Chapter 9

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I jolt awake, my head hurting like I just had a hangover. Not that I know how it feels like, but who cares. I grope around the side of my bed, and grab my phone. It's 0429 hours. That's friggin early! Why did I wake up so early?!

I feel like I had a nightmare. A-fuckin-gain.

What did I dream of?

A chill runs down my spine after trying to think of my dream. Huh? What's up with that?

I roll my eyes, and drag myself out of the bed, towards the washroom.

I go to my balcony, and the chilly weather makes me feel ecstatic. I take a deep breath, and feel fresh due to the clean, pollution-less air. My mood gets slightly better, thanks to that.

Now, let's try and remember the dream.
It felt as if the dream was of significant importance. Why don't I remember it, even though I was so shaken up by it?

I go towards my kitchen, and just get a piece of bread to eat.
After eating snd shower, I get ready for school. Wearing my uniform, I take out my books and start to study. Since I didn't study yesterday, maybe it'd be best to do so now.

I run towards school, mysteriously being late, and reach there a minute earlier. Even though I woke up early, it seems that somehow I got late. Speaking of late, wasn't I supposed to meet Lara in the morning? Well, she'll understand. I rush towards my classroom.

I take my usual seat at the back, and I take out my earphones. I plug it in my iPod, and start playing Bury Me Alive by We Are The Fallen. I put it in shuffle, and continue to listen to it. The teacher is thankfully late today, which is awesome to be honest.

Means less class time for me.

After a while, I feel David approaching me. He stood in front of me, and Little Girls by Oingo Boingo starts playing. I make a weird face, and he raises an eyebrow. Lowering the volume, I ask, "What?"

"Today, after school. Keep your schedule free." David briefly says, and everyone's head snaps at our direction with a surprised expression. I blink thrice, overwhelmed by the sudden attention, and nod.

"Okz." I say, suddenly getting an idea. "For our date, I presume?"

Everyone's eyes grow as large as an owls, and I smirk in satisfaction. David gives me a confused look.

"Yes. For our 'date'. I'll wait in front of you know where, then we'll go together."

Poor, poor students. They look so surprised that they seem to almost pass out. And, David being the stupid kid, just encouraged them more.

Then I realised.

Wait, if people think I'm dating him, then I'll get too much attention, and it'll ruin my precious, solitary life! I cannot let such atrocity to happen! What the hell was I thinking?!?!?!

"Um, David? Are you dating her?" Male student A asks David.

"Huh? Who'd date this louse?" He says, glaring at me. Louse? What is he, 90? I raise my hands in defeat. Now, at least everyone's convinced.

Everyone, including the guys, sighed in relief. Would it be that scary if I dated someone? I roll my eyes and almost curse out loud, but I bite my tongue.

"What did you say, sweetheart? Who exactly is a louse?" I say, venom pouring out of my words.

"Oh, I guess you didn't check the mirror. Your face looks totally like a louse." David replies, words laced with hatred. What the fuck? What crawled up his ass and died?! I feel like slapping him.

"How childish. To resort to calling people things like 'louse'. How dumb can you be?" I mock, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and leaves. So much for getting worked up about it.

After school, I try my best to stay invisible and ignore people when they were asking me all kinds of questions, especially about my relationship with David. Tsk, this is his way of torturing me. I go towards the Art Room 3, and see David standing there with an impatient expression.

"Heyy." I say with a stretch of the 'y'. He looks at me, his sour face growing more sour. "People asked me if I was dating you. What should I answer?"

He tsked. "Whatever you want. Now let's go."

"Oh, so you've come to like me?"

"No ways. I still think you're an insect."

"Uh-huh." I say, smirking.

"Who are the High class vamps?" I suddenly ask inside the car. We are currently heading for Area 22, and Louis is driving. I didn't ask why he was driving.

"They're the Lunatics who drink the blood of a Pureblood instead of a human when they are first turned into vampires. Their rationality comes back somehow. It's creepy." Thomas replies, who is sitting beside me and Lara.

"Are they rare?"

"Not really. But comparatively, yes." Jake says, easing up on me, thankfully.

"And Purebloods?"

"They are rare." Lara says, nodding. "The founder of this organisation killed a Pureblood once. Other than that, nobody saw them."
Hmm, is that so?

We reach Area 22 after a 4 hour journey, and I am surprised it wasn't nighttime yet. There is a thick forest surrounding this place, and how we got inside with a big car like ours would be a mystery.

I look around, dry leaves and branches cracking beneath my sneakers. There were abandoned houses everywhere, and there were signs like 'Keep Out!' on the signboards. Who knew there were still places like this. I stare at everything, my eyes shining. How interesting! We are just walking around the paths, when a sudden sound alerts me. I look back, and see a hungry, human looking thing approach us like predator to its prey.

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