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Chapter 19

'There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me. Stubbornness can be another name for self-confidence. I’m stubborn; once I start something, I want to see how far I can go, All my problems bow before my stubbornness. You can hate a person with your whole body, but love is a stubborn thing, it clings on in your heart.'


They continue their stares as none of them wants to lose to each other.

Jason saw at that moment, how beautiful she looks. She has a hidden beauty which was covered in her boyish ways. She was very beautiful, was that what Jorkallun saw apart from her courage? He thought as he stared.

King Roen tried to start a conversation with Rae and his son.

"Rae how is Lillian, it's been a long time since I last saw her." King Roen said hoping to gain Rae's attention to him.

"She is fine my king, she sent her greetings to you." Rae answered without breaking her eye contact with Jason.

"Jason why don't you eat your food, it's getting colder." King Roen suggested to his son, hoping to the gods he break his eyes contact with Rae.

Taking one spoon into his mouth, "Happy father? I am eating." Jason answered him without breaking his eyes contact with Rae.

He smirked, he can't wait to see her blink her eyes, he was a champion in this.

Rae also smirked, matching Jason's own. She can't wait to see him blink his eyes, and declare her the winner.

Groaning, King Roen touched his forehead, why did he even invited Jason?

"Aren't you tired of staring uh handsome boy?" Rae asked the white haired boy.

"I would ask the same of you, don't you think the time is going and your grandmother might be worried about you, unlike me who is in my own house." Jason fired back.

"Oh sorry I forgot handsome boy." Rae said and place a finger on her head without breaking off her eye contact with him. "I just remember your father invited me over brainless."

"You could have said no instead of coming here, can't you see you are not welcomed here oh wise one." Jason said back.

"You could have not honored your father's invitation by coming here dumbass."

Standing up to his feet, he leaned over the table that separates them glaring at her, "I dare you to say that again!" Jason shouted, his eyes still on Rae's.

Rae stood up to her feet, leaning over the table, making their faces inches away from each other. She could see that his eyeballs weren't red yet, so she was still safe. "Is it the part I called you dumbass or the part where I said you shouldn't have honored your father's invitation, which one of them handsome boy?" Rae said with the same tone of voice Jason had used.








"That's enough the both of you." King Roen finally said, his son doesn't like it when he intervene, but he is still the King.

Jason and Rae stared at King Roen like he'd grown another head, breaking off their eyes contact. No one ever cut in when they were arguing with someone, for fear of their lives, Roen should be lucky that he is their King.

King Roen smiled when they both look at his direction with a deadly glare. He had just stopped a fight from happening right there in front of him.

"Now, you both lose in the staring eyes contact. And as the only living witness here, I hereby declare the both of you the winner." King Roen said and clapped his hands. None of them move as they glare at him. "Rae sit down, Jason please sit down."

"Whatever, I am leaving this minute, I can't breathe in the same air as she does." Jason said and walked angrily at them, opening the door and closed it behind him.

Snorted, Rae sat down finally.

"I am so sorry for his behavior Rae, he is always like thi-" King Reon was interrupted by the opening of the door to reveal an angry Jason walking towards them.

"I just remembered that this is my HOUSE, you should be the one leaving, and not me leaving stupid witch." Jason said stopping in Rae's presence.

"Yeah yeah like I will leave." Rae responded. "I just found out I love this place, in fact by tomorrow be expecting me and my grandmother here, we are coming here for a vacation you four legged wolf."

"Jason, please she is my invited guest, I called her here to ask her a few questions regarding the complaints the Priestess gave to me earlier today." King Roen voice interrupted anything Jason had wanted to say.

"Oh, I should have known that nincompoop was here." Jason said turning to face his father and at the same time Rae said.

"She was truly scared of the little mouse, which is me."

Her response made Jason looked at her.

"What did you do to her Rae? She said you insulted her." King Roen asked.

"Nothing my King, she asked me to touch her palm which I refuse." Rae answered staring at Jason.

"Why would she want you to touch her Palm?" King Roen demanded.

"To see if the young generations of witches will be strong."

"But that is not her business, whoever the gods chooses to bless, he or she will be blessed. Why would she even do that without my permission." King Roen said with wonder.

Standing up from her seat, she went to meet Roen and patted his shoulders gently which surprises Roen and Jason, her expression exactly like King Roen's own. "I thought the same way too my king, and to worsen my curiosity, she only did that to the witches." Rae said. "Isn't that suspicious?" She whispered lowly.

"It is, I will find out tomorrow from her." King Roen said. "She is a Priestess of all the Kingdoms, so I must ask her with wisdom."

"She is your only Priestess, not mine." Jason said to his father.

"Me too, I don't like her." Rae said after Jason.

"You don't like the Priestess too?" The question was coming out from Jason without any hint of anger in it. She has to blink her eyes and clean her ears for her to see Jason's expression and voice.

"I don't like her at all." Rae answered immediately.

That brought a genuine smile on Jason's lips.

Rae blinked her eyes a multiple times to see if she just saw Jason smile. He smiled at her without any anger on his face. Rae realized how breathtaking he looks with his smile that has begin to fade.

He had smiled at her because she hated the Priestess, does that mean he hated that stupid Priestess too? Only one way to find out.

"Do you hate her?" Rae said trying her luck.

"Do I hate her? Of course I hate her, if not for my father, I don't like seeing her at all."

Did he just replied to her without shouting, or getting angry?

"Glad that we are on the same page, I only met her today and she has run to your father to report nonsense about me." Rae said.

"She is a scared big cat who always runs to cry at my father's feet."

The room was quiet for a moment before  the sound of laughter was heard.

Clearing his throat and drawing their attention to him, "Not that I'm not thrilled that you pair seem to be getting along." King Roen said, fixing both with playful stern looks. "But couldn't you have bonded over something else then laughing at the Priestess's expense?"


Jason and Rae both said at the same time.

"Okay, Jason, why don't you show her around the palace before taking her home." Roen suggested to his son, fearing that he may reject it but he was surprised when he heard Jason's answer.

"Okay father." Facing Rae. "Ready whenever you're bonehead."

"Give me a minute to take something from here fishhead." Rae said as she took two laps of fried chicken she will chew on her tour around the palace. "Ready."

Jason started walking out of the banquet room again, but this time, Rae was behind him.


They walked in silence as they walked around the Palace, the only time Jason speak was when he wants to point something or answer a question Rae's thrown at him.

"So, how is your mother, I haven't heard from her neither have you or your father talked about her." Rae said as they started going back towards the banquet room. He was quite.

Rae thought that Jason didn't want to talk about his mother, that is why he hasn't answered her. Maybe she should change the topic.

"She is very sick." Jason finally breaks the silence.

"She is sick? How?"

"It started years ago, she couldn't talk or stand up, that useless priestess couldn't cure her yet and she calls herself a Priestess of the gods." Jason said.

"But how come no one knows about her sickness?"

"The same useless priestess told my father not to let the words out."

The words of Selena came back to Rae.

"Can you take me to her chamber, please."

"Well since you asked nicely, I will take you there." Jason said. "Hold my hand." Stretching out one of his hands to Rae who took it immediately.

He noticed how tender it was. "Close your eyes."

Rae did without any argument. Going closer to her he smiled, he realized he was getting drawn to this stubborn girl standing close to him.

He closed his eyes and his fire phoenix wings came out of his back and engulfed them.

The fire faded as they were gone.

"Open your eyes Rae." Jason said.

Rae opened her eyes and saw they were inside a chamber, she also noticed how close they were. She closed her eyes again and open it, she found herself alone and saw Jason neared a bed.

Once again, Rae found herself admiring the handsome boy. She won't wash the hand that Jason has touched for a full week.

"Here is my sick mother." Jason voice brought her out of her thoughts and she went over to meet Jason.

She saw Rosa laying helplessly on the bed, not moving.

"She is dying." Rae didn't mean to say that aloud, but she did.

"Yes, she is, I hope I can do something to cure her before death finally comes knocking." Jason said sadly. "Because I won't open the door for death."

Rae noticed the sad look on his eyes and wanted to wipe that look from his face.

Selena had told her she has the power to heal a particular sick person.

Could she be the one Selena is talking about?

Rae thought to herself.

Rosa was deadly pale, she was looking like a corpse, if not for the movement of her clothes which signify that she was breathing, one would have thought she had died.

"Do you believe in miracles Jason?" Rae asked softly as she turns to look at Jason, holding herself from reaching out to caress his handsome face, she wanted to feel Jason's touch on her, she couldn't deny her attraction.

Jason turned his head to look at her.

Why is she suddenly feeling this way towards him? Wasn't she having feelings for Jorkallun? Why is she suddenly attracted to Jason, like she wants him to continue looking at her forever.

"Of course, I do. I believe miracles can happen."

"You should know there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Rae told him. "Can I touch your mother, please Jason." This was the first time she was adding please to her words, and the first time she was telling someone. "I believe I can heal her."

She believed Selena's words.

She wants to heal Jason's mother and get closer to the handsome boy standing right in front of her.

"Okay." Jason said, if Rae was able to heal his mother, does that mean the priestess knows she could be healed elsewhere? He just has to wait.

"And when I do heal her, no one must know who healed her, not even your father, promise?"

"I promise." Jason promise. "If you can be able to heal her, I will grant any two wishes you want, that is within my powers."

Rae smiled at that.

Maybe, if she heals his mother and he asks her what she wants in return, she knows what to wish for. He had promised her he would grant her two wishes.

There are only two things on her mind and he has to grant it since she was admitting in loving him.

One wish was he has to love her.

And the second wish was,

Being friends with Jorkallun again.

Placing her two hands on Rosa forehead, she closes her eyes..

To Be Continued..

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