Chapter 27 : Lucy

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Hey, Readers! I'm actually trying to write a book, because I deleted my other  book becaue it was kind of going a little too fast. I actually wanna write another web-movel with a fan of mine! If any of my fans wanna write something with me, send me a message and we'll talk ;) Anyhoo, here's Chapter 27, ENJOY!!!!! ><


At first, I thought he was just joking. But I knew too well that it was nowhere near a joke."W-what are you talking about?" I asked him.

"The dark figure has disguised himself as human." Borna explained. "Which is probably why you haven't sensed  him at all."

"So he could be anyone in the palace?" Alice asked.

 Borna nodded.  I gasped. The dark figure could be anyone in the castle? It could be the Royal Family of Dubois,  or Dameon, or one of the hundreds of butlers and maids. I could feel my hands shaking with fear. "How long until the battle?" Nathaniel suddenly asked.

"Two days." He said.

"Two days! We barley trained!" I exclaimed.

"And that's all you need." Borna explained. "You guys make it sound like its so hard to be a sorcerer and a priestess, when its actually quite easy. Lucy, all you really need to do is pray and shoot arrows. And Nathaniel, you already have the symbols in your head, so all you have to do is draw them." 

"But still, how do you know that we're gonna win?" I asked, my voice shaking in fear.

"Because your father prophesied it." Borna told me. I looked at him with confusion and shock. "W-what?"

"Your father had the thing called 'The Sight' and was able to see the past and future. He knew everything that was gonna happen, which is why people thought that he was crazy. He knew everything from his birth to his death."

My father knew he was going to die? Why didn't he try to prevent it? Everything would've been so different. Suddenly, we heard a ding - ding, dong - dong. "And that's my cue to leave!" He exclaimed. He took our tea cups and table and stuffed it inside his hat. "I know you have more questions, but I can't answer them right now! See you in two days!" He exclaimed. He put his hat on the ground and jumped inside, disapearing in mid air. The hat began to levatate and flew out of the window. "Oh my God." Alice whispered.

"I know." Nathaniel said. Suddenly, something popped inside my head that I should've realized a long time ago. "Nathaniel, the day we battle is on your wedding day." I whispered.  Nathaniel sat up straight, his eyes wide with surprise.

Our ride back to the palace was silent. We just watched the sun set, revealing the orange and purple sky. When we finally arrived to the palace, Fay was waiting by the gates. "Nathaniel!" She called out. Nathaniel was still silent, and I wouldn't blame him. We just found out that one of the bloodiest battles in history is gonna be on their wedding day, which was suppose to be the happiest day for the kingdom of Acelin. When the carriage made a complete stop, I quickly stepped out and tried to be out of sight. Suddenly, I feel a hand grab my arm. I turn to see it was Fay, darting her evil golden eyes at me. "Where's my present?" She asked.

"The shops were closed because of the wedding." I lied.

"Aww! The kingdom really loves Nathaniel and I as a couple!" She squealed. She ran to Nathaniel and cuddling with him. I ignored it this one time and tried to find the Fate sisters. I looked all over and finally found them in the infermary. "Why are you guys here?" I asked.

"We're in deep trouble." Adabel said in worry.

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Someone told the King that he witnessed magic." Achyls said, her voice shaking. This was not good. The King of Acelin hated magic, and all magic users were automatically executed. My heart began to beat fast. "What are we going to do?" I asked.

"For now, we are staying clear from magic, at least until this rumor dies down." Abrecan informed us. We all nodded in agreement. Suddenly I remebered something. "A friend of my father's wanted me to give you this." I told them, handing them the feather. Abrecan and Adabel were confused, but Achyls stared at it with amazement. "He gave you this?!" She asked in shock. 

I nodded. "He wouldn't tell me what it was though."

"It's the last ingrediant for my potion!" She exclaimed.

"What potion?" Adabel asked.

"My ressurection potion. I started it a couple hundred years ago, but I was never able to finish it!" Achyls  screamed with happiness. Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door. "Hello? Guests? Its time for dinner." Phillips voice called out.

"We'll be there soon!" Adabel told him. After that, we headed out the door and headed to the Dining Hall. I sat between Nathaniel and Adabel as we ate pasta. I could hear the Kings and Queens talking to each other, Fay talking to Nathaniel about the wedding, and William talking to a kid about the animals he saw today. It was only the sisters and I who were silent. "You're wedding is in two days. Aren't you two excited?" Queen Lisette asked

"Of course we are! We are going to be the future King and Queen of Acelin and Dubois!" Fay bragged. I ignored it all and just continued with my pasta. Suddenly, I felt something that wasn't right. I looked at Adabel, and I can tell she felt it too. I looked at Nathaniel, but I don't think he felt anything. "Something's here." i whispered.

"I know. A demon's here." Adabel whispered back.

"What are we gonna do? We can't perfom an exorcisim with the King looking at us." I reminded her.

"As long as the demon doesn't appear in the Dining Hall, we're fine." Adabel told me. I nodded and tried to look casual. Suddenly, the table started to shake. "What the-" King Jules said.

"Is this an earthquake?" Fay said scared, holding on to Nathaniel. Nathaniel looked at me, and I mouthed "Demon." He looked at me with shock.  Suddenly, a giant bird flew out of the table. Unlike the other one, this one had flesh, and had a protected armor. It screeched, and everyone screamed. They all huddled into a corner, but I looked around. I saw my bag that had my bow and arrows, but I had to get the demon's attention. The bird looked at me and screeched again. "Lucy, what the hell are you doing?!" Nathaniel screamed.

"Saving you!" I yelled back.

"Not without me!" Nathaniel said, running towards me.

"Nathaniel!" Fay screeched. Nathaniel pulled out his wand. "Okay, what do you want me to do?" Nathaniel asked.

"Try to weaken it. I cant put the liquid Borna gave me yet. Just keep attacking." I told him.

"Alright! I'm fired up now!" Nathaniel.

"Be careful." I told him. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes and smiled. Suddely, he kissed me in front of everyone. I could hear everyone gasp, even Fay screaming his name. "No go!" He told me.  I nodded and ran to my bag. I got out my bow and arrows. I could see Nathaniel casting spells, as if he's actually done all these spells before. I ran up to him. "How are you doing?" I asked him.

"I think I need a little help. He's too strong for purification." He told me. I nodded. I kneeled to the ground, folded my hands together, and started to cast a spell. "Lucem, luceat!" I whispered. Suddenly, balls of light appeared on the palm of my hand. Perfect. I started to throw them at the demon, and it began to shriek. "Now, Lucy!" Nathaniel cued me.

"Got it!" I replied. I grabbed my bow and an arrow. "Daemon, recesserimus ab hac terra!" I shot my arrow and it began to glow. When it made contact  with the deom, it shrieked in pain. Suddenly, a giant flash of light appeared, and the demon exploded, turning it into dust. I sighed in relief and fell to the ground. "We did it." I whispered.

"Yup." Nathaniel said,  helping me up. Suddenly, we heard Fay scream. "What the hell was that!" She yelled.

"Fay, I can explaine-" Nathaniel started

"Can you really explain it!" She screamed. Suddenly, I started to feel a little dizzy. I was aout to fall, but Nathaniel caught me. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, just this is the most magic I've used." I told him with a smile.


"Honey, I can explain!" Queen Lisette told him.

"You knew about this!" He yelled.

"Your Highness, allow me to explain." The three sisters said.

"No, allow me to explain." Phillip said.

"Stop!" I screamed, getting everyone's attention. "This is Nathaniel's and my situation, so we will explain." So we did, we told him everything about our magic, our relationship, the three sisters, Alice, the dark figure, everything. The King looked shock. Everything was silent. Finally, the King spoke. "Take Miss Lucy to the dungeon. She is ordered to be executed tomorrow." I could feel my face become pale. I wanted to scream, but no words came out. Suddenly, Nathaniel grabbed me and squeezed me tight. "Father! She has to be alive, otherwise the dark figure will win!" He screamed.

"She is a magic user, so she will be executed!" The King yelled.

"Then that means you have to execute me too!" Nathaniel yelled back.

"Why are you trying to protect this girl!" The King yelled.

"Because I love her!" He screamed. Everyone was silent. Fay looked like she was going to scream and cry. "Nathaniel!" Fay screamed.

"Wait!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me. I stared at the King, and he stared at me."I understand that you are angry, confused, and scared, Your Highness. I was too at first. But you have to believe us. The Fate Sisters made this happen to that fate can be restored. If this dark figure wins, you will all die." The King stared at me with shock, but I wasn't done yet. "If you kill me, your killing everyone, including the wife that you love and your son." The King sighed with frustration. He rubbed his face, and finally, he spoke. "I will not execute you." I sighed of relief. Nathaniel hugged me with happiness. But the King coughed, telling us that he wasn't done. "But you will be staying in dungeon from this time on. And the wedding will continue as planned."

Nathaniel looked shocked. "We can't have the wedding."

"And why not!" Fay said furiously.

"That's the day the dark figure reveals himself. But we know he's in this room this moment." I said. 

The Queen of Dubois looked at me. "What are you talking about?"

"The dark figure has disguised himself as human, which is why The Fate Sisters or I couldn't feel his presence." I explained. Everyone was silent, they started to look eachother, trying to figure out who had done it. King Jules sighed. "Nathaniel, we'll talk in my study. Take Miss Lucy and her brother to the dungeon."

"Wait!" I yelled.

"What now!" The King yelled.

"William has no power. He has nothing to do with this." I told him.

"Fine! The boy can stay! Just go to the dungeon!" The guards grabbed told of my arms and pushed me out of the door. "Lucy!' William called out. I turned around to see tears coming out of his face. "It's okay." I reassured him. "I'll only be gone for a while. Be a good boy, okay." William nodded, and gave me a giant hug. I could see Nathaniel run out of the room. He ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He whispered.

"It's alright." I whispered back. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine. Our lips met, probably the last kiss until the battle. The guards pulled me away, sending me to the dungeons. "I love you." I mouthed.

"I love you too." He said outloud.

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