The Escape

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It was that Allen that gave me my idea. I'm leaving. Now. There will be no restraints, and I'll kill those fools when I return!
All of a sudden, I realize I'm breathing hard. Sweat is rolling down my face.

"Stop." I send out the message to all the ghosts nearby. Slowly, my rage fades. That happens sometimes. Ghosts can strengthen my emotions if I don't have my guard up. There are a few ghosts that I've met so far, and most of them would have fun killing every single U.T worker. I collect my emotions and search.

"Allen. I need you." I wait.

A few minutes later, Allen appears.

"After all this time, you call me. How may I assist you?" I take a deep breath.

"Do you know how I can strengthen my powers?"

"Yes." Allen replies. "Simply focus on your power and say, , 'Boost the forces that reside in me.'" I focus.
"Boost the forces that reside in me." Suddenly, power surges through my veins, my mind, my entire being becomes filled with by power, which is multiplying in every corner of my mind. I reach out to touch the bars of my cage... and they crumble. I smile. Eat it, nerds. And then I run.

I'm through the Main Cells.

"Take me, take me!" Kids are yelling at me. I run to a cage and focus. My power is so weak! I'm so tired!

"Allen, what's happening?" Even just talking to a ghost drains me. That never happens.

"Your energy was focused on breaking those bars. It took a lot of energy. Now, your energy supply is too low to complete another task," Allen replies.

"But-but- the others!" I wail telepathically. Allen shrugs.

"Too late." Allen seems amused by all the distress in the room. I stare at the hopeful kid in that cage.

"I'll come back. You will be free." The kid's hopeful eyes turn sad. His heart just broke, I can tell. This was his last hope of freedom, and now all he's got is the hope of an impossible promise.

Now the whole room is whispering.

"Come here! Break my bars too!" Everyone is whispers shouting. I hear Kaylen say, "Don't you see? He's gonna run and leave us behind." He turns to me. "You're no hero. You're just a scared little freak."
"At least I'm not a bully called The Fridge who's stuck in a cage!" I yell back as I run by, but his words still sting. Especially because they're true.

"Nec! Nec, take me! Come back!" Run. Run. Run. I pass through the only hall that leads into the Main Lab. And then I hear a scream. I'm in a suspended glass tunnel above the Torture Chamber. (It's not really called that, but we used logic to name this room. Not a fun place.) I turn and what I see changes my mission. Shawn is connected to about a dozen wires and obviously is in tons of pain. Allen floats up to me, smiling pleasantly.

"Change of plans?"

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