The Rescue

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I find the door leading into the Torture Chamber. Even while they sleep, U.T tortures kids! Shawn sees me, and he's going nuts. He flails out, trying to break the wires.

"Shhhh!" I whisper. "I'll get you out." I search for some kind of stop button. Shawn continues to struggle. I find the button! At least, I think this is the one... It's on this strange panel. I smack the button... and hear a screeeeeech! I turn and see another panel. And it's smoking. Shawn did it, I guess. Uh oh. Now free, he runs over to me and gives me a big hug.

"We gotta wun, Nec!"

"Yeah, I know..." I say, watching a thin swirl of smoke float towards the ceiling. "...But escaping just got a whole lot harder." And then the fire alarms go off.

We dash through the halls.

"Wive! I see... not inside!" says Shawn. And, as if that had been their cue, three U.T workers step out of a hall and straight into our path.

"Shawn!" I whisper. "Do it!" Shawn's cheeks puff out, and he glares at the men blocking our path.

"BAAAAAAAAAAAD!" he screams, and immediately the men glow faintly and fly into the air backwards. Shawn smiles. I do too. We keep running.

We get outside. The only thing between us and freedom is a seven foot fence. Oh, wait, never mind. A seven foot fence and about a dozen Nerdy-Butts. Shawn sees the danger and opens his mouth.
"BAAAAAA-" he begins, but then gets hit with some kind of laser. He slumps to the ground.

"What is wrong with you nasty kids?" one of the workers snarls. "You all possessed?"

"I don't k-know." I stammer.

"Yeah, they're possessed," says another one.

"Your power should be back by now." I hear in my mind. Ah, good. I haven't played with my powers in... well, ever.

"Okay, enough chitchat. Nighty night, ya beast." The worker holds up his laser. The beam sails straight at me... and a dark shield stops it.

Now, time out. Let's pause here, with a startled me holding a shield of darkness. This is just complete instinct. I have no time to think or plan, I just do it. Now, let's get back to me kicking butt.

The worker is confused. I'm overjoyed. I can feel this magic, I understand it. I see all the possibilities. Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun. The shadowy shield dissolves and reforms as a beam of energy. I send twin beams of shadow flying at two U.T guys. Ten left. The remaining U.T workers are on their guard now. I smile. Good.

"Don't let him use those beams!" one guy yells. They put away their lasers and advance with swords. My shadows regroup and solidify in my hand as a thin, long sword. I swing it a few times, getting a feel for it. The workers attack. I block one sword after another. I frown. Okay, new strategy. My sword dissolves and I duck another swing. My darkness gathers under me and smashes through the ground. I ascend into the air. On top of my shadowy throne, I send some energy blasts down. I take out four more guys.

The lazers are firing like crazy, and I dance left, right, up and down. I return fire any chance I get. Five left. Four. A laser whizzes past my ear. I send out twin streams. Two left. One. My shadow platform dissolves and I drop to the ground. The last worker has given up.

"Please don't kill me," he begs. I shrug.

"Sorry, not my fault. I'm possessed, remember? I gather darkness around my fist and punch. He goes flying. And then Shawn wakes up, and he sees.

"Wive? Why are your eyes bwack?"

And then my eyes turn blue again, and I look around at all the unconscious people. I did this.

"No..." I whisper. And then I collapse.My magic wins this round.

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