Chapter 19

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She awoke, still being help tightly in Cyrus's arms. She had noticed that their legs were intertwined together. She felt herself blush, but then she remembered the horrible day she had yesterday. She looked at Cyrus's face, he looked so cute while sleeping, Alexius hadn't really noticed until now how long Cyrus's hair had begun to get it, he was due for a haircut. Alexius looked down at his chest and noticed that his shirt had became unbuttoned a bit. Alexius gasped as she saw the scars on his chest, she knew that he had lots of scars but never realized how many he had all over his body. Alexius really began to feel bad for Cyrus, he had to endure the pain of these scars.

Alexius knew that a good amount of his scars had come from his father and sword training, but she could tell that he had a couple of burn scars to. Alexius was an expert at detecting different types of scars, especially burn scars because she had lots of those herself. Cyrus yawned, signifying that he had woken up, Alexius sat up. Cyrus blinked for a moment before realizing where he was. "Uh, I should go now," Cyrus said as he hoped out of bed. Alexius grabbed his arm, "Thank you, I really needed your comfort last night." Cyrus smiled slightly, "Thats what friends are for." Alexius smiled at him, but it hurt to hear him say that.

Alexius got out of her bed and got ready for the day, a lot was going to happen. She turned to look at Phoenix and gave her some food. "I'm going to need you're support, so you're coming with me to Carthya, even if it's for a short time," Alexius said. Servants came in and grabbed her belongings and loaded them onto the ship. Alexius let Phoenix out of the cage and handed her cage to a servant, she trusted Phoenix not to fly away. On her way out she met with Mari. "I just want to say thank you for everything!" Alexius said before giving her a hug. Mari smiled, "It was a pleasure serving you, and I'll be here for when you come back." 

Alexius went ahead and loaded onto the ship, she wanted to get to Carthya as soon as possible and save her kingdom, it would be her last act as their princess. She would miss being known as Princess Alexius Erin of Carthya. It would be Queen Alexius Erin of Orixicalian or however you say this kingdoms name! She would have to learn their culture and everything, she was not excited for that one bit. "Alexius?" she heard, she didn't even want to think of his name, say. She decided to ignore him. "Listen I know that this seems cruel of me, but I've been in need of a queen and no one suits the role like you do and I wanted to make sure that you would become my queen, I do hope that you come to understand one day," Hakkan said before walking away. 

Alexius really hoped that whatever was to come would go smoothly.

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