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Chapter 27

'You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. The great acts of love are done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness. We pardon to the extent that we love. Love is knowing that even when you are alone, you will never be lonely again. & great happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Loved for ourselves. & even loved in spite of ourselves. Love has no middle term; either it destroys, or it saves. All human destiny is this dilemma. This dilemma, destruction or salvation, no fate proposes more inexorably than love. Love is life, if it is not death. Cradle; coffin, too. The same sentiment says yes and no in the human heart. Of all the things God has made, the human heart is the one that sheds most light, and alas! most night.'


Rae blush as she heard those words. How could she tell her handsome Jason that she did it on purpose. She could still feel Jason's hand on her hair, as he used his fingers as comb to straighten her hair.

Feeling it was now okay, he removed his hand from her hair and gave her the hair clip back. "There now, you look so beautiful right now." Jason said in smiles as he and Rae both stared at themselves, his eyes diverted to her lips as he stares lustful at them. He wanted to feel those red lips badly on his, he wants to feel the softness of her lips, to have a taste.

If not for the clearing of throat from a particular someone, Jason would have kissed Rae right there.

Turning his head to glare at the Queen Flora who had cleared her throat. He remembered what she had wanted to do to his Rae.

"Why did you want to slap her?" Jason asked as his white eyeballs changes a little bit red.

"Your majesty, this girl you're with, insulted me badly, that was why I raised my hand to slap her." Queen Flora said glaring at Rae.

"Insulted you?" Jason growled out. MY Rae doesn't go about insulting anyone, she is the most humblest person I have ever come across, she is kind and doesn't look for trouble, right Rae?" Jason faces his love as Rae went along with his line, he was hoping she didn't hear the 'My' word he had used.

"Yes of course, why would I insult her, she is trying to paint me black." Rae said.

"That's a lie your majesty, this girl is lying, there are a lot of witnesses here." Queen Flora said in anger, she pointed at an elf girl, who had witnessed everything. "You come here right now!" She bellowed as the elf girl rushed to meet her. "You saw what happened, explain to Jason how she insulted me, Now." Queen Flora ordered.

The elf girl nodded her head. "I don't know what happened, b-b-but my queen lied against Rae." The elf girl lied, if she had said the queen was telling the truth, Jason will deal with her.

Queen Flora was shocked when she heard her response. "Go away you nincompoop." She said sending the elf girl away. Looking at all the students around her. "Isn't anyone going to say something!"

No students spoke out for fear of Jason.

"You see Jason, I wasn't lying." Rae said, "I don't know why people take my kind words for greeting as insult." She added.

"She is lyin-" Queen Flora was trying to say but was cut off.

"Enough of using that excuses, I know who is lying and who is telling the truth." Jason said. "By the way, what are you doing in this school so early in the morning?"

"It has been long I visited the school, so I decided to come here today, only to receive the insult of my life." Queen Flora said glaring at Rae who was secretly smiling at her.

"Okay then, I shouldn't waste much time so that you can have the whole time for your school tour." Jason said and grab hold of Rae's hand. He started walking away from the fairy queen together with Rae when her next words stopped him.

"So because of this disrespectful girl that you broke your engagement you had with Lolly yesterday."

The loud gasped that echo round the school were filled with shock and surprised.

"And how is that your business Flora, If I broke up with Lolly and decided to be with Rae, how does it relate to you?" Jason asked and was at Queen Flora face at once with lightning speed, holding her neck in much anger as his eyeballs turned completely red. "Do you want me to strip you off your position as the queen of fairy?" Jason added and growl so loudly that the ground beneath his feet and the Queens guards, cracked open.

Choking for air, Queen Flora managed to shake her head, no.

"Good Flora, next time, mind the way you talk, especially when it comes to Rae, do I make myself clear?" The hand he had use in holding Queen Flora neck began to change into sharp longer claws.

She nodded with great difficulty.

He release his hold on her. "Go back to your kingdom before I changed my mind."

"Thank you your majesty." Queen Flora managed to speak out and flew out of the school with speed as her guards followed suit.

The gentle hand that touched his shoulder blade removed the anger in him as his eyeballs return back to normal. His claws change back to his normal hands.

Turning to face Rae with a smile on his lips, Queen Flora scene forgotten, as his gaze landed on her. The crack ground forgotten as Jack will see to that, he grab hold of her hands in his once again. "Where were we?" He asked his beautiful one but didn't wait for her to reply. "Oh I remember, I was taking you to my class when we got interrupted, I want to tell you something."

"Sure Jason, I also want to tell you something." Rae said with a smile.

They walk together towards his class as they both ignored the stares they we're gaining.

Opening the door for Rae to enter first, he closed the door behind him.

"Wow, that's a lot of red roses flowers you got." Rae said as she saw a lot of roses on Jason desk. "Is it for that my friend?"

"The flowers isn't for that friend of yours, I bought the flowers for only you and not her. You will have to take me to meet her so that I can tell her myself that I am not interested in her." Jason said.

"Okay, I will talk to my friend."

"Good, better talk to her."

No one talks as they stared at each other again.

"You can sit you know, while we still talk." Jason said breaking off the sudden silence around them.

"No, I am perfectly okay standing."

Falling into silence once again.

"You know Rae, I am always mesmerized by your eyes whenever I look at you." Jason said finally, he needed to say something so that he could pour out his feelings for her and then kissed her. "What I said yesterday, about having fantasies of kissing you, I mean it Rae, you don't know how badly I am restraining myself from kissing you right here." Jason said at last.

He couldn't pretend anymore.

"When I first saw you, I won't lie, I hated your guts so much that I have planned different ways of killing you, because you were the only one apart from Jorkallun who had challenged me without any hint of fear, but all that changes and I begin to see you in a new light the night my father invited you and you helped my mother. I like that you are not scared of me Rae, I don't want someone who will be scared of me, you have the type of fire in you that I love. I can't stop having wild dreams of you and me, I can't stop thinking of you, I want you to become mine Rae."

Rae couldn't reply as she finds herself studying her boots with much interest.

Going to meet her, using his palm to lift up her face to his. "I am sure you know the color of your boots, please say something, your silence is killing me Rae." Jason said softly.

"I like you too Jason, so much. I did all that just to get your attention to me." Rae finally said. "I too do have fantasies of you and I want them to become reality."

"It will Rae, I promise you, it will, just be mine."

"What about Lolly, aren't you engaged to her?" Rae asked pretending as if she did not hear what Queen Flora said that got Jason angry. She wanted to be very sure she heard right.

"I broke off our engagement yesterday and my parents are in support of it, and even if they weren't, I will never leave you, so what do you say to my proposal?"

"Okay Jason, I will become yours if you promise me never to talk to any girl apart from me."

"Of course sweetheart, and the same goes to you, I don't like sharing what belongs to me."

"Of course Jason, you have all my attention to your handsome self." Rae said and smile. "So when is this kiss coming, because I want you to kiss me."

"Someone once said A kiss on the cheek means we are friends." Jason said and kissed Rae on her two cheeks, Rae smiled.

"Someone also said that A kiss on the hand means I adore you." Jason said and grabbed her two hands and kissed it making Rae blushed.

"Then someone said that holding hands means we definitely belongs together." Jason said and hold her hands tightly, though making sure it wasn't hurting her.

"Jason." Rae started to say but he shush her up.

"Someone also told me that Holding on tight means I don't want to let you go." Jason said and wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her close to him and making sure their bodies touched.

Their face few inches away from each other.

"So the next thing someone said to me was that.." Jason was slowly leaning in to her face as their eyes couldn't tear away from each other. Rae couldn't look away, if he keeps on talking she will end it up by kissing him. "A kiss on the lips means I LOVE YOU." Jason said as Rae's eyes widen in shock.

"I love you too Jason." Rae didn't know when she said that. "So what else did this somebody tells you?" Rae asked wrapping her arms round his neck.

"A kiss on the shoulder means." Jason said and kissed her shoulder. "I want you." He whispered the last part in her ears making Rae shudder a bit.

"A kiss on the ear means." Jason said and kissed her ears, making sure he whispered. "You are my everything."

"A kiss on the forehead means, I hope we are together forever." Jason said and kissed her on her forehead making Rae closes her eyes.

"And now, I am going to Kiss you." Jason said that with a deep growl as his lips mashed against her roughly, as if trying to flatten and destroy her mouth. She hungrily pushed back, her mouth opened, tongue pushing past his teeth to the moist within. Their tongues battling back and forth like wrestlers, each trying to pin each other.

So engrossed in their kissing that they did not noticed the bright light coming out from Rae's chest.


Michael was pacing around as his thoughts were on that night something had woken him up.

Gabriel came to meet him again.

"What's troubles you my friend?"

"Something on Earth is drawing me to it. I can't really explained, but when I woke up, that feeling was gone."

"Something calls on you on Earth?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes, but I don't know why it did so." Michael said. "I think I am going to visit the Earth once again to get answers."

"What will King Aaron says when he is aware?"

"I don't care what he thinks, whether he agrees or not, I will visit the Earth." Michael said.

"Okay, but you have to wait and see if truly that feeling might come again."

"I know that, I will be very alert next time so that it won't surprise me like before."


Tamara appeared and saw her angry daughter In her secret cave.

"What is it Lolly, what happened?" Tamara asked with care.

"I want him mother, I need him."

"You need who Lolly?"


"What happened to Jason?" Tamara asked slightly confused.

"He broke off our engagement yesterday all because of that stupid girl Rae."


"As I am speaking with you, everyone now knows I am no longer with Jason, you have to do something something mother, I am slowly losing it." Lolly said in anger, her face changing to a beast. "You have to be fast mother, I am losing my patience on you." Lolly added, her voice now deep and thick. Lolly wasn't speaking anymore, it is the beast.

"Don't worry, I will deal with Rae personally."

"That was the same thing you said and King Roen didn't do anything to Rae." The beast said.

"Be calm Lolly, Jason shall be yours and only yours, once I get Rae out of the picture, Jason will be yours and everything will be as it was before." Tamara said with an evil smirk. "I have a plan Lolly."

"What plan?"

"A perfect plan. Lillian is hiding something and I am going to find out what she is hiding. I saw a strong magical bracelet on Rae's arms the day I visited, I will have to ask Rae to give me the bracelet."

Her face going back to normal.

"And how do you hope to achieve that mother?" Lolly demanded.

"I will disguise myself as Lillian herself."

To Be continued..

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