Chapter 26 : Nathaniel

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Hey Readers! I finally got rid of my writers block!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Anyhoo, Here's Chapter 26, Enjoy!!!! ><


I had a horrible nightmare the night before we left to town. I saw Lucy in the arms of Dameon, laughing, smiling. I tried of scream out her name, but no words were able to come out. Suddenly, I see Dameon lean in on her face, and Lucy closed her eyes. I scream her name, trying to stop her. All of a sudden, I hear someone call my name. "Nathaniel. Hey, wake up." I woke up, gasping for air and sweating like a pig. I look to see Alice in fairy form in fron of my eyes, looking very annoyed. "Geez! I've been calling your name for fifteen minutes!" She said, acting very annoyed.

"Sorry. I just had a nightmare." I apologized. The nightmare was still floating in my head, freezing at the point where Dameon and Lucy almost kissed. The thought of it made my heart ache. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I have something to ask you." Alice told me.

"And that is?" I asked. Alice flew over to my right shoulder and sighed. "Are you really gonna marry that Fay girl?" She asked. I looked at her in shock. Now that was something I should be thinking about.  How am I gonna break the engagement between Fay and I? "I don't want to." I answered.

"Then go to your parents and tell them that you don't want to marry her!" She yelled.

"But if I break the engagement, it breaks the alliance between Dubois and Acelin." I told her.

"Does that mean you have to give up true love!" She kept yelling. I stared at her with shock. I didn't know what to say now. I hear Alice sigh. "I'm Lucy's servant, spiritually and physicaly. I can feel her pain. Her emotions are mixed up, and I don't want her to get hurt." I was stuck. I really don't know what to do.  Do I follow my duty or my heart? I think of my life before I met Lucy. All I really did was obey my parents, did my duty, never having an adventure and still holding the secret about my powers. But after  I met her, my whole world changed. I felt She showed me things about happiness, love, pain, and fear, things I've never experianced with others. I want to experience more of that with her, for all eternity. "Your right, Alice."  I told her. "If I want to be with Lucy, I have to disobey my parents." Alice smiled and hugged my nose. "I knew you weren't an idiot!" She squealed. She closed her eyes and started chanting a spell. Suddenly, something appears on the palm of my hand. I released my hand to see a ring with dots of diamonds all around it. "My True Love" was inscripted on the ring. "Propose to her." Alice said. I looked at her. schocked. But I knew myself to well to object. I went into a deep slumber, holding the ring tightly.

In the afternoon, I got dressed and waited patiently for Lucy. We decided to leave an hour early so that Lucy could meet up with Annette. "Sorry!" I hear someone yelling from afar. I turn to see Lucy running to me, waving her hand. "Fay started to accuse me of weird stuff, but luckily William was able to distract her." 

I smiled. "It's alright. Now lets go." And with that, we stepped into the carriage and headed off. The ring that Alice made was in my pocket, making me a little nervous. I see Alice in kitten form on Lucy's lap, taking a cat nap. Lucy was stroking her fur as she looked out the window, staring into deep space. I notice a bow and arrows in Lucy's leather bag, which probably meant she got her item while I was resting. Lucy noticed me staring at her. "Is there something wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Enjoying the view?" I asked.

Lucy nodded. "It feels like it was yesterday when I rejected you at the ball."

"It's been four months, yet I remember it vividly." I told her. [ Authors Note : I made it look like only like a few days, but I wanted it to be more expanded :P] She leaned her head on my shoulder, and we enjoyed the rest of the ride in silence.

When we finally reached the town, Lucy was really excited. She started to say hello to the towns folk, smiling like never before. We finally reached on what must be Annette's house.  The door opened, and Annette appears infront of us. Suddenly, my ears are blasted with squealing from the both of them. They start hugging and crying, but they still scream "Lucy-Lu! Your back!" Annette squealed.

"I've missed you so much!" Lucy squealed back. Suddenly, Annette notices me. She quickly does a courtsey, but I wave my hand. "That's not necessary, really."

"Actually, I have something to tell you about him." Lucy said. We stepped inside and Lucy told her every that has happened with our magic, our romance, everything. Annette was really shocked. "You.....and him....Oh my gosh this is so much to process." She whispers, putting her hand on her forehead. 

"Yup.." I said, feeling awkward. Suddenly, Annette's face was a centemeter away from mine. "Annette! What are you doing?" Lucy asked.

"Inspecting him." Annette said plainly. "And to me, this guy is good to go!" Lucy sighed in relief, as did I. Suddenly, we heard Annette's grandfather clock chime. "It's time for us to go." Lucy told her. 

Annette nodded in understandment. " Next time you visit, please bring William with you." Lucy nodded. We headed out the door, and Lucy gave Annette one more hug.  "Take care of her." Annette told me. I nodded and left the house. We walked a few blocks when suddenly, we see an old pot-bellied man walking towards us. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Miss Lucy." He said with his crackly voice.

"Uh, hello Mr. O'Riley." Lucy greeted, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I bet your making a lot of money working for that prince fellow." Mr. O'Riley laughed. Apparently, he didn't recognize me, so I just smiled. "Well, it was good seeing you." He said and walked away.

"Who the heck was that?" I asked.

"The landlord." She told me. We finally reached the old cottage, but it looked different. The holes on the roof were patched up, the wood looked completely new, and flowers charms were hung on every corner of the house. "Is this really the cottage?" I asked her.

"It's gotta be. But they sure made it look more.....colorful." She said with a little giggle. Lucy did exactly as the letter told her to do. She knocked three times and asked, "When the girl cries, why must she cry tears of true love?"

Suddenly, the door swung open,  and suddenly, we see a man dressed in long black trousers, a purple coat, a ginormous rainbow colored bow tie, and a top hat covered in feathers. This man looked....weird. "You're here!" He cheered. He suddenly grabbed our hands and dragged us into the house. He made us sit down on chairs. He stared at us with a friendly, yet creepy, smile. "Um..You're the one who sent the letter, right?" Lucy asked nervously. Suddenly, he starts bursting in laughter. Lucy scoots her chair closer to mine and grabs my sleeve in fear. "Of course I'm the one that wrote the letter! Did you expect a shaman or something?" He asked.

"Pretty much." I replied. He laughed a little more and suddenly jumped up. "My name is a mystery. People call me names, but they don't know my true identity." He said.

"So you we can just give you any name?" Lucy asked.

"Yupperdoodle!" He cheered. Lucy put her finger on her head, thinking of a name. "Borna." She said suddenly.

"Borna? Why Borna?" I asked her.

"Because he's full of youth, and that's what  Borna means." She said.

"Ding ding ding we have a winner!" Borna cheered. He took off his top hat, and confetti suddenly flew out of his hat. "How did you do that?" I asked in amazement.

"Not important right now."  Borna told us. He jumped up and sat down with his legs crossed. "Oh, my apologies! Would you like some tea?" He asked. Borna took off his hat again and reached down his hat. Suddenly, a giant table appeared, along with three cups of hot steaming tea and a bowl of cubbed sugar. "How many sugar cubes to you like in your tea?"

"Um..One only." Lucy told him.

"Two for me." I told him nervously. He put the sugar cubes in our tea and began to take a sip of his tea. "So, um..How do you know my parents?" Lucy finally asked. Borna stopped sipping his tea and put it on the table. "I'm an old friend of your father's." He told us. "I've known you all your life."

"But I don't remember you." Lucy told him.

"That's because I live in the shadows." He suddenly whispered. "You don't know me, but I know you. Almost like a....Gaurdian Angel." Lucy stared at him mesmorised, and I think I was too. Lucy started rumaging through her bag and took out the envelope the letter was in. "You told us not to look inside the envelope. Why?" Lucy asked.

"Because I wanted to see the look on your faces when you guys saw the stuff, duh!" Borna told us. We were both confused, so we dumped out everything that was in the envelope. What we saw confused us. There was a test tube filled with red liquid, a white, blue, and gold pearls, a tiny bag of candy, and a feather. "Um, what are these items?" I asked.

"Items you will need in your upcoming battle." Borna explained. "The red liquid is for those arrows you have there. One tiny drop on each arrow, and their power will multiply by a hundred." He handed her the the vile, and Lucy stared at it, shaking it around. "The pearls are for you, Nathaniel. Your wand will absorb them, and spells that are beyond your level will be as easy as pie." He handed me the pearls, and suddenly, I felt a surge of power coming from the pearls. "Um, where's your little fairy friend?" Borna asked.

"Over here!" Alice called out from Lucy's bag. She transfromed herself back into a fairy and flew to Borna's side. "This bag of candy is for you. What will happen will is a mystery even I don't know." Alice took the bag of candy and stared at it with wonder. "What about the feather?" I asked.

"Ask the Fate Sisters." He said with a wink. "Anyways, you must all be carefull."

"Why?" Alice asked. "We haven't seen any demons or suspicious actions since that trainging demon attacked Anna."

Borna looked at us, confused. "Don't you guys know?"

"Know what?" Lucy asked.

Borna sighed. "The dark figure has already shown him/her self. It's been staying at the castle quite a while."

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