above him.

Y/N: I-I'm up! I'm up!

Y/N caught it before the Pokémon could land. Y/N who was gasping for air looked at the little red menace as it pointed towards his clock. Y/N looked and saw that he slept through his alarm.

Y/N: So much for a peaceful wake up call.

Y/N put Pokémon on the floor as he slowly got up. He opened his door as the Pokémon ran out with Y/N slowly following it. Y/N then saw his mother sitting at the kitchen table with a plate of food across from her and a bowl filled with berries on the floor.

Y/N: Mom? What are you still doing here?

M/N: Good morning. I told work about the egg hatching, so they gave me the morning off to check and see if it was still healthy. I'll get started. Go ahead and eat your breakfast.

Y/N: Ok. Thanks mom.

Y/N started to eat his food as the  Pokémon started to eat some of the berries. While it was eating Y/Ns' mom was checking to see if there were any abnormalities. After a few minutes she finished and smiled at the results.

M/N: Well, nothing seems to be wrong. It's completely healthy.

Y/N: What about its eyes?

M/N: Well, it's not necessarily a problem, but more of a rare condition.

Y/N: What is it?

M/N: Apparently, it's a mutation that only changes the color of one. I'll need more data before I can determine exactly what it means, but it's not dangerous.

Y/N: Well, that's a relief.

M/N: Indeed. Now, go and get dressed for school. I'll make your lunch.

Y/N: Alright.

Y/N runs back into his room as the Pokémon continues to eat the berries, until it sees a small piece of bacon on Y/Ns' plate. It jumps onto the chair and eats the food. Once it does the flame on its head got slightly bigger. M/N noticed this and became intrigued.

M/N: You must really like bacon huh?

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

M/N: *chuckle* I'll keep that in mind.

After a few minutes, Y/N came back out with his uniform on and his bag over his shoulder. M/N handed him his lunch as he walked over to the front door.

M/N: Aren't you forgetting something?

Y/N: Huh?

M/N then heled up her hand with a Poké ball in it as she nodded her head towards the little Pokémon.

M/N: You still need to make it official.

Y/N walked over to his mom and took the ball. He turned towards the Pokémon as it tilted it head. Y/N then tossed the Poké ball in the air. Time slowed down for Y/N after years of constant failure, he finally got his first Pokémon. Just as the ball descended, the Pokémon caught the Poké ball.

Y/N: ...Huh?

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

The Pokémon then tossed the ball back at Y/N who caught it.

M/N: Oh my. It looks like your new friend thinks it's a game.

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

The Pokémon jumps up and down in excitement.

Y/N: Aw, come on!

Y/N kneels down and holds the ball in front of the Pokémon.

Y/N: No. You're supposed to let the Poké ball hit you.

Pokémon: *Fwoo?*

Y/N: *sigh*

M/N: Maybe you don't need to catch this one. I think they're attached to you enough as things stand.

Y/N: It's not the same though.

M/N: You can worry about it later. You need to get your butt to school mister.

Y/N: But-

M/N: Not buts. Get going and take care of this little one. They're your responsibility now.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Y/N opened the front door and looked behind him.

Y/N: Come on little buddy.

Pokémon: *Fwoo?*

Y/N: I may not have caught you, but your still my partner.

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

The Pokémon ran past Y/N as it looked outside in wonder. Since it only hatched a day ago in the evening, it was so sleepy it couldn't fully appreciate the world. Now, it gets to take it all in.

Y/N smiled at the sight. He shrunk the Poké ball and placed it in his pocket as he walked over to the sidewalk. Y/N looked down the sidewalk, but to his surprise, he didn't see Kiba anywhere. Y/N pulled out his phone, and saw that if he waited, he'd be late, so he chose to go directly to school.

Y/N: Come on. Stay close to me.

The Pokémon walked with Y/N as it took in its surroundings. Y/N was glancing at it laughing to himself at the cuteness of his Pokémon's curiosity. The Pokémon saw its own reflection in a window and waved at it. After a while the two made it to the front gates of school. Before they walked through however, Y/N turned and knelt in front of his partner.

Y/N: Listen up buddy. This is important.

Pokémon: *Fwoo?*

Y/N: Some of the people here are a bit strange, so they might get in your face. Just stick close to me if you get nervous, ok?

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

The two walked through the gate as girls squealed at the sight of him. Just like before, they swarmed him in a matter of seconds.

Girl1: Hi Y/N!

Girl2: Who's this little cutie?

Y/N: Well, this is my Pokémon.

Girl3: It's so cute!

Girl4: Did they hatch from the egg you had?

Y/N: Yeah. It was-

Y/N suddenly remembered what happened the other day. The memory made his blood run cold as he recalled the near-death experience he had. The Pokémon noticed and grabbed his hand looking curious. Y/N calmed down as he knelt down and patted the mask on its head making it happy.

Y/N: -when I was walking home from picking up an order my mom made.

???: Alright ladies, that's enough.

Y/N looked behind him and saw Sona walking with Tsubaki once again.

Sona: You all have classes to go to. You'll have plenty of time later to talk with him.

Girls: Fine. Bye Y/N.

Y/N simply waved as he smiled awkwardly with his Pokémon waving along with him.

Y/N: Thanks again Sona. I seriously owe you.

Sona: It's no problem at all.

Tsubaki: Are you alright Y/N? You seemed scarred of something while you were talking with those girls.

Y/N: I-It's nothing. I'm going to talk with Rias today about something that happened yesterday, that's all. I'm just a bit nervous.

Sona: Forgive me for asking but, what happened yesterday.

Y/N: Uh- well you see-

Suddenly the school bell rang. Y/N 

Y/N: Class is already starting? Sorry Sona. I'll tell you later.

Y/N picked up his partner and hurried inside the school. Sona stared for a moment as Tsubaki spoke up.

Tsubaki: I believe Rias is going to attempt negotiations with him.

Sona: You're right. I wonder if She'll succeed?

Y/N is walking to his class while other students proceed to comment about his Pokémon.

Girl: Look at that Pokémon.

Boy: I've never seen one like that before.

Girl: Aw~ It's so cute.

Y/N was rushing to his class to avoid all of the unwanted attention. Once he got to his classroom he hurried inside and took a deep breath.

???: Heya Y/N.

Y/N turned around and saw Aika standing not too far. When she called him out, she got everyone's attention. Y/N slowly turned, revealing Charcadet in his arms looking around and waving at the class.

Aika: The egg hatched?

Y/N: Yeah.

Aika: You don't sound excited.

Y/N: I'm just not used to all the attention.

Aika: So who's this little guy?

Y/N: I don't really know.

Aika: Huh?

Y/N: When I used the Pokédex app, nothing came up. It's like it doesn't exist.

Aika: Or, it's a rare Pokémon that hasn't been discovered yet.

Y/N: My dad sent a bunch of his findings to me while in South America. Maybe it's native to where he was.

Charcadet: *Fwoo!*

Aika: Seems like it's true.

Y/N walked over to his seat and sat down. Once he did. he looked out the corner of his eye and noticed that Issei was sitting in his seat.

Aika: You should put it in its Poké ball. Class is going to start soon.

Y/N: Y-Yeah, about that.

The bell rang and the teacher walked into the classroom.

Teacher: Alright everyone, take your seats.

He walked over to his desk and placed a pile of papers down. When he looked up he noticed Y/N holding his Pokémon in his arms.

Teacher: Mr. L/N, while I'm happy that you now have a Pokémon, would you please put it back inside its Poké ball.

Y/N: Um, actually, I can't.

Teacher: And why on earth can you not?

Y/N: It thinks it's playing a game of catch. I tried to earlier this morning, but it caught the ball.

Teacher: *sigh* Have you tried again?

Y/N placed his Pokémon down as he stood up and walked a few feet away. He threw the Poké ball at Charcadet only for it to catch the ball and return it to him.

Girls: Aww~ So cute!

Y/N: You see what I mean.

Teacher: *sigh* I allow it just this once, but try and get in in a Poké ball by tomorrow.

Y/N: Yes sir.

Y/N picked up his Pokémon and placed it on his lap as class started.


The bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. As everyone was starting to head to the cafeteria, the door to the classroom opened as Kiba walked in with a smile on his face.

Kiba: Pardon the intrusion.

Girls: Kyaaa! It's the prince!

Y/N: Kiba? What are you doing here?

Kiba: Actually, could you and Issei come with me please. My club president would like to talk with the two of you.

Issei: Huh? She wants to see us at the same time?

Kiba: That's right. You situations are actually related. Please, follow me.

Issei and Y/N got up from their desks as they followed Kiba. As they were walking down the halls people were making comments about them.

Girl1: No! Why is the pervert with the two hotties of the school!>

Girl2: He'll spread his perverted habits  onto them!

Issei: That's not even possible.

Kiba: Haha!

Y/N: So what is were going to talk about?

Kiba: Just about what happened over the weekend.

Issei: Wait, so you knew!

Kiba: Of course I do. Rias told me about it. It's why I came over to your class.

Y/N: How many people know about *whisper*(that stuff.)

Kiba: I'd say the entire Occult Research Club. Also the student council.

Pokémon: *Fwoo?*

Kiba: It's quite a few.

Y/N: That's a few!?


After a few minutes of walking, the three boys made it to an old building outside.

Kiba: Welcome to our club building.

Y/N: This place is huge!

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

Issei: How did no one notice this!?

Kiba: Well, there are a lot of trees surrounding it.

Kiba opens the front door leading the other two inside. As they walked in the noticed how dim it was inside. They then saw a familiar face. It was a girl with long ravenette hair stand next to a tray of tear. The second most popular girl in school, Akeno.

Akeno: Kiba, your back early.

Kiba: For once, I wasn't held up.

Akeno: Sorry, but Rias is still in the shower. Could you wait for a little longer?

Y/N: You have a shower in here?

Issei: And Rias is still in it!?

Akeno: Please, take a seat. It won't be long.

Akeno motioned to a couch. The two sat down as Akeno left the room

Issei: Oh man. Rias Gremory, the school hottie is naked only a few feet away.

Y/N: Is that all you think about?

Issei: Not all the time.

???: Perv.

Y/N, his Pokémon, and Issei all slowly turned their heads, just noticing a girl with short white hair sitting on the other side of the couch eating. Y/N knew who she was immediately.  Also know as the school mascot, Koneko.

Koneko: No wonder girls hate. Sup Y/N. Cool Pokémon.

Pokémon: *Fwoo.*

Y/N: Uh, thanks. How long

Koneko: The whole time.

Issei: Hey! Why does he get a normal hello, and I get an insult!?

Koneko turned her head and stared Issei dead in the eyes. It was almost threatening.

Keneko: ...Cause he's not a pervert.

Issei: Why did that hurt more than it should?

Kiba simply chuckled at the exchange between everyone as Akeno had walked back in the room with Rias following her.

Rias: Sorry about that. I wanted to be presentable for this meeting. I wasn't expecting Kiba to come back so soon.

Issei: It's no problem.

Y/N: So, why did you want to meet with us?

Rias: Before I answer that, let me ask you a question. Do you believe in the supernatural?

Y/N: I mean, after everything that happened last weekend, I can't really disagree.

Issei: Yeah. What exactly happened? How did Yuuma get wings, and why did she attack me at our date?

Koneko: Maybe she didn't really like you.

Issei: Hey!

Rias: Koneko, please try and be nice.

Koneko: I was just being honest.

Akeno: Unfortunately, she may have a point on the matter.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Rias: A long time ago there were three races that fought amongst each other in the human world. The angels, the fallen angels, and the devils. Yuuma was a fallen angel, and we are devils.

At that moment. Rias and the rest of Occult Research Club revealed that they all hade a pair of bat wings, except for Akeno who had only one and a wing similar to Yummas'.

Y/N/Issei: Huuuuh!?

Rias: I know this is a bit of a shock, but it's all true.

Y/N: Wait, so when Kiba said that not many people knew, and that it was only you guys and the student council, then he meant-

Kiba: That's right. The student council is also made up of devils.

Issei: Um, you're not going to eat my soul, are you.

Rias: Don't worry. We don't do that. Anyways, with that out of the way, it should be known that we were aware that there was a fallen angel in Kuoh. I was hoping to have this meeting before something happened. Unfortunately, I was too late. When I was summoned from the contract you had in your pocket, you were already dead.

Y/N: Contract? Wait a minute.

Y/N rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a flyer that he was given on the day of the incident.

Y/N: You mean this?

Rias: Yes. It appears Noisy gave you one as well. The contract will summon us if even a smalll drop of blood 

Issei: I. died?

Rias: Yes. I'm sorry, but I felt responsible for what happened. The only thing I could think of to save you was to reincarnate you and make you a devil.

Issei: ...Huh?

Rias then pulled out a chess piece and held it in front of everyone.

Rias: This here is an evil piece. It's what allows a devil to reincarnate someone. Once reincarnated, you became an official member of my peerage. To put it simply, in order to save your life, I made you my servant.

Issei: Say what!?

Y/N: Isn't that a bit cruel!? You basically stole his life.

Rias: Don't worry. My family is known for treating our servants as if they are a part of our family. Not to mention, there are plenty of benefits to being a devil.

Issei: Benefits? Like what?

Rias: Well, for starters, your senses are enhanced. You can now hear, see, smell, and taste things a lot stronger now. You even get night vision.

Y/N: That's kind of neat.

Pokémon: *Fwoo.*

Rias: You also have a more powerful body. You can run faster and even lift things heavier than normal, but that doesn't mean physical training isn't required. Working out is still a must. You can also use magic and even use your wings to fly. You even get to live much longer than humans now.

Issei: I can fly and use magic!?

Rias: Once again I'm sorry for doing this to you so suddenly, but it was the only way I could keep you alive.

Rias bowed as Issei was taken back by the notion.

Issei: I-It's fine, really. I'm a bit surprised by all of this to be honest, but from what you told me, there's a lot more pros than cons to this.

Rias: That's one way to look at it, which leads as to why I called you here Y/N.

Y/N: It is?

Pokémon: *Fwoo?*

Rias: You see, from what I we were able to gather Yuuma attempted to kill you because your Pokémon is a rare one.

Y/N: They are?

Koneko: Yeah. Much like Shiro being a shiny Litten, your Pokémon is in any Pokédex. It's completely unknow.

Kiba: And as for why she attacked Issei, he possesses something called a Sacred Gear. It's basically a power humans are born with. Think of it like having your own personal super power.

Issei: Wait. Now that you mention it, a red gauntlet appeared on my arm when Yuuma changed her appearance.

Rias: It already manifested?

Y/N: I didn't see any gauntlet. Then again, I was too shocked after seeing a hole in his stomach. Not to long after this little fella hatched from their egg, and then you showed up.

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

Rias: Issei, could you try summoning your Sacred Gear.

Issei: Sure. How do I do that?

Akeno: Try imagining a large amount of power in the arm the gauntlet was on.

Issei: I'll give it a shot.

Issei then proceeded to close his eyes as he held his left hand up. He pictured a power not in his arm, but in his hand as he started to grope the air.

Koneko: Perv.

Suddenly, a light flashed around his arm as a small red gauntlet with a green gem on the back appeared on his arm.

Issei: Whoa! I can't believe that worked!

Y/N: I can't believe you groped the air to do it.

Issei: So, this is my power?

Rias: That's right, and judging from the appearance, it appears to be a twice critical.

Issei: That's what Yuuma called it.

Rias: It's a very simple and common Sacred Gear. From it's name; it can double the power of the wielder. It's not exactly very strong, but I sensed something more within it. I believe it has yet to reach it's true potential. With enough training, we should be able to help you master it.

Issei: That's awesome! With this, I'm one step closer to becoming the harem king!

Akeno: Fufufu. Well, he's at least very optimistic.

Rias: That's true. His attitude however, could use some work.

Y/N: Sorry, but-

Everyone turned to Y/N who was a bit lost in the situation.

Y/N: -what does this have to do with me? Do I have a Sacred Gear?

Rias: Not likely. Since you weren't targeted  by Yuuma, it's safe to say you weren't a target of hers, but when that Pokémon hatched from its egg, you are now. Which brings us to the important question. Y/N, I would like you to join my peerage.

Y/N: Wha?

Rias: Since you're now exposed to the supernatural, you'll most likely be targeted by her and she'll attempt to take you Pokémon, possibly by force. By joining my peerage, not only will we ensure your safety, but we will also be able to provide you with the means to combat them in case of an emergency. You already know the benefits, and don't worry, I won't force you to join. So, what do you say?

Y/N looked down as his Pokémon looked up at him with wonder in it's eyes as it tilted its head. Y/N gently smiled at the curious gesture as he patted its head.

Y/N: Thanks, but I'd like to think about it. It's a big change for me I know that there are a lot of dangerous things in the world. More than most people are aware of, but it's all so much to take in.

Rias: I understand. I would however, like to have someone walk you to and from school, just to be safe.

Kiba: I can do that. We live close to each other, so it won't be a problem.

Rias: Then it's decided. Why don't you take a couple of days to think about it. There's no rush, but the sooner you give an answer would be better. Also, it's best not to tell anyone about the supernatural. The last thing we need is to cause a panic or risk you sounding like a crazy person.

Y/N: I understand. Thank you.

Akeno: Lunch is almost over, so why don't we all eat here.

Y/N: Wait, you guys have food here?

Rias: You'd be surprised with how much we can get away with.

 Akeno the rolled out a table with an assortment of food on it. Kiba then placed some food bowls on the ground that had some berries in them.

Everyone then held a Poké Ball out.

Rias: Come on out everyone.

Rias brought out a shiny Noibat and a Misdreavus

Noisy: *Noi!*


The Screech Pokémon

Kiba: It's time for lunch you two.

Kiba then summoned a bird-like Pokémon that perched itself on his shoulder. and a small Pokémon in a shell that stood next to him.


The Eaglet Pokémon

Rufflet: *Kaw!*


The Snail Pokémon

Shelmet: *Shell.*

Akeno: Come on out Impy.

Akeno then brought out a small pink Pokémon that looked a bit nervous.


The Wily Pokémon

Impy: *Impi?*

Koneko brought out Shiro who casually walked over to the others.

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

Y/Ns' Pokemon jumped off of his lap and ran over to the other Pokémon who welcomed it with joy. Y/N slightly smiled at the sight as he got a bit more comfortable with everyone.

Rias: Issei, don't you have a Pokémon?

Issei: Hehe, so about that.

Koneko: Why am I not surprised.

Issei: Hey, it's not like that. I just never found the time to be a trainer.

Koneko: To busy peeping on girls?

Issei: A-and other stuff too.

Rias: No need to worry. I'll make a few calls to help with that. We have a special place for this exact scenario. It will take a couple of weeks to put together.

Issei: Oh! Cool!

Everyone started talking about random subjects as the they all ate together with their Pokémon. After a few minutes of eating, the bell rang in the distance signaling the end of lunch. Everyone went back to their class. The rest of the day went normal for everyone as they all paid attention to their classes, except for Y/N. He was still contemplating everything that was happening. It was hard for him to focus since lunch. One thing was for certain, he needed those extra days.


Once school was over, Y/N was heading home, until he heard footsteps approaching. Y/N turned around to see and noticed it was Kiba.

Kiba: Hope you don't mind for some extra company.

Y/N: Thanks.

Kiba: So how've you been?

Y/N: Honestly, a bit worried. I don't know if I'm up for being a devil. I get that I can get super human abilities, but is it really worth selling my soul?

Kiba: Hey, I get it. I was skeptical when I first has asked to join, but it's not all that bad. Plus, devils aren't necessarily evil.

Y/N: I guess. It's just, why am I being targeted? All I wanted was to become a Pokémon trainer. Now all of this? it's just so much to take in.

Kiba looked down as he was pondering something. Then an idea came into his mind.

Kiba: Why don't you come to the club building after school tomorrow.

Y/N: What? Why?

Pokémon: *Fwoo?*

Kiba: Trust me. It'll help you sort this stuff out.

Y/N: Well, if it'll help me understand more, I guess I could.

Pokémon: *Fwoo!*

Y/N: That reminds me, I wonder what this Pokémon is?

Kiba: Well, your dad sent him to you. Maybe he knows.

Y/N: But it was still in an egg.

Kiba: But, he was in the area when he found said egg.

Y/N: That's true. Maybe it's native to that region. I'll be sure to ask him when if he picks up my call.

After a few minutes of walking and talking Y/N made it home and Kiba gave his goodbye as he kept walking. Once he was far away enough, he pulled out his phone and made a call.

Kiba: Rias, it's me. I was wondering if I could ask you something.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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