Chapter 23 : Lucy

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Hey, Readers!!!!! This Chapter is going to be a very interesting chapter that'll make you be like "WAAAAAAAAT!"! I'll just say this : The love between our hero and heroine are about to face some trouble. Here's Chapter 23, Enjoy!!!!! ><


After that time-stopping kiss, I decided to just head straight to bed. William cuddeled next to me, still frightened by Anna's murder. I made a little bed for Alice for her to sleep in, which she liked very much. But through that whole night, so many things were swimming through my mind : my responsibilities as a priestess, the dark figure, Anna's death, my romance with Nathaniel, my mother, and so much more. I was beginning to get a head ache. I knew that the perfect cure for this was hot milk and bread with jam. I got up and walked to the kitchen. When I arrived, I saw Nathaniel there also, which was no surprise. I gave him a small wave, and he waved back.  I poured myself some milk, and Nathaniel was happy enough to heat it up for me. As I ate my bread and drank my milk, I noticed that Nathaniel was staring at me. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

He was silent for a moment. His eyes looked sad, and the rest of his face looked grim. "I was just thinking what would of happened if it was you instead of Anna." He finally said. I looked at him with a sad face. I walked over to him and hugged him. Suddenly, I look at his face, and I see tears streaming down his face. "I dont want to loose you." He whimpered. Soon, I felt tears streaming down my face too. "Don't worry, you won't." I reassured him. I wiped the tears off his face, and he did the same to mine. His face leaned in towards mine, and our lips met. But this kiss was different, more...passionate. We usually only kissed for a brief moment, but this one was filled with sparks. I only had a brief second to breathe within each kiss. After almost what seemed like a thousand years of kissing, we stopped, panting for air. My cheeks were burning read, and so was Nathaniel's. Suddenly, he leaned into my ear and whispered softly in my ear. "I can't wait any longer." He whispered. I knew at that very moment what he meant. I nodded in agreement, and Nathaniel lifted me up into his arms and carried me to his room. And with that, we continued are night in his bedroom, filled with love and lust. 

It was only dawn when I woke up. The sun light was just shining, but still leaving some orange in the sky. Suddenly, I realized that I wasn't in my room. My uniform wasn't layed on the dresser, and Alice wasn't sleeping on the window sill. Instead, I'm in a more glorious bedroom, filled with exspensive items. When I look down, I realize that I wasn't wearing my night gown. I wasn't wearing anything at all, just my skin. Suddenly, my skin turned red, and not just my face, my whole body. I look to my right to see not William, but Nathaniel instead. I almost shrieked, but I quickly covered my mouth, trying not to wake Nathaniel up. I slowly tried to leave the bed, when all of a sudden, a hand grabs me. Startled, I see Nathaniel holding my hand, smiling. "Where do you think your going?" Nathaniel asked mischeviously.

I smiled and sighed. "Going to my room before anyone notices I'm gone."

"Why?" Nathaniel whined. "Stay here with me."

"I'm with you all the time. I think you can manage a few hours without me." I assured him. He sighed and stroked my face. "But a few hours just seems like forever." He whispered. I quickly kissed him on the forehead, changed into my night gown, and quickly ran to my bed room. I closed the door behind me and sighed. Just when I was finally able to relax, Alice come swooping at my face. "Where have you been all night!" Alice yelled.

I shushed her. "Dont wake William up!"

"Not until you tell me where you were!" Alice shouted.

"I Nathaniel." I confessed.

"And what were you........." Alice started. Suddenly, she went wide eyed. I think she figured it out. "Oh no you -"

"If you even tell anyone, I'll throw you in the pond!" I threatened. Alice put her hands over her mouth, and her once silver skin was now a deep shade of red. I groaned and changed into my uniform.

Three hours later, I was ready for the day. William left early to take care of the birds, and Alice was on my shoulder as a robin, but you could still see her red cheeks. I headed out the door, and right in front of it was Nathaniel. "Good Morning, sunshine." He greeted.

"When did we start using pet names?" I wondered.

"I though I'd try it out." He smirked. Suddenly, I hear humming from the end of the hall. I see that its Fay, and she's noticed us. Nathaniel quickly moved away from me, and I looked away from him. "Oh, your awake Nathaniel!" Fay cheered. She gave him a peck on the cheek, which made me angry. Nathaniel pretended to like, or so I think he did. "We're having a new employee! A butler man, and a very dashing one, if I must say." Fay told us. A new employee? And a dashing one? I could sense that Nathaniel was looking at me, the type of look that meant dont-even-think-about-it. Soon, Fay, Nathaniel, and I headed out to breakfast. As we all ate our eggs and bacon, the Queen of Dubois stood up suddenlly. "I have an announcement to make." The Queen said. "After a long discussion, we have finally chosen a date for Princess Fay and Prince Nathaniel's wedding." My heart suddenly stopped. A date? Already? But the Queen wasn't finished yet. "We've decided to do it next Saturday." I nearly chocked on my food. That soon? I looked at Nathaniel, but he actually looked excited. He put his arm over Fay's shoulder, and she cuddled next to him. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and walked away, but before I could leave, the King of Acelin caught me. "Where do you thin you're going, maid?" He asked. All eyes were suddenly on me, including Nathaniel's. "Um, I'm going to tell my little brother the great news. He had to skip breakfast today to take care of the birds." I lied. Before the King could say anything else, I ran out of the room. Tears started spilling from my eyes. "Are you okay?" Alice asked me. I had totally forgotten that Alice was on my shoulder as a robin. I nodded. "Maybe I was crazy that this was gonna last." I confessed. As I ran through the courtyard, I accidently bumped into someone and got knocked down to the ground. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I apologised. I look up and my heart stops. I see a man, no wait, a handsome man. He had beautiful brown hair, dark brown eyes, and they perfect shade of milk skin. "Oh no, I'm sorry. I should've moved." The man apologised. "But are you okay? Your eyes are swollen."

I quickly wiped my eyes. "Oh, I'm fine." I realized that he was wearing the butler uniform and became wide-eyed. "Your the new butler?"

"Yup. I'm Dameon, the new butler to King Jules." Dameon introduced.

"I'm Lucy, maid of Prince Nathaniel." I introduced myself. And with that, we started talking non-stop. I learned that Dameon and I come from the same town. Just like me, he was an orphan, and he was given the opprotunity to find a job with a pay. I laughed at all his jokes, and I was actually having a good time. "Can I tell you something?" I asked him.

"Of course. Anything." He told me.

"Your the first normal guy I've met here." I admitted. He snickered. "What's so funny?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He assured me.

"Your lying!" I yelled. Dameon starting laughing even more now. I sighed. "This is the most fun I've had since I came here." I said. Suddenly, bells started to chime, meaning the breakfast was over. "Well, I'm afraid I have to go." Dameon said sadly.

"But I'll see you at lunch." I winked. He started laughing. And then, suddenly, he kissed me on the cheek. I looked at him with shock, but all he did was smirk. "See you at lunch." He whispered. And with that, he left me alone at the Royal Garden. I put my hand on my cheek, where he kissed me. I turned around so that I could catch up to Nathaniel. But suddenly, there was Nathaniel, standing there, giving me an expressionless face, leaving me with no words to say.

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