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Chapter 20

'When you run with a Doctor, it feels like it'll never end. But however hard you try you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever for one moment, accepts it. Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today. Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call... everybody lives, People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, curious eyes of a child—our own two eyes. All is a miracle.'


As soon as Rae closes her eyes, she saw Selena, smiling at her. Rae saw herself beneath the water as Selena white tale swam around her, she realized she was breathing underwater.

Rae found herself smiling back.

"You have found who I wanted you to heal Rae." Selena voice drifted around her. She started circling Rae faster.

"This is your first step Rae." Selena said still smiling as she stopped her circling and stood in Rae's front. "This will be your first time of healing. The healing will drain your energy and makes you weak, are you ready Rae?" Selena asked her grandchild.

Rae nodded her head.

"Now, repeat after me."

Jason watches Rae as she placed her hands on his mother's forehead. He couldn't take off his eyes from her no matter how hard he tries too.

Something magical happened that force Jason's eyes off her to his mother.

Rae's fingers begin to glow brighter and brighter as the minutes past. Queen Rosa whole body began to glow exactly the way her fingers were glowing.

Rosa opened her mouth and black scorpions began to come out of her mouth, they were burning in fire as they crawl out of her mouth, the fire wasn't touching or hurting Rosa. The black scorpions kept crawling out faster from Rosa mouth, they tried crawling towards the hands on Rosa forehead but they were burnt along the way.

As soon as they were burnt beyond recognition, they disperse into thin air.

When no scorpions seem to be coming out from Rosa mouth, she coughed out once and black blood started coming out from her mouth.

Rae didn't know what was happening as she was still closing her eyes.

Jason who had seen what happened, quickly wiped out the blood from his mother's lips with the bedsheets.

He saw his mother's pale skin was gradually fading as her tan skin they once knew her with, begin to resurface once more again.

"The healing process has taken over." Selena voice said again. "We shall meet soon my child."

With that, Rae found herself alone and the water was gone, she opened her eyes and removed her hands from Queen Rosa forehead.

"Rae are you okay?" Jason asked worriedly as he saw how she looks.

She felt very weak, her eyes tired and sleepy, she could only nod her head before she gave in to sleep.

Jason was fast enough to catch Rae's body from hitting the ground.

The last thing that came into Rae's thought before giving in to sleep was how good she felt in Jason's arms.

His mother had coughed out black blood and whatever that was eating her inside, which are the scorpions, has been removed.

He looked at his mother and saw her breathing, her eyes now closed in sleep. He doesn't know when she will wake up, but he believed that his mother has been healed.

It's time for Rae to go home.

He carried Rae in his arms, bride style, and was starting to leave his mother's chamber when he stops.

What if he was gone and the priestess appeared to give his mother her herbs. He knows the Priestess well enough to ignore his warning and will only come when she knows his mother is alone.

Not wanting to take any chances, he made his phoenix fire wings appear, he flew and surrounded his mother with the fire from the Phoenix. No one except him can penetrate through the fire including Tamara. The fire wasn't hurting Rosa who has fallen into a deep sleep.

Once again the wings engulfed them and they vanished.

Jason appeared in the banquet room his father was, he had been waiting for them. He was worried and wondered what might have been keeping them away for almost 2 hours, it was towards midnight and Lillian would be so worried by now.

King Roen saw the girl in his sons arms and his worried face was quickly replaced by anger.

"What did you do to her Jason?" King Roen demanded angrily.

Not intimidated by his father's angry stares, he just shrugged his shoulders and brought Rae's face closer to his.

"She fainted when we were doing hide and seek games, and stopping staring at me like that, it doesn't suit you father." Jason responded.

"Okay, if that is the case then, we have to get her home fast." King Roen said, and put his right hand under the table to hit the hidden bell under it.

But Jason's voice stopped him.

"Don't worry father, I will take her there." Jason said and smiled at his father. "There is something that will happen soon father, a miracle."

Jason didn't wait to hear his father response. He just ran with his vampire speed towards Lillian's house. Being a Tribrid, he was the fastest Vampire in the entire supernaturals.

Roen was surprised when he heard those last words from his son.

What miracle was his son talking about? He thought.

He rang the bell under the table and soon two guards entered the banquet room.

"Share the remaining food amongst yourselves and clean up here, I am going to bed." King Roen told his guards and left the banquet room.


King Darin was very impressed by what he heard from his son.

"With the way you have described her and your encounter with her, she will make a great Vampire Queen for you my son." King Darin said finally, after listening to what his son says.

"Yes father." Prince Dean said.

"Do you know her house so that I can visit her parents myself." King Darin asked his son.

"Not yet father, but I will ask Kate if she could direct me to her house, though Rae only spoke about her grandmother and not her parents." Prince Dean said.

"Very well then, find out from whom you want to find out from and give me the details." King Darin said.

"Thank you father." Prince Darin said happily.


Tharollin breathed in short gasps as he saw the skeletons he had fought with scattered around him. His black sword vanishing in his hand as his black wings entered his body back.

He turned and started making his way towards the bones of Lucifer, he has just bent down and touched the bones of Lucifer when he started hearing the snapping sounds of bones joining together.

Stopping in his tracks, he turned around and saw the skeletons moving towards him.

"You can not take the bones of Lucifer away from here." They said together again and attacked him.

Tharollin was ready for them, he made his black sword appear and fought with the thousands skeletons.

He had destroyed all of them and they only came back to life when he touched the bones, that means it was fruitless fighting them.

An idea click on his mind and he decided to use the bones of Lucifer to fight off the skeletons. Maybe, just maybe they wouldn't rearrange their bodies once again.


Jason got to Lillian's home, balancing Rae's gently with one of his hands, he knocked on the door with the free one.

Lillian didn't even wait for the knock to end when she opened the door expecting to see Rae but was surprised when she saw Jason instead and on his arms was Rae.

"What did you do to her Jason?" Lillian asked with her heart in her mouth.

"Like seriously people, why are you asking me the same question, first my father and now you." Jason said and pushed Lillian out of the way entering the house without her permission.

Lillian locked the door after him and went to meet Jason who stopped when he reaches the stairs.

"If you weren't the one who had put her in this condition, why she is like that?" Lillian demanded with one crazy witch look.

Jason was about to say 'Because she healed my mother and that probably made her weak'. But on the other hand, he thought about what he had promised Rae, it won't come out from his mouth. So he told Lillian the same flimsy excuse he had told his father.

"She fainted when we were doing hide and seek games and stop looking at me as if I am lying." Jason said.

"Are you sure of what you are saying?" Lillian asked not buying his lies.

"Believe all you what Lillian, but you have to direct me to Rae's room so that I can put her in bed, in case you don't know, your granddaughter has weight."

Lillian lead the way to Rae's room in silence, since he was obviously lying, she will have to wait until the next morning when Rae will be fully awake to know what actually happened.

Opening Rae's room, Jason went inside and dropped Rae's on her bed. He looked around the room and saw that there was nothing to see. He reminded himself she wasn't like others girls.

"Good night Jason." Lillian voice brought him back to the present.

"Yeah, good night." Jason said and open the window in Rae's room.

"What are you doing? The door is downstairs." Lillian said as she saw Jason opening the window and jumping out, ignoring Lillian totally.

The Shadow of a giant bird would be seen on the ground flying away.

Lillian went to close the window and cover Rae with her bedsheets. She quickly left the room and came in afterwards with a cup of water in her hands.

Keeping the cup of water closer to the bed for Rae to drink whenever she wakes up. She went over to Rae and kissed her forehead tenderly.

"Good night Rae." With that Lillian left the room and went towards her room to sleep. Climbing her bed, she slept off immediately.

The bright moon was suddenly covered in dark clouds.

The cup of water in Rae's room began to vibrate and the beast which Tamara had sent was seen coming out of the cup. It was very huge in size and one would have thought how the beast was able to come out of the cup, magic.

The beast whole body came out of the cup and it went nearer to Rae.

This was the girl his master wants him to occupy her body.

Circling Rae's bed two times, be climbed on the bed and wanted to lay on top of Rae, in that way, the beast will enter her body, controlling her and making her scared like his master had ordered.

The beast was surprised and jumped out of her bed in time when he saw a light in the form of a sharp sword circling Rae's body. The beast was lucky he jumped out of the bed in time, if not by now he would have lay in pieces.

The beast decided to go back and inform his master about the sword which prevented him from occupying her body.

Entering the water, he sank lower until he was out of sight. The sword circling Rae's vanished.

Michael, the Angel, who was sleeping, felt something drawing him to come down to earth. Once he was fully awake, the feeling was gone.

What just happened?


Jason arrived home and was told by the guards that his father had gone to bed.

He left them and entered his mother's chamber. He touched the fire surrounding his mother and it went back inside him. Sitting on the chair he normally keeps beside his mother, be held one of his mother's hand and slept off, dreaming of the one person that came to his thoughts, Rae.


He was awake as he tried to clear his eyes from sleep with his hand, his eyes were still closed. Something had woken him up from sleep or rather someone.


The voice made Jason stopped in his movement. Was that is mother's voice he was hearing?


This time around, he knew the voice belongs to his mother.

Opening his eyes, he met the shock of his life. His mother was staring at him, she was sitting on the bed.

"Mother...are you now okay?" Jason asked.

"Yes son, I can feel my arms and body and tongue again." Queen Rosa said with a smile. "What happened? Who healed me?"

Whatever Rae had done worked. His mother has been healed, he shall forever be grateful to Rae.

With a joyful heart, he ran out of the room to his father's Chamber. The guards station there bowed as he entered the chamber without knocking.

King Roen wasn't sleeping and was surprised when he saw Jason with a wide grin he hasn't seen on him for a long time.

"What is it son, did something happen on your way to Lillian's?"

"No father, come with me quickly, that miracle I told you about has happened." Jason said and left the room without looking back, he knew his father was right behind him.

They entered Rosa room and King Roen halt in his footsteps.

He saw Rosa standing up to her feet.

She was healed. What a great miracle.

He now understands what his son had said.

With tear filled eyes, he embraces his wife. The sound of crying was heard. After a while, King Roen dispatch himself from his wife, holding her hands tenderly as he facing his son.

"What happened son?" King Roen asks Jason as he uses his other free hand to clean the tears falling off from his eyes. "Did an Angel visit her?"

To Be Continued..

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