Chapter 20

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After awhile at sea, she was finally back on Carthyan land and they had just arrived at the castle. Alexius saw her mothering waiting for them, she never was one for super fancy gowns, she always wore something simple and sweet, but she still looked like the powerful queen she was. Once they had stopped she ran out to her mother to embrace her. "I missed you sos much my baby!" Imogen said, showing her with kisses. "Mom!" Alexius laughed. "Oh it's so good to see you! How was it-" Imogen paused once she saw Hakkan and Jaron talking. "Who'a that?" she asked. "Hakkan," Alexius said. Jaron brought Hakkan up to Imogen and bowed before her, at least he had some manners. "Imogen this is King Hakkan of Orixycalian, he's brought help and he's...nevermind I'll explain later. Where's Tobias and Roden?" Jaron asked. "They're in a meeting with the regents," Imogen explained. Jaron nodded and took Hakkan with him.

Imogen and Alexius watched them both run into the castle. "I should go join them," Alexius insisted. "Woah, wait a second, you should go clean up first and get some rest. Let them take care of it for now, you look exhausted and like something is bugging you," Imogen said. Cyrus walked up to them, "I'll escort her your highness." Imogen smiled, "Thank you, and its good to see you too Cyrus." Cyrus smiled and escorted her into the castle, once they were out of Imogens view Cyrus stopped. "You go do what you need to do, but promise to rest up afterwards, you don't want to pass out if you're going into a battle," Cyrus said. Alexius smiled at him, every so grateful for him. "Make sure you rest too," Alexius said before running off towards the meeting room. 

Once she walked in the first thing she saw was Jaron arguing with his regents like he often did, they all fell silent once they noticed that she had entered. "Sorry, please continue," she whispered. They immediately went back to arguing. "My king, how do you know that will work?" A regent fretted. "When have my crazy plans every failed?" Jaron asked. No one answered his question beside Tobias, "You're original plan tends to not work but then  you come up with something to fix your mistake and that never fails." Jaron rolled his eyes, "Thank you for the smart answer Tobias, but we don't have much of choice do we?" The regents all agreed silently. "Then it's settled, we'll set it up today and start it early tomorrow morning. Tobias, send a letter to the King Gelmore to meet us in the far feilds of Libeth to discuss this war," Jaron said and Tobias agreed. "You're all dismissed!" Jaron snapped and the regents quickly hurried their old fat bodies out of the room, Alexius was surprised they could run that fast.

Once they were gone Jaron slumed down into his throne and squeezed his head. "Why must I deal with them!" he hissed. Hakkan stood silently by Jaron and glanced at Tobias every now and then as he wrote the letter for King Gelmore. Alexius walked up to her father, but she ignored Hakkan. "You'll figure this out, you always do and I'm here to help you," Alexius said. "Thank you," Jaron replied.

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