Chapter 24 : Nathaniel

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Hey, Readers!! Here's Chapter 24, ENJOY!!!!!!!!


I didn't know what to say. I felt like screaming, but no words are could come out of my mouth. Lucy was looking at me as if I had just found out a secret. A huge secret. I wanted to move, and I could tell that Lucy wanted to move too. But we both didn't have the strength to move a muscle, scared at what might happen. Suddenly, Lucy made the first move, but not the move I'd expected. She walked away from me, not even giving me a single glance. I was confused and angry. I run up to her, but soon she starts to speed up. Thankfully, I was a faster runner. As I was chasing her through the palace, I was able to grab her shoulder. "Why are you running?" I asked, gasping for air. She didn't look me in the eye. "Who was he?" I asked. Finally, she looked at me straight in the eye, her icy blue eyes looking into my soul. "Like you need to know." She replied.

"I think I do need to know who kissed the woman I love." I growled.

"Do you love me?" She asked fiercley. I stared at her, confused. "What?" I said.

"Do I have to repeat myself? Do you love me?!" She asked again, her eyes filled rage.

"Of course I do. Why are you even asking me that?" I told her. She was still angry, but I could tell she was cooling down, but only a little. "What are you going to do, Nathaniel?" She asked me.

"About what?" I asked her.

"About us, about Fay, about the wedding. About everything." She said coldy. "How long were you expecting to keep this up?" I didn't know what to say. She had a point. My parent had made the decision of making the wedding next week, yet I still had feelings for Lucy. I looked at Lucy, who was impatently waiting for an answer. I sighed and looked at her in the eyes. "I don't know." I admitted. "I don't know."

"Exactly. I can't believe I actually thought this was going to work." She sighed.

"Don't say that!" I yelled at her. She looked at me with shock. "Well then, tell me! I'm tired of being your secret! I'm tired of hiding my feelings! I'm tired of seeing you with Fay, because it makes me wonder if you even love me!" She yelled back. And with that, she walked away, leaving her anger behind. I just stood there and watched her walk away. After I lost sight of her, my anger and stress began to burn inside of me. I threw my hand at the nearest wall and screamed. Why was this happening now? Memories of last night filled my head, making my heart ache. Suddenly, I get a chilled feeling that I was being watched. I turned around to see the boy that kissed Lucy on the cheek. I stared at him, and he stared at me. Soon, he walked closer and closer to me. "Hello, Your Highness." He greeted.

"Hello. And who may you be?" I asked, trying to answered, trying to hide my anger.

"Dameon Smith, your father's butler." Dameon introduced. I stared at him for a moment. "Good to know. Shouldn't you be with my father?" I asked.

"He wanted to have a private talk with the King of Dubois, so I took my leave." Dameon explained. "By the way, I met with your maid today, Miss Lucy." I tried even harder not to show my anger, but this guy was really pushing it. "Oh really? Is that all?" I asked.

"I thinking of hanging out with her a little more, just until I can reach her heart." Dameon told me. I couldn't control my anger any longer. I grabbed Dameon by the collar and pinned him to the wall. "You will not touch a single hair on Lucy!" I yelled. I thought his reaction would be shock, or confusion. But instead, he was smiling. Then laughing. My burning anger and jealousy turned into confusion. Why on earth was he laughing? He looked at me with his dark brown eyes, still laughing a little. "Face it, Princey. Your love was never meant to be. And soon, she'll be in my arms." He whispered in my ear. And with that, he pushed me away and walked back through the door. I was so angry, I could have killed him. Suddenly, there was a bright red light appearing from my hand. My hand began to burn in pain, a pain I've never felt because I was immune to burns. I closed my eyes and  screamed in pain, and soon the pain began to fade. I felt a light object suddenly appear in my hand. I open my eyes to see a glowing red  stick in my hand. To my surprise, it was made up of hot lava rocks, but with a red diamond on the end. Suddenly, Abrecan's words popped into my head. You can make the wand out of anything you want it to be. I realized what just happened. I made my wand out of my anger.

After my wand appeared, I ran straight to my room. I paused by the door and looked next door, Lucy's room. I silently walked by the door and pressed my ear upon it.  At first, I didn't hear anything, but then I heard Lucy's voice. "What am I going to do, Alice?" I heard Lucy ask.

"If he loves you, he'll call off the wedding. If he doesn't, then I'll turn into a griffon and eat him!" Alice exclaimed. I wasn't very fond of her idea. I could hear Lucy groan in frustration. "And also, don't fall for Dameon's act! I feel like he's hiding something. Something bad." Alice told Lucy. I nodded in agreement. "But I feel so......I don't know, normal around him. I feel like I can put everything aside and just talk to him." Lucy said. I slowly lifted my ear from the door. My heart ached even more knowing that Lucy trusts this guy. I quickly walked into my room and slammed the door behind me. I jumped onto the bed and sighed, trying to to calm down. I turn my head to the right and see the spell book Achyls had given to me on the night stand. I got up and grabbed the book and sat back down on the bed. The book had a black leather cover with a golden swirl all around it, making it impossible to unlock.  Achyls told me that if I do this for good and not evil, it will unlock when I tell it to. I slowly took a deep breathe and said, "Unlock." All of a sudden, the golden swirls vanshed in mid-air, and the book opened by itself. At first, I didn't know wether to wait until I was with the sisters, but something told me to just look through the pages. I turned one page, and suddenly, all this knowledge was pouring into my head. I quickly closed the book, but the pain didn't disappear. More and more information filled my head, facts on every single thing in the universe. I saw numbers, letters, symbols, the past and the future. I screamed in pain, hoping that anyone would come itno the room. Suddenly, a giant explosion appeared from the book, making me fly to the otherside of the room. I made contact  with my dresser and completely destroyed it. I looked beside me to see a vase, but with one glance, it shattered into a thousand pieces. "Help me!" I screamed. Beads of sweat fell from my face as my head began to throbb. Suddenly, my door flies open, and Lucy is on the otherside. "Nathaniel!" She screamed. She runs up to me, tears falling from her face. "What happened? Why are you bleeding?" She asked. At first, I didn't know what she was talking about, but then I see my arms are covered in blood. I felt another wave of pain  in my head, and soon, the world began to fade. "Lucy....." I whisper. The last thing I hear is Lucy crying, screaming my name and calling for help.

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