Chapter Twelve : Make Out, I Mean Up

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I dreaded leaving my room the next morning and decided to leave through my bedroom window instead. Mom was probably waiting on the other side, ready to chew right through me.

I should start calling my window my door with how often I use it as an entrance and exit.

The walk to school felt off without having Dakota by my side. I haven't spoken to him since last night, if that's what you'd call a conversation. I still didn't know when we'd end up talking to each other. Or if we'd even make up this time.

"Luka!" Gemma came running up to me as I was walking to my locker.

"Hey." I smiled sheepishly, embarrassed about the night before.

"Surprised I'm talking to you?"
"A little."

"I don't give up that easily." She winked, reminding me of the first time we met. She hit on me right in the middle of class.

I met eyes with Dakota from across the hall, he was with Alex and his girlfriend, Eva. We had a stare down as we walked past each other, without saying a word. And it was like time stood still with just the two of us in the hallway. His hazel eyes engulfed me and all I wanted to stop to apologize, to sweep all this under the rug.

But a flame ignited inside of me when I noticed Eva was staring at me too. I looked away and broke the contact, focusing on whatever was ahead. Forget it.

I hung out with Gemma and Jane at lunch, watching Dakota from a distance making out with Eva in the middle of the field. I downed the rest of my can drink and crushed it in my hands.

"Go talk to him already." Jane said pushing up her glasses.

"I might kill him."

"What were you fighting about anyway?" Gemma asked.

I paused for a moment to think. What were we fighting about? Was I actually mad at him for getting a girlfriend?

"I'm not going to state the obvious." Jane said, pulling me from my thoughts of self hatred and anger.

"What do you mean?" I asked with an arched brow. Jane only rolled her eyes and continued to eat.

"Why aren't you two with Queenie, throwing rose petals at her feet?"

"She found some new friends to hire." Gemma chuckled only to be hit on the arm by Jane.


"We were just getting tired of her so called games." Jane shrugged.

"Right." I nodded, not fully believing it. It is believable however that Queenie would have to pay for friends. I can't imagine that anyone would actually want to be her friend.

Lunch was over in the blink of an eye and before I knew it so was school. With my duffel bag on my shoulder I made my way to the gym locker rooms for practice, but I really wanted to skip today and tail it home.

I lost whatever courage I had as I entered the change room. All eyes were on me including Dakota's. I chose a spot away from him and started to change.

"Last nights loss was nothing to be worried about." Coach said as we gathered around him.

"It's only the beginning and I don't expect us to win every time. What I do expect is better team work and better plays. Now get to it." Coach blew his whistle and I started the new drills coach made up for us. Dakota would glance at me from time to time and sometimes it looked like he was thinking about approaching me. But he never did.

Practice felt longer as I did it alone without talking to anyone on the team. But I knew they were all waiting for me and Dakota to rip into each other again. The seniors feed off of stuff like that. I finished up and began walking home.

"Wait up." Dakota jogged behind me. I ignored him and began walking at a faster pace.

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry." He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"You didn't do anything." I said turning away from him and continued to walk.

"Obviously I did." He grabbed me again.

"Just leave me alone and go hang out with Eva or something." I jerked away from him and started running only to have him run after me.

He caught up to me as I stopped to climb into my bedroom window. He grabbed me by the arm and tugged.

"Let go." I jerked away, reeling us both into the room and onto the floor. Our heads hit together with a loud clunk.

I groaned and got up on my feet, rubbing my throbbing head.

"You have to tell me what's wrong." Dakota groaned getting up off the floor. I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I don't know." I mumbled as he sat down beside me, gazing into my eyes that were too afraid to match his.

"I-I think I like you." I said so quiet I couldn't even hear the words coming from my mouth. My heart was pounding, worried of what would come out of his.

"I.. I do too. But-" He stopped mid sentence and looked away from me for a moment. I felt relief hearing those words but at the same time afraid. How would this work if we tried? Would it really be that bad? Endless questions filled my mind as we stared at each other in silence, both unsure of what to say next.

Dakota stood up and went over to my window, opening it and without another word he climbed out.

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