Chapter Fifty Seven : Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

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A/N thank you for 2M reads! this chapters fan shoutout goes to jeremy1016!

"And that marks another win for the Warriors folks!" The announcer's voice echoed through the stands as the crowd cheered. The season was almost over and I was both grateful and bitter about it. I would miss all my team mates that I'd played with during high school but a hopeful thought was that'd I'd still be playing with Dakota and Michael in college.

"Here's your tickets boys. Sell 'em as you see fit." Coach said as he handed each of us a stack full of purple paper tickets as we sat in the change room. "The school will be hosting a dinner next week in celebration of making it to the playoffs, be there or be square." He finished before taking leave.

I packed my gear away, stuffing my tickets in the side of my bag, reminding myself not to forget them there.

"Nice game, fella's." Michael said before slapping my butt including Dakota's. The gesture caught him off guard, making his cheeks flush with embarrassment, a look I enjoyed seeing on him.

"Team effort." I said with a smile and a shrug.

"Great game, honey. You were fantastic!" My mother said as we sat in the car, preparing for the journey home.

"Thanks mom." I smiled from the back seat, staring at her in the mirror as she touched up her makeup. I sighed in content as I stared out the window as we started the drive back home, thinking back to the last time we were in the car together after a game years ago. Two years ago I could barely talk to my mother, and now I felt like I'd missed precious time I could had spent with her.

It was still a mystery as to why she treated me the way she had. Two years ago my father said that I wouldn't understand, that it was better left unsaid but now that I was older I felt like I would. A part of me wanted to ask but the other part didn't want to disturb the peace. Was I just to sweep it under the rug?

After a quick shower and snack, we'd settled in the living room to watch the world's best movie, Sword in the Stone. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop glancing at my mother. I wanted to know, I deserved to know and if it changed everything back to the way it had been, then so be it.

I cleared my throat and sat up, staring across the room at my parents are they stared back, waiting for me to speak. I could feel my palms getting sweaty and my heart race at the realization that words were spewing out of my mouth.

"Is something wrong with mom?" They paused for a moment, glancing at each other before staring back at me and setting down the bowl of popcorn they were sharing.

"Son." My mother said as she sat down beside me, grabbing my hand in hers.

"I was in a very dark place, I was miserable. I said things to hurt the people I loved the most." Her eyes started to well with tears that I could tell she was holding back.

"I just want you to know, I'm sorry Luka. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry." She said as she squeezed my hand. Tears that I couldn't stop spilled down my cheeks like a stream as my mother embraced me and held me tight. I felt a sense of relief inside of me, like another weight had been lifted and I was at peace more that I had ever been.


"Alright boys, gather round. I just wanted to say, now that the season is coming to an end, that I'm gonna miss ya'll." Coach said with a croak, fighting back tears. I cleared my throat, suppressing a laugh, wanting to take coach seriously.

"Each and every one of you sons of bitches." A tear escaped from his eyes, rolling down his cheek as he took in a sharp breath.

"To coach." Dakota said as he stood up, holding his glass of water.

"To coach!" The team cheered in unison, the sound of glasses hitting each other filled the room.

As I looked around the room, I couldn't believe how fast high school was coming to an end. I'd spent four years of my life in high school and I couldn't be more happy to get out of it. Don't get me wrong, high school was great but it meant no more school, at least for awhile.

The dinner was being held at the only extravagant hotel in town and I wasn't complaining. The food, great, the decorations, great, the staff, great. Everyone about it was better than I could had imagined. I slid my hand down to Dakota's before interlocking our fingers. He turned to me and smiled, "What?"

"Fifty bucks, I say we win the last game tomorrow."

"No way." He shook his head as he shoved a piece of chicken in his mouth.

"Why not?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Because I already know we are." He said with a wink.

"You know, I think you might actually be right."

"I say we have a little party of our own later." Michael suggested, butting into the conversation.


"You, me, Dakota, Gemma and Jane! Gemma was the one the planned it. Tonight, my house." Michael winked before turning back to speak with coach.

As the night progressed, Coach had a little too much to drink and a cab was called for him. I helped him stand up right as he waited outside the hotel.

"You know, De Angelis, we never did find that mole." He said with one eye squinted.
"I guess, we'll never know." I shrugged.

"Well that was a wonderful dinner." My mom said as we pulled into the drive way.

"Yes, quite wonderful." My father said, putting the gear into park.

"Michael and Gemma are having a little celebration at Michael's, can I go?"

"I don't know, hun." Mom said before dad cut in. "Don't be home too late."

"Thanks!" I scrambled to get out of the car.
"Aren't you going to change?" My mother called out after me.

"I'm fine mom!" I said over my shoulder, already half way down the block.

I walked up the steps of Michael's house before knocking on the big oak wood door, struggling to catch my breath from practically running all the way.

"Luka, great to see you again." Mrs.Carina said with a smile as she opened the door.

"You too, Mrs.Carina. Is Michael here?"

"Yes, everyone is out back." She said as she let me in. I nodded with a smile before making my way to the back yard. Everyone was sat around a fire with sticks and smores and there was one guest I recognized from two years ago's homecoming. The dark curly haired boy that Jane had invited.

"This is Peter. Peter, this is Luka."
"Hi, I'm Peter." He smiled, showing off his metal mouth but the braces suited him, they were cute even.

"Hi." I said as I shook his hand.

"Peter, where you from? I haven't seen you around school." Gemma asked as she leaned closer to him.

"I'm a town over and I'm home schooled."
"So how'd you meet Jane?"

"She was my online tutor. We met in person for a couple sessions and after that I guess we kind of got to talking. More me than her, really." He chuckled coyly, averting his eyes to the ground.

"He knows a lot about Van Gogh, such a turn on." Jane said as she pushed up her glasses. "Right." I nodded, before grabbing a stick and shoving a marshmallow on the end of it.

"Well, that's nice." Gemma said with a smile as Michael patted her back like an upset child. I didn't think Gemma was used to seeing Jane with someone else, neither was I but I was happy for her none the less. I was glad she found someone with the same interests, like that Van Gogh fellow or who ever.

Later into the night, we'd let the fire die out as we laid on the grass, staring up at the stars. If there was on thing I liked about living in practically the middle of no where, it was that there was nothing to block the view of the stars. I was stuffed from smores, I'd lost count after five. I was ecstatic when Jane suggested we star watch.

"If you could have any super power, what would it be?" Michael blurted out.
"Speed, definitely." Dakota answered.

"Speed, why speed?"
"You mean, why not speed. Think about it, you could get anywhere in minutes, seconds even."

"Okay, but what about invisibility or flight."
"Invisibility would be nice." Gemma chimed in.

"Does speed include being able to read fast too?" Jane asked.

"Then definitely speed."

I listened quietly as they bickered back and forth about anything and everything, from super powers, to the endlessness of space. I'd even found out that Peter enjoyed football just as much as me and it felt like we'd known him for years, as if he was always around. It was funny how that worked.

"Well, I gotta get back before it get's too late." I said as I stood up, dusting off my pants.
"Same." Dakota said as he stood up with me.

"Okay, well see you guys at the game." Michael said as we waved and said our goodbyes.

"Go Warriors." Peter said quietly as we slipped out the back gate, making me chuckle.

"That was fun."
"Yeah." I nodded.

"Peter seems nice." Dakota said and I only nodded. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"You're being quiet."
"I'm always quiet."

"Luka." Dakota stopped walking and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm just going to miss night's like this, you know?"

"Me too." He nodded and swung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close as we continued walking home in the dimly lit streets.


"There's only a few minutes left on the clock, folks. Can the Warriors bring in the win." The announcer's voice echoed through the field on the bench. We were down two points and the whole team knew we wouldn't be able to catch up. I was determined to think otherwise.

"Come on guys, we can do it." Dakota said as he put his hand in the center of the huddle.

"Warriors, on three."
"One, two, three, warriors!"

The defense lined up with Dakota behind, the opposing team had the ball and it was only twenty yards to the touchdown line. I was nervous at the realization that perhaps we wouldn't win the championship, momentarily losing hope but as I turned to glance at Dakota, he smiled with a firm nod, putting my nerves at ease.

The whistle blew and the defense pushed but it just wasn't enough as the opposing runner swerved and turned, escaping every tackle.

"And touchdown for the Tigers!"

The crowd jeered but this time it wasn't for us. The moment was bittersweet as I took off my helmet and walked off the field with my head hung low. The win wasn't important, but it would've been amazing to win my last high school football game.

"Don't worry about it, baby." Dakota said as he rubbed the side of my cheek with his thumb. I nodded with a tight lipped smile.

"Well boys, it was one hell of a season and I'll tell ya time and time again, I'll miss you two." Coach said as he patted each other our shoulders before walking away.

"Guess you owe me fifty bucks." Dakota said with a chuckle.

"That ref was definitely paid off." Michael walked up to the two of us.

"Definitely." I nodded.

"Dakota." A gruff voice called out from the stands.

"Dad?" My eyes widened at the sight of Mr.Moreau. He'd grown a beard and his hair was scruffy, as if he hadn't brushed it in days. He looked somewhat of a mess if I was being totally honest.

"Son, I-I just want to say.." He paused.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Mom told me what happened with grandpa. Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I'm sorry son."

"Did you think that I would wonder off and steal people's wives?"  "Son, no, please. I just- I held resentment for the wrong reasons. I should've been mad at nonno for leaving grandma, not for being gay. I'm sorry, son, I should've accepted you from the start. I don't expect you to forgive me but I hope one day, you can." He sniffled before walking away.

"Whoa, what just happened?" Michael asked with an arched brow, completely out of the loop.

"Another time Michael."

A/N the end is nigh and i'm sad about it but also excited! don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think! also sorry for delayed update, was in a bit of a funk but i'm back now :) one more thing, again thank you for 2M reads! i love each and every reader that comments and votes! even the haters! because the football boys wouldn't be where it is today, if it wasn't for all of you guys! i want you guys to know that i read every comment and message that you send my way and i'm very thankful for it!

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