Chapter Fifty Eight : Chin Up

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A/N (may be long so feel free to skip) Thank you to all that have been patient with me. I feel like I should tell you all what happened, since I enjoy sharing with my readers, as I feel like you guys are more than just that, but friends! I have been going through a tough time mentally and no longer attend university because of it. It's really got me down, making it hard to write. But I am getting better! So I decided to write again :) I just hope that if you struggle with mental health to tell someone and seek help for it if needed. Even if you have to pause everything else in your life momentarily and solely focus on bettering your mind, do it. And don't let anyone tell you other wise. I can't promise more chapters after this but for now enjoy this one :)

Chapter 58 - Chin Up

The air in locker room was heavy and quiet as I changed out of my gear along with the rest of the team in some sort of sluggish manor, moving as if we were zombies. Dakota heaved a sigh as he stood up with his chest puffed out before clearing his throat. The team stared at him with anticipation.

"It's been a good season guys. And you know, we didn't win. But we made it this far and it doesn't mean we can't do it again." Dakota said with a smile as he stuck out his hand mid air. I put my hand top of his and it wasn't long before the rest of the team piled their hands on each other.



Dakota wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we exited the locker room. Typically there'd be celebration of some sort after winning a game, was it still possible?

"Chin up, babe." He said as he patted my shoulder. I looked up from the ground to meet his eyes with a smile. I hadn't even realized how sad I must've looked for him to say that.

"Who needs some shiny trophy anyway, right?" I joked.


We walked to the parking lot, where all the other parents including ours, awaited our most gracious return. Some of them holding their sons with tear filled eyes. It made me wonder if they too were riding on a sports scholarship.

Dakota and I parted ways but not before the smallest of kisses on my cheeks. I chuckled and watched him as he walked to his mother's side, she stood near the car, awaiting him with comforting open arms.

"I'm so sorry, honey." My mother said as she opened the trunk with a tight lipped smile.

"It's okay." I shrugged, throwing in my bag as she ruffled my hair.

"It was a great season, son." My father said as we piled into the car. I nodded and grabbed my seatbelt, clicking it in place.

"Think of it this way, this towns football team hadn't made it that far in years." He continued, trying to comfort me best he could.

I didn't know what to expect myself to feel. I didn't feel sad or upset at the fact that our team lost. All I knew was that I was able to play my last high school game with a light heart. The win wasn't always everything.

I closed my bedroom door behind me, feeling somewhat empty now that I was alone. The sudden realization that high school was ending had set in and it was scary. I'd no longer see the faces of my friends everyday and it hurt to think about. But I knew no matter what, we would always remain just as that, friends.

I wondered to myself if Dakota was doing okay after the confrontation with his father and pondered the thought of sneaking across the street to his house. I shook my head and talked myself out of it, opting to shower instead.

I slipped on a pair of pajamas and threw myself on my bed. But I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to see Dakota, it was almost becoming too intense to bare. I bit my lip and pondered but not long before I sat up and walked to my window.

I climbed out without a sound. The pavement beneath was cold to the touch as I tiptoed across the street in my bare feet. I knocked on Dakota's window with the back of my hand.

"What are you doing here? Get in!" Dakota said as he grabbed me by the forearm and dragged me inside. I hadn't realized how cold it was outside until my teeth started chattering.

"Here." Dakota said as he wrapped a knit throw over my shoulders.

"I wanted to see you, to make sure you were okay. You know, after your dad showed up at the game and all." I shrugged as I looked at him. He smiled warmly before he embraced me tightly. I no longer felt as cold as earlier as he nuzzled his face into the nape of my neck, warming me with his hot breath.

I knew I couldn't stay the whole night, but I wanted to. I wanted to be around Dakota as much as I could because I knew once we were done high school, things wouldn't be the same even if we attended the same college. I felt as if I was running out of time to do things every teenager was supposed to do. I sighed deeply without realizing it and it wasn't long before Dakota asked what was wrong.

"Just overthinking." I said, sparing him the details before grabbing him by the waist and pulling him onto the bed.

"I'm scared." I blurted out as we lay beside each other in the dark.

"Of what?"

"Growing up, I guess." I sighed once more. Dakota chuckled, cupping the side of my face as he ran his thumb across my cheek. Such a small simple touch, gave me an enormous amount of comfort.

"We'll be doing it together, so maybe it won't be that bad." He smiled before enveloping me in a deep kiss that took me by surprise.

"Can I stay the night?" I asked as I stared at him pleadingly.

"It's a school night, sorry." He said as he stuck out his bottom lip with a pout.

"I'll leave in the morning, promise." I said as I closed my eyes before he could protest any more. He sighed.

"Luka? Are you really sleeping?"

I remained silent.

"Luka, seriously, I know you're awake." I could hear him chuckle softly.

"I love you, Luka." I could feel his soft lips press against my forehead and his arm drape over me. I smiled to myself, content in that moment. I didn't want it to end.


"Luka, wake up." I could feel my body being shaken.

"I'm awake." I mumbled, struggling to open my eyes.

"Pretend you came here early to eat breakfast with us." He said as he tossed clothes at my face.

"Why? Our parents know we're dating."
"Just do it."

I groaned and rolled around in bed, "Fine."


"So nice of you to stop by so early in the morning, Luka." Mrs. Moreau said as she set down a plate of eggs and toast for us to eat.

"Oh, I always get up around this time, so I thought why not stop by." I chuckled through my teeth.

"Right, well you two enjoy breakfast, I have to hit the road for work." She said, grabbing her purse and kissing Dakota on the cheek. I'd never seen someone dash out the door so quickly.

"Can you believe it? My mom, working and waking up before one o'clock in the afternoon!" Dakota exclaimed.

"Amazing." I said with a mouthful of toast.
"She's like a completely different person, but in a good way, you know?"

"Maybe it was her all along but the alcohol was getting in the way." I said, making Dakota's eyes widen.

"You're right!" He chuckled as he ruffled my hair, "When did you get so wise with words."

"Eat ya eggs." I shoved the rest of my toast in his mouth before he could say anything else.

A/N I wasn't sure if I should end the chapter here but I feel like it was okay??? Idk haha.

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