My Power

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As you might have guessed, all the kids at U.T have powers. And I guess you already have an idea about what mine is. Alright, here we go. I can talk to dead people. You already know that one. I can use shadows to make things. Walls, energy. They're still made out of shadows, but they're solid. Okay, there. I hate it, but it's true. I hear voices and see ghosts, and darkness bends to my will. See why they call me the Necromancer? Most kids gain more powers over time, and I probably will too.

The conversation with my friend ghost started when I had been here for five months, give or take. Some kid was walking around, and I got all excited.

"Hey, pssssssst. Let me out too!" I had said. The kid looked behind him, like I wasn't talking to him.

"Me?" I heard it, but not through sound. Like a voice in my head, sort of.

"Why doesn't- wait, what?" I started to panic. His mouth didn't move! Neither did mine!

"Calm down, Wrive."

"How do you know my name?"

"Your power, child. It allows me to speak to you. It opens your eyes to the dead." I still didn't understand.

"But...but you're a boy. Like me." The boy shook his head.

"Can't you see a difference? Anything at all?" And then I could.

"You... you're all floaty! And... ghosty." He nodded.

"Now you see, child. My name is- no, was Allen. I died here thirty-one years ago."

"Are they gonna kill me too?" I held back tears.

"No, child. I was already dying when I was brought here. My power was tearing me apart."

"What was your power?" Allen's calm smile faded, replaced by a mask of anger.

"Death." Allen spat. "Fate cursed me with death." And then he erupted into flame and disappeared.

A few months later, I learned Allen's power was that anyone he touched got real hurt. Bones suddenly broke, diseases suddenly hit. To survive was a miracle. His folks touched him, doctors touched him, U.T workers touched him. No one lived.

"It was kind of like the cheese touch," he told me once. "Except... with death." I had no idea what this "cheese touch" was, so I just said,"Oh."
I now know the cheese touch is where one person dunks his/her head in the toilet and then does a funny dance. Kaylen told me that. He couldn't stop laughing. I wonder why? I also wonder why it's called the cheese touch...

Allen also told me another good thing about staying on Earth after death. Your body doesn't rot. It stays the exact same age, too. Not exactly useful, but kinda neat. Allen says his body is still in the area, which is kind of gross, but Allen says he liked his body. I ask him how he died sometimes, but he won't tell me. He says he deserved it, though, 'cause he killed people. I say it wasn't his fault. He doesn't believe me.

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