Chapter 10

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Narrator's POV

A stick thin figure approaches Jane and the others, making inhuman noises and coming at an insane speed.

Jane's eyes widen, as she stands immobile, surprised. Jane making an expression was a rare case on its own, but to stand frozen? That was a first.

Lara immediately stands in front of Jane, and takes out her gun. That gun was the same type of gun as they gave Jane. But Lara's one was brown and black in colour, with the same writings. Jane observes that people have different guns, based on their personality?

Lara disables the safely lock, and fires directly at the human looking things head. It falls on the ground, trying to move, but it looks more like it is wriggling. Jane blinks many times, trying to calm herself down. Her heart was beating fast, because of the sudden fright.

She looks at the now-dead corpse. It has shrivelled up, and turned to dust immediately after it was shot.

"What was that?" Jane asks, disgusted. Now as she calmed down, she would not be caught off guard anymore.

"It's a Lunatic." Louis says simply. Oh, so he is still alive?

"Are you scared? I can allow you to use my teddy." Melissa speaks, somehow quiet. Does she feel guilty somehow? Jane doesn't understand why though.

"So that's a Lunatic. Well, no shit." Jane says, smirking and looking at Lawrence. "Were you satisfied by my reaction?"

Lawrence just chuckles. "A lot, actually. That polite smile of yours irked me a bit."

"Glad to hear that. So, vampires are real." Jane says, slightly disappointed. Sure, it's really great that interesting things like this actually happen in real life, but she isn't accustomed to having vampires in her life.

Are vampires real?? She can't understand this situation. If vampires are real, the she is too calm about it.

"You seem off." David asks. "Did that puny Lunatic scare you?"

"No it's not that. I was just thinking, is all." Jane says, smiling politely. David scoffs.

"Please. Just a smile won't make me believe you. You need to be stronger, if you want to join us hunters."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." Jane says, still smiling. It didn't frighten her, not at all. Sure, she was surprised. But she felt worse fear before, so this is nothing in comparison. She is just not in the mood for smiling fake. Now that she knows that vampires exist, she should be more aware of her surroundings, especially at night.

If supernatural things like vampires actually exist, does that mean there is an explanation for her flower tattoo as well? It did appear out of nowhere. Was that a mark? Did her father engrave it when she was sleeping? Jane gulps, deciding that she has had enough for one day. She needs to collect her thoughts and search her house. Especially her study room.

"May I go home for the day? I wish to rest, since I'll train seriously to be a Hunter starting tomorrow." Jane says suddenly.

Everyone gapes at her, and then breaks into a smile.

"Sure thing kid. We will pick you and David up tomorrow after school." Lara says, smiling warmly.

"Yay! A new member!" Melissa squeaks, jumping to hug Jane. She laughs nervously, patting Melissa on the head and then releasing her. Jane was never comfortable with hugs.

"So, you will join? Even after that fright?" Lawrence asks, grinning evilly. Jane slightly smirks.

"Don't underestimate me."

"Glad to have you on board, I guess." Thomas says, almost blushing.

".....Good luck with your training." Louis replies. He immediately looks away, and Jane smiles at the shy people. David comes closer to her, and takes her hand. Jane stiffens, but let's him.

"Great that you finally decided." David says, shaking her hand. He gives her the briefest of brief smiles possible, and Jane knows that it's very rare. She smiles back at him politely.


Jane returns home, and plops down on her couch, sighing loudly. Today was a tough day too. At this rate, she wont be able to do her jobs. She needs to think of a plan to adjust both VHA shit and her jobs in her tight schedule.

Exhaustion is catching up to her, and she needs to do her freelancing job. She eats something, takes a shower, and start working on her short horror story, which was due today. She types, and within two hours, she finishes and sends the draft to her editor. Shutting the lid of the laptop, she jumps to her bed, hoping that the pay will be good.

She touches the flower tattoo on her collarbone, and wince at the pain.
Pain? Since when did it hurt? Why was it hurting now?

She rushes towards her mirror, and looks at the flower. Nothing's wrong, but it burns. What is wrong with it?

She stares at the tattoo. Nothing changed, except the burning sensation! She looks at the mirror once again, and something catches her eye. She notices that, her eyes seems a bit different. It almost looks green. But her eye colour was always just a plain brown, as far as she remembered. Why does it look green?

She looks around, panic rushing inside her like waves, and she runs to her study room. She looks around drawers, books, closets. She searches everywhere, for something even she doesn't know. Her father must know something! He must've kept something for her!

She looks around the book shelf, until she pulls out a book. No, she tries to. But it doesn't come out. Instead, a loud noise fills the room. She looks to her right, and sees something she didn't even dream of seeing. A staircase. It opened right after she tried to take out the book. She stares at it, wondering if that leads to her father's laboratory.

She peeks inside that staircase, only to see black. It doesn't look old, just dark. She takes her phone and turns the torch on. Maybe, there is something inside? She creeps downwards, and continues on, until she sees a room. Touching around the walls, she finds some switches. Pressing them, the lights turn on.

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