Chapter Eleven : Moving On

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I woke up to a loud bang on my window. My eyes felt groggy and the sun felt like it burned as I walked to the window.

"I brought your duffel bag." Dakota said and shoved his way past me.

"I didn't say come in."

"Okay, can you stop being pissy for one second and just tell me what's going on?"

"Then why are you so mad?"

"I-" I stopped myself. I what? What was I going to say? I didn't know why I was mad, I didn't know why finding out he had a girlfriend made me so angry. I was pissed and annoyed at myself for feeling this way and lashing out on him. I sighed and sat down on my bed. It's too early for this, my head is aching and I could barely sit up without feeling nauseous.

"Look, I'm just trying to move on from.. whatever this was. People talk, you know?" Dakota said and sat beside me. I knew what he was talking about but I didn't want to answer. Part of me thought, who cares about what people are saying.

"We both agreed on it. Remember?" Dakota said as I stayed quiet. I couldn't exactly tell him what my problem was, because I didn't even know myself. Maybe a part of me did know, but I didn't want to come to terms with it.

"See you at the game tomorrow." He climbed out the window, leaving me to my thoughts and by the time I came to, he was gone. I don't think I drank enough last night.

"De Angelis, come here son."

"Yeah coach?"

"You're in."
"Again? I just got out."

"Don't give me no lip, boy."

I let out a long exasperated breath as I crouched down on the ever green field, waiting for the signal to go. The opposing team only needed one more touchdown to win. I don't know if it was because my parents were here, or because I couldn't stand being around Dakota but I was playing bad. I asked multiple times to be benched only to be put back in. I guess that extra practiced paid off and I made some improvements. Unfortunately today I couldn't show them off.


I took of running as fast as I could, waiting and watching for the ball behind me. Dakota threw it in my direction and it soared. I could hear the crowd cheering but I couldn't see anything, only the ball, the lights and me. I was going to miss it. I pushed myself to run at a faster pace, practically sprinting but I couldn't reach it in time. The opponents managed to get a hold of the ball and scored another yet touchdown. I sighed and took off my helmet. Why wasI playing so bad? My hair was stuck to my forehead from the sweat and my lungs were on fire as I walked to the sideline of the field.

"What the hell was that!?" Dakota jogged up to me.

"What do you mean? You're the one that over threw it."

"Maybe if you ran a little faster and stopped playing so bad, you would've been able to catch it!"

"Well sorry I'm not Usain Bolt. I'm not like you, golden boy."

He threw his helmet at my chest which hit my gear and landed on the field. I shoved him with both hands and he didn't hesitate to push back, grappling me down to the ground. I could hear the crowd gasp as we scuffled back and forth with our fists swinging at each other.

Alex and a few others separated us apart before it could get any worse. I stood up with a bruised cheek bone and Dakota had a busted lip. Alex had a tight grip on my arm, while coach held onto Dakota who was fuming red, trying to get out of his hold. My parents were now standing on the sidelines with us, along with Mr and Mrs. Moreau.

"Funny, instead of taking the loss out on the other team, you two take it out on each other." Alex chuckled.

"Whatever, I'm out of here." I jerked my arm away from him and grabbed my helmet from off the ground.

I didn't go home that night. Instead I met up with Gemma at a park nearby, who was more than happy to distract me from my troubles with a bottle and some music. We were sat in the middle of the parks' big empty field.

"Were you at the game?"
"Cheering the whole time." She grinned and took a swig from the bottle.

"How'd you know I'd be here."
"I like to think I have a sixth sense." She said to me as she pointed to her temple.

"Or you're a stalker."
"Or that."

I took a swig from the bottle, letting it burn my throat. I don't want to feel right now. Much less about the consequences when I go home. Whenever that is. Lectures from mom about ever laying a finger on golden boy, lectures from dad about why I wasn't good and both would question why Dakota and I were fighting.

"My place isn't too far from here if you want to go." Gemma said with a smirk. I looked down for a moment, thinking to myself. Dakota did say we should both move on.

"Sure." I said after taking another drink. I grabbed my gear and helmet in tow.

"My mom isn't home by the way." Gemma grinned taking me by the hand, obviously wanting to get right down to it as she lead me into her house. I nodded and let out a breath as she tugged me along, inching my way upstairs with a heavy heart.

We sat on the edge of her bed and I looked around the room, unsure of what to do next. Should I grab her by the shoulders? The hands? But Gemma beat me to it, kissing my unsuspecting mouth. Her breath tasted of liquor but I was too nervous to care. But at the kissing intensified, I couldn't feel anything, I felt numb. Maybe it's the alcohol.

She lifted my shirt over my head and threw it to the side. Her soft fingers rubbed against my chest as our tongues danced. She started unbuttoning her shirt, revealing a black lace bra underneath.

My breathing was heavy as Gemma climbed over top of me. With shaky hands, I began undoing my pants.

"I'm sorry I can't." I hung my head and laid back. I could see the disappointment smeared across her face. I got out from underneath her and grabbed my shirt off the floor.


"Sorry Gemma."

My walk home was quiet and the buzz from earlier wore off by the time I got to my bedroom window. I threw my gear in first, then my helmet, then myself. I didn't bother getting up and stayed on the floor the whole night. This is where I belong. So much for trying to move on.

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