Chapter 18

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Alexius had packed up her stuff right after the meeting and had basically cried for the rest of the day. Mari would often come in to check on her and then leave, Alexius hadn't talked to anyone else after the meeting. Everything she had every known would be stripped away from her, even the one she loved strongly, the one she hadn't even she realized that she loved that much until that moment, but it was to late now. She wan't even sure if he felt the same about her. She continued to cry into her pillow, she didn't care about anything at that moment. Anyone who had come that wasn't Mari, she turned away, she didn't feel like talking or seeing anyone else.

They planned on leaving first thing in the morning. As part of the agreement, Hakkan agreed to bring his army and help fight against Gelyn. Alexius planned on going with them, she would at least fight for her kingdom before she had to leave it. The more she thought about it the more she cried. Alexius knew that she should just suck it up and deal with it, but was hard too. She wished that would all be a dream. After awhile it became dark outside, she heard a knock on the door and figured it was Mari coming to check on her again. She felt someone sit on the side of her bed, she knew that it wasn't Mari, but she didn't care enough to look and see who it was. 

"I'm sorry Alexius, I'll figure out how to get you out of this," she heard Jaron say. Alexius stayed silent. "I know this will be really hard for you, but I'm proud of you, you know, I always have been," Jaron continued on, but Alexius remained silent. "I promise you that I'll get you out of this situation, stay strong my princess," Jaron said before giving her a kiss on her head. He walked out of the room and shut the door quietly behind him. Alexius felt somewhat better now, she was really lucky to have Jaron as a father, even thought they weren't always on best terms, he was there for her. 

Alexius wanted to sleep, she was exhausted and tired from all that crying, it was to quiet and lonely here. Soon she would have to figure out how to fill this silence and loneliness here. She really just wanted to snuggle into someones arms right now. Alexius crawled out of bed and talked to the nightguard at her door. He nodded and walked away and she crawled back into her bed. A few minutes later she heard her door open. She sat up to find Cyrus standing there, he looked just as bad as her,  he looked like he was crying to. "I know this is weird, but I can't sleep because...." Alexius trailed off. "Alexius, I know what you want, but I shouldn't. Hakkan would kill me if I did," Cyrus said, but it almost seemed like he was saying it against his will, like he really didn't want to say it. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that, I need someone right now, please" Alexius pleaded.

Cyrus sighed and then agreed. Alexius moved over and Cyrus slid into the bed with her, she quickly wrapped her arms around him. She needed this more than anything right now, she wouldn't be able to experience this again so she made sure to savor every moment. Cyrus help her tightly too, she could hear his heartbeat, it was surprisingly fast. Alexius could feel her eyes start to tear up again and she began to cry and cry until she eventually had cried herself to sleep.

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