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Chapter 26

'People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved and people are being used.The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever. At the beach, life is different... Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment... We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun....'


Her scent was alluring to him. He wanted to taste that lips taunting him so badly.

"Do you know our lips are almost touching and I always have fantasies of kissing you." Jason didn't know when he said that aloud, he had meant to say that in his thoughts.

Jason quickly recovered from his shock and embarrassment, he left the classroom saying things under his breath which Rae couldn't catch.

The white lines that was around the class disperse immediately Jason's body touched it.

No one dares to come inside until Jorkallun says so.

"What was that?" Sarah asked with her eyes wide open as she stared at the door Jason left few seconds ago. "Did you hear what he said Rae?"

Rae was shocked to her bones when she heard those words.

Jason has fantasies of kissing her, like her?

Her face was with the brightest smile as she turned to Sarah. "Of course I heard that, and I thought I was the only one having fantasies of him."

"I wasn't expecting tha-" Sarah cut mid way as what Rae said process in her head. "You also have fantasies of him?" She asked, eyes widen.

"Yes, I do like-no- love Jason and don't give me that pretend look of you not knowing." Rae said rolling her eyeballs at Sarah. "I also happen to know you have a crush on a certain pretty red haired boy who goes to the same school with us and whose name starts with J and ends in U." Rae added with a pointed look at Sarah. "And you know there is only one pretty red haired boy with that name in the whole school."

"I-I don't know what you are saying." Sarah stuttered and sat down on her sit avoiding a certain eyes that were looking at her.

Rae went to her seat and sat down, a few minutes later, Jorkallun sat beside her. He made a gesture with his hand, telling the students in history class to come in.

Serena soon came in and started her history teaching.

For the first time, Jorkallun didn't place his head on the desk, his eyes were on Sarah the entire time and he couldn't take off his eyes from her.

Rae was all smiles looking between Jorkallun and Sarah.

When Serena left the class, Sarah quickly stood up and left the class fast in embarrassment without waiting for Rae as usual.

Rae smiled in triumphant as she waited until everyone has left the class to their next class, she stood up to go for her next class but was stopped by Jorkallun.

"Is it true?" Jorkallun demanded.

"That Sarah has a crush on you? Yes it's true." Rae answered. "And if I were you, I would grab this chance and profess my love for her, cause I know you love her, I see it in your eyes."

Jorkallun smiled. "I plan on doing that Rae, what about you, do you see yourself together with him?" He asked in a brotherly way and swung his hand on her shoulder as Rae also swung her hand on his shoulders, together they left the class.

"I like him a lot, at first I thought I liked you, but now I see I was just infatuated by you. I am glad I now see you as my big brother."

Jorkallun smiled at that.

Stopping in her next class, he removed his hands from her shoulders and waited until she had entered the class, he saw Sarah looking everywhere but him.

He will see her tonight. He waved at Rae and left.


Jason hurriedly went into his class faster than his shadows.

He had just said that loud without thinking, what if Rae saw him as a pervert now and starts avoiding him. He would die if such a thing happens.

He need to go home and clear his head, then explain to Rae why he had said that.

He vanished into thin air.


It was closing time and Rae went over to meet Sarah in a class where she plans to wait until Jorkallun had left.

"Are you that shy Sarah?" Rae asked. "You should be happy that I cleared somethings for you."

"You shouldn't have told him Rae, I don't think he loves me back." Sarah said sadly.

Snorting out, "Says who? Jorkallun loves you, he confided in me." Rae said in a singing voice. "You should see it my way, j made it more easier for you."

Sarah nodded her head. "Okay, I am just scared, he hasn't looked at my direction ever since I know him, he started noticing me after that day in the cafeteria."

"Why don't you explain to him about your feelings, tomorrow when I see Jason, I will let him know how I feel, I can feel he felt the same way I did. The four of us have chemistry together, You and Jorkallun, I and Jason, probably the gods are telling us something we don't know yet."

Yawning out tiredly, "You are right."

"Sarah, go home and rest your sleepy head, you should know that whatever will be will be and no one can change it." Rae said and touched her bracelet, a portal opened. "See you tomorrow Sarah."

With that, she entered the portal which closes leaving Sarah all alone.

Sarah thought about what Rae said, tomorrow she will open her heart to Jorkallun, it is now left for him to decide.

She could have teleported herself home, but she couldn't take such risk. A centaur never teleport before.

She left the school and went straight home.


Jason appeared in his room, he quickly took his bath and have a change of clothes before he went over to the throne room.

Entering he was surprised to see his mother and father with Lolly.

"Thank goodness, he is here my King." Lolly said.

"Son, Lolly came here telling us how you took a girl inside your private class, and you both stayed in there for close to two hours, is she saying the truth?" King Roen asked.

"Absolutely father, she didn't tell you the name of the said girl with me, did she?"

"No son, she didn't."

"It's Rae father, the girl with me is Rae." Jason said. "We were discussing something very important between oursel-."

"That's a lie." Lolly cut in. "Discussing or you both were doing something behind that closed door." Lolly said in seething anger.

"Like what Lolly? If I am having anything with Rae, it is none of your business." Jason said staring at Lolly calmly.

"It is my very business Jason because we are engaged and going to get married once we are through with school." Lolly said. "So you shouldn't be around any lady let alone with Rae because I know you have feelings for her, I can see that in your eyes whenever her name is being mentioned." She added.

"You know what, I am tired of your nagging, how is it your business if I love Rae, I have always told you, you don't own me, I am not your soulmate."

"Yes you are whether you believe it or not, you are. And there is nothing stopping us from getting married."

They had forgotten they were in the presence of the King and Queen.

"I am tired Lolly, I am think-no- I am breaking off our engagement."

"What!? You can't do that to me Jason!" Lolly yelled.

"Yes I can do that. My mother gave me her consent if I still wish to continue with you, well I can't continue with you Lolly, so yes, I am calling off our engagement." Jason said.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I hereby cut off my engagement I had with Lolly in the presence of the throne. I and Lolly are no longer bound together." Jason said and smirked at the shocked face of Lolly.

"You cut off our engagement?"

"Yes I did Lolly." Jason answered and went over to meet her until he was standing close to her. "You're very beautiful Lolly but we are not meant to be, there is someone, your real soulmate out there waiting for you, I am not the one Lolly, I am in love with Rae."

"This isn't the last of me Jason, you will marry me at all cost, you just mark my words." Lolly said and left their presence angrily.

"Son, are you sure of what you just did?" King Roen asked his son.

"Sure father, I am very sure and I am truly in love with Rae, mother gave me her blessings."

King Roen faces his wife, "You did?"

Smiling at her son, who did the right thing. "Yes dear, I told our son to follow his heart and I think he did that."

"Yes mother I did, I am going to confess my feelings for Rae tomorrow." Jason said and smiled as he saw the image of Rae's lips.

"Well, that's good to hear, I am glad you are following your own path son."


Lolly who was walking angrily out of the palace met Queen Flora.

"What is it my child, why the angry look on your sun beautiful face?" Queen Flora asked the angry girl.

"Jason broke off my engagement I had with him all because he has fallen in love with Rae."

Rae again?

"I came to see the king, I will try to talk sense into Jason."

"Thank you my Queen." Lolly said and left her.

Wow, she really needs to meet this Rae and truly see if she is as stubborn as the rumors are.


Rae stepped out of the portal and met her grandmother.

Greeting her grandmother, she rushed into her room and quickly take a quick bath and has a change of clothes, going down the stairs, she met her food and quickly drove in.

After she had clear and cleaned the plate and where she sat to est.

"Grandmother, something happened today."

"Is that why you have a rose flower in your hair?"

Rae has forgotten about that.

"No, it was given to me by someone special which I am not telling you who the person is." Rae said. "So do you know what happened today?"

"Tell me?"

"Remember Sarah assigned to me by Mr Jack who would take me around the school, you remember right?" Rae asked and Lillian nodded her head, Jack had once told her about the girl. "She is in love with Jorkallun, in fact they are both in love with each other." Rae said happily.

Lillian was surprised. "Jorkallun in love? Sarah is very lucky. I haven't meant this friend of yours, feel free to invite her over after school anytime." Lillian said, she wants to see the girl who Jorkallun is in love with.

Nodding her head. "I will invite her over mother, I need to take my afternoon nap."


It was already night as the moon was shining brightly, Sarah was sleeping when she felt the presence of someone entering her room.

She quickly opened her eyes, raising her hand to cast a spell on the intruder when she realized it was Jorkallun, his red hair glowing in the moon was what caught her attention.

Getting up from her bed as she saw Jorkallun standing in front of the window he had sneaked in.

Her breathing ceased when she saw how the moon made him look more yummy.

"What are you doing here?" She managed to ask.

"I came to see you Sarah, to talk to you."

"Okay, I am all ears."

"I will go straight to the point, I want you as mine only." Jorkallun said.

Sarah eyes widen.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean Sarah, I want you to become my woman and when the time comes, my mate, I can't resist you anymore, you're driving me crazy."

"I like you too Jorkallun, for a long time, I just thought that, maybe you-"

Interrupting her. "I didn't even think I would fall in love with someone after what Lolly did, but you changed that the day I saw your face in the school cafeteria, I only know there is a girl named Sarah in my class so that was my first time seeing your face and I fell for it. That night I met you to warn you against hurting my sister, apart from that, I was dying to see your face again to confirm my feelings. I love you Sarah, please accept to be mine forever, my dragon choose you for reasons best known to him, he wasn't like this to Lolly." Jorkallun finally confessed.

"I love you too Jorkallun, ever since the day I saw your dragon when I was swimmi- i mean running." She nearly said swimming under water. She will tell Jorkallun who she truly is, but not now, "I want to be yours forever."

Pulling her into his body finally, lifting up her face to face his.

"I am very possessive Sarah, now that you said you are mine, you're only MINE." Jorkallun growl out and crashed his lips on her, kissing her with so much passion.


Early the next morning.

The portal opened and Rae stepped out, she was happy, her ponytail hair held in a hair clip. She made her way inside the school, ignoring the looks as usual. She was stopped when two fairy guards stopped her.

She saw a fairy woman, queen, as her attire shows she is a Queen.

"Are you Rae?" The queen asked not too nicely.

"I am, what's popping old fairy?"

That shock Queen Flora. "Are you blind, don't you know how to address me properly? Do you know who is standing before you?" How can this girl asked her 'what's popping' without putting my queen.

Snorting out, "Knowing who you are, how does that help me?"

The sudden hand that raise to slap her was unexpected, but before the feminine hands would hit it's target, it was stopped by another hand, a male hand.

Queen Flora turned to look at the fool who held her hands to punish him, but her eyes widen when she saw Jason.

Going to stand beside Rae, he released the hand he was holding and turn to face Rae. Removing the clip from her hair.

"Haven't I told you how you look more beautiful with your hair down?" Jason asked forgotten everything around him as he stared at her.

To Be Continued

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