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Chapter 21

'Life takes us to unexpected places... love brings us. The sun loved the moon so much, He died every night just to let her breath.There are two people you’ll meet in your life. One will run a finger down the index of who you are and jump straight to the parts of you that peak their interest. The other will take his or her time reading through every one of your chapters and maybe fold corners of you that inspired them most. You will meet these two people; it is a given. It is the third that you’ll never see coming. That one person who not only finishes your sentences, but keeps the book.'

❤❤❤❤ QUEEN ROSA ❤❤❤❤

Jason's face lit up with smiles as he heard his father's statement. Rae, an angel? Thinking about it, she truly is. If she wasn't, how come she healed his mother when she was just a beginner when it comes to witches magic.

"Yes father, an angel visited mother and I saw who did the miracle." Jason replied without going any further.

"Really? You saw who healed Rosa?" King Roen asked surprisingly.

"Yes father, I did." Jason answered.

"Can you tell me who did it, at least I will reward him or her for healing my queen." King Roen said hopefully as he waited for his son to reveal the angel that healed his beloved wife. What Tamara couldn't do.

"I can't say father."

"Why won't you tell your father who healed my mate?" King Roen demanded and faces his wife and asked her tenderly. "My dear Rosa, do you by any chance see who healed you?"

Rosa shook her head sideways as no, truly she didn't see her healer even know her eyes were opened.

Turning his gaze back to his son with no other option, only his son knows who healed his wife. "Why won't you tell me son?"

"I am being guarded by an oath not to reveal the angel to anybody, and I won't break my oath." Jason said shrugged his shoulders in less concerned. His gaze landed on his mother and he smiled. "Mother, I am glad you're yourself once again."

Rosa smiled weakly at him.

King Roen saw that his son wouldn't elaborate more on the issue of the mysterious angel who had healed his wife, he gently made Rosa sat down her bed.

"My king there is something I want to discuss with you, it's very urgent." Rosa said very weakly, her voice was not clear yet as it hasn't been used for a very long time, it was very hoarsely.

"Whatever you want to say can be said tomorrow, for now, I want you to have your sleep and rest well for me." King Roen said tenderly to his wife.

"But my king it is very importa-" she got interrupted by king Roen.

"Shhh my love, you have enough time to tell me whatever it is you want to tell me tomorrow." King Roen said. "So please rest your voice."

Rosa nodded her head, making up her mind to tell her husband everything, so she placed her head on her pillow and slept off before her head even made contact with the pillow.

Going out of the chamber, father and son walked side by side along the long hallway.

"So you won't tell me how she got healed or who the person was?" King Roen asked again trying his luck, hoping that Jason will tell him now that they were alone, perhaps, he doesn't want his mother to know who had healed her.

"Father, I won't tell you who healed her or who the person is, please, respect my decision." Jason said and without waiting to hear from his father, he vanished like he always does, into thin air.

King Roen heaved out a huge sigh and continue his way to his chamber. He just wanted to thank the said person and perhaps made whoever it was the personal assistant of Tamara.

Speaking of Tamara, he will send for her early the next day so that she could see that the gods has finally remembered his wife.

Jason appeared inside his room, and landed on his bed without taking off the clothes he wore. His thoughts were on Rae.

He was very curious about what wishes Rae would want him to do.

Rae, Rae, who truly is she? A normal witch couldn't heal someone overnight, let alone someone they haven't met before to know what kind of sickness they were suffering from.

Rae had just come, touch his mother and healed her without much time.

How did she do that?

There is something special about her that he couldn't wait to find, and to think he has been an asshole to her in school couldn't help matters. He can't wait to strike a friendship deal to her tomorrow at school after her wishes.

He couldn't deny the attraction he had felt with Rae when she was healing his mother. He felt like kissing her right there. He had felt a strong connection between him and Rae and couldn't understand it. He wants to be closer to her, to know her likes and dislikes, in fact every little thing about her.

Giving in slowly to sleep, he couldn't wait for tomorrow to come so he could tell Rae how her healing magic hands works.

He smiled into his sleep as the thought of seeing Rae in school the next day filled him with happiness.


Tamara was in the larger cave when she senses the creature coming. She left whatever she was doing and went back into that smaller cave, she walked towards the bowl of water as the beast head emerged from the bowl.

"What happened? Why are you not occupying her body yet?" Tamara thunder in anger.

"The child has a protection." The beast spoke, his voice was hideous and wasn't pleasant to the ears. His voice vibrated the cave as he spoke.

"That can't be possible." Tamara said not believing the beast. "A protection? Are you lying to me?"

"I am not lying to you, I have never failed any of your assignment before, but I am afraid I can't do this one, she has a protection that couldn't let me get close to her, I am sorry I failed you."

The beast was right, he hasn't fail her before so she should stop her doubt.

"Fine, you can leave, I will send for you again when I need you." Tamara said and spoke some magic words. "Return back to where you came from."

The water in the bowl raised and covered the beast head completely..

Tamara went back to her cave and start searching through her books for a spell.

A spell she might use on Rae.


Rae woke up as usual, feeling refreshed. She remembered everything that happened the previous night and smiled to herself.

Though she was weak and fell asleep, but she could still hear what was going on around her. It was as if she wasn't there but was there. She tried to open her eyes to see how Jason's face looked like when he was telling his lies.

She heard the flimsy excuse Jason had given to his father and her grandmother.

Did his eyes narrowed when he was answering them that they were playing hide and seek? She couldn't tell.

She had also heard a strange noise that seemed to move around her bed later in the night, but couldn't point out where it was coming from.

Well, today she was going to find out if truly it had worked. She couldn't wait to see Jason.

Doing her business in the bathroom, she came out dressed in one of her boyish clothes. Combing her long hair and put it in a ponytail like she saw Jason did last night.

She took the full cup of water her granny had kept for her and left for the kitchen. Taking the stairs two at go and heading straight for the kitchen, she stopped when she saw her granny coming out of the kitchen with a plate of food, broth. Passing her the food as she collected the cup of water from Rae.

"Good morning grandma." Rae greeted as she collected the plate and leaned over to kiss her grandma's cheek.

"Morning Rae." Lillian said as she kissed Rae's forehead. "You didn't drink the water?"

"Wasn't feeling tasting when I woke up." Rae said as she went to sit in her chair, Lillian went back to the kitchen to drop the cup. Eating her broth quickly so that she won't be late for school, Lillian soon came out of the kitchen and sat next to Rae hoping that Rae start talking about what happened the previous night.

"Jason brought you home yesterday night in his arms." Lillian started the conversation since her granddaughter suddenly find her almost plate interesting. "Would you mind telling me what happened between the both of you that you ended up in his arms sleeping?"

"Nothing happened granny." Rae said.

"Well I don't believe that young lady, if nothing happened between the both of you, then how did you end up in his arms, did you fight with him?"

"Granny, if something like that had happened, wouldn't I told you about it before you'd ask?" Rae said, she couldn't tell her grandmother yet that she saw a mermaid who then told her to heal a sick person which she later got to know was the queen of the supernaturals.

"So you're telling me you didn't fight with Jason?" Lillian asked again.

"Fight? We didn't, we only have an argument and became friends later on, we then decided to play hide and seek and I fell asleep. I didn't want to admit to him how tired I was so I agreed to his game." The lies rolled easily out of Rae's mouth. Come to think of it, was she and Jason even friends?

Well she will find out today in school. Though she couldn't wait to see Jason, another part of her also couldn't wait to see Jorkallun.

Finishing up her food, she stood up to go and wash it but Lillian stopped her.

"Don't worry about that, give me the plate, you need to start going to school." Lillian said as she took the plate from her.

"Thank you granny." Rae said in appreciation.

A portal opened and Rae entered it.

"Don't forget to touch your bracelet once school closes." Lillian said after her as the portal started getting smaller and smaller before it vanished.


Jason was all dressed for school, he couldn't wait to tell Rae the miracle that happen.

He heard a knock on his door and a voice he recognized so well said.

"My Prince, your father request for your presence immediately at the throne room." The guard said in an audible voice.

"I am coming." Jason replied as he heard the retreating steps of the guard.

Why would his father wants to see him early this morning? Doesn't he know that today is school and he doesn't want to be late?

A voice was telling him in his head 'that's a lie, you aren't going to school early because you don't want to be late. You're going to see her.'

Dismissing the voice in his head to one side, he stepped out of his room and headed straight to throne room.

He was greeted by the servants littering around the palace hall. The guards stationed at the door of the throne room greeted him.

Nodding his head to their greetings, he opened the door and entered inside.

He saw his father and his one enemy, Tamara.

"Good morning father, what is she doing here?" Jason demanded after he greeted him, ignoring the Priestess totally.

"She came to give Rosa her herbs but I told her she was healed. She couldn't believe it." King Roen told his son. He had wanted to send a message to the Priestess with the magic pen he normally used whenever he needed her attention, but was surprised when he saw her early this morning with herbs.

"What then is my business if she doesn't believe?" Jason asked with a boring expression.

"She ask to know who had healed Rosa." King Roen said.

Jason laughed out surprising them, "And you think I will tell Tamara who healed my mother?" Jason asked looking at Tamara like she has two heads.

"Well, yes." King Roen admitted.

"I have not told you or mother yet and you expect me to tell Tamara." Jason said pointing at Tamara. "I thought she was a Priestess, she ought to know all things." Jason mocked.

"At least tell me if the healer was a he or she, I would love to know the healer gender." This time Tamara voice was heard.

Snorting and turn his gaze on her. "As if." He returned his gaze back to his father. "Have got to go father, I am already late for school."

Jason vanished after he said that.

"I hate it when he does that." King Roen said. "I have things I want to discuss with you my Priestess." King Roen said, his conversation with Rae still fresh on his mind.

"We will discuss after I have seen your wife, my sister."

"Okay, you know where she is."

The Priestess left without a reply.


Entering Rosa chamber, she saw the queen, dressed in her queenly attire that shows her as a royalty, and she was walking around without any help.

Queen Rosa wasn't surprised when she saw Tamara, she smiled sweetly at her.

"Hello, good to see you." Queen Rosa said with a smile embedded on her face.

"I see you're healed Rosa." Tamara said with a cold expression.

"Yes Tamara and I am back to my feet, surprise?"

"Such guts, well did you by any chance happen to see this angel that healed you?" Tamara asked.

"No, and even if I did, I won't tell you. I will expose all your evil doings to Roen once I see him." Queen Rosa said.

"Go on and explain to him, tell him the whole truth Rosa, you should know as soon as you have finished exposing us, I will remove the mate magic I place on Roen into thinking you were his mate." Tamara said with a smirk.

That shut Rosa up, that was her biggest fear. Roen will never forgive her if he finds the truth that they weren't mate.

"I won't tell Roen the truth then, but you should know my son will never get married to Lolly. I will tell them I mistakenly wrote it." Queen Rosa said after a while.

"You wouldn't dare Rosa, I put you where you are today and you shall do as I say, or else…"

Interrupting Tamara. "Or else what? Kill me? I am not scared of you anymore Tamara, as you can see, I have a guardian angel who will protect me." Queen Rosa said speaking about the unknown healer.

"You don't know who I am Rosa, I am Tamara, the Priestess of the Supernaturals and my word is law." Tamara said with fury in her eyes.

"And I am the Queen of the whole Supernaturals and my word is final." Rosa said with the same matching Expression.  "Jason will Not marry Lolly."

To Be Continued.

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