1. Kyuubi's attack

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Author Notes: I have seen many different fanfiction stories involving a neglected Naruto.  Most of them haven't been completed or poorly written.  So, I decided to try my hand at it.  I strongly advise those whom are faint of heart, hate violence, brutality, and neglect not to read this.  I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

The Forgotten Child of Destiny

One: Kyuubi's attack

October tenth, a night that no one in the leaf village otherwise known as Konahagakure will ever forget.  Minato Namikaze, the fourth hokage was eagerly awaiting the birth of his second child with his wife Kushina Uzumaki.  Their first child Menma Namikaze-Uzuamaki was now one years old was also excited to be a big brother.  It was discovered early through Kushina's pregnancy that she was expecting twins.  This raised the greatest concern.  You see Kushina was a Jinchuriki as she held the nine-tailed beast within her body.  The fox demon was the strongest out of all the Biju.  The power of his claws could cut mountains and with a swipe of his tails could cause hurricanes.  With the birth of her children, it would cause the seal placed on Kushina to weaken.  They were lucky when it came to Menma but now we are talking about twins.  A special chamber within the leaf was created to keep the Biju within its host. 

Night fell quickly as an Anbu entered the hokage's office.  Minato was there with Sarutobi completing the mound of paperwork. 

"Excuse me my lords but, its time." Stated the masked Anbu.  Minato looked at Sarutobi.

"Go on Minato."  The young hokage nodded his head as he vanished in a flash.  Minato used the Flying Thunder God technique to appear within the secret grounds where Kushina was giving birth.

"Minato......." moaned out Kushina.

"I am here Kushina.  Let's keep this beast contained as much as possible." Minato stated as the midwife instructed Kushina to push.  Minato wove through the handsigns using his chakra to keep the nine tails bound.  Several hours passed before the first child appeared.

"It's a boy!" exclaimed the midwife as she handed the baby off to a nurse to clean up and wrap in a blanket. 

"You're doing great Kushina.  One more push and then you can rest." stated Minato.  Kushina kept pushing as seconds later the last child came out.

"It's a baby girl!" exclaimed the midwife.

"Well done Kushina.  Now let's seal up the beast before it has a chance to escape." Stated Minato.  The fourth hokage wove through the handsigns as he pumped his chakra into his wife.

The room was deadly quiet when suddenly a loud babies cry echoed out.  When Minato turned his head, he could see a masked man stood in the chambers holding a bloody kunai over Minato's son's stomach as bodies laid dead on the ground.  An injured Anbu guard held Minato's daughter in his arms.  Without thinking twice, Minato leapt into a defensive position armed with one of his special kunai.

"Lord Fourth please step away from the Jinchuriki.  Or I will kill your son." snarled the masked man.  Kushina could feel the beast within her desperately clawing to get out.  "Oh...... It seems that the fox is particularly fond of this one."

Minato had to act fast.  He couldn't allow this man to hurt his children.  Nor could he allow him to have his wife and the beast she held.

"Minato......  The children.......  Save them.......!" Kushina whispered.  Minato nodded his head as he threw one of his special kunai at the masked man.  Minato moved quickly as he took the injured Anbu and his daughter out of the chambers.  Minato returned quickly as he went for the masked man.  The masked man tossed up the child up into the air forcing Minato to grab his son and get rid of the bomb that was placed on the blanket before teleporting away from the chambers.

He landed back at his home as a medic was tending to the injured Anbu guard.  Menma was holding his little sister whom was whimpering softly.

"Daddy......  Where mommy?" asked Menma.

"Don't worry Menma.  Daddy is going to save her.  Be a big boy and look after your brother and sister.  Protect Naruto and Nariko (I changed Naruto's female name this way I am not getting confused when writing and typing up the two) while I am gone." stated Minato as he ruffled Menma's black locks.  Menma nodded his head as he watched his father vanish. 

Meanwhile, the masked man had a single Sharningan activated as it wove through a series of handsigns to rip the nine tails out of its host.  Kushina was trying her best to keep that from happening as she kept the beast bound within her from coming out.

"Fight me all you want.  I will get what I desire and lay waste to this village.  And I will start with your lovely family." stated the masked man.  This caused the demon chakra to cover Kushina's body taking on the form of a fox.  The masked man laughed out loud.  "That's it!  Now come out......  Kyuubi!" roared out the masked man.  The nine tails chakra leaked out of Kushina taking on the demon foxes physical form.  It let out a loud demonic roar as the masked commanded for it to attack the leaf village.  Minato had shown up to find Kushina barely alive as he could hear the demon's roar and the sound of alarm echoing through the village.

"Minato......  I'm sorry!" coughed out Kushina.  Minato teleported back to his home laying his wife down next to their sleeping children.  "Minato......"  The fourth kissed his wife on the head.

"Minato......" stated a familiar voice.  The blonde looked up to see his sensei (teacher), the toad sage, Jiraiya.

"Don't worry.  I will take care of the fox.  But we will need to reseal the demon." replied Minato.

"Kushina won't survive if we try to seal the creature within her.  You will have to sacrifice one of your children to hold it." stated a female voice.  Minato looked over to see Tsunade, the slug queen and best healer around.  Minato recalled how the demon reacted when the masked man threatened Naruto's life.

"Jiraiya-sensei...... Bring Naruto to the sealing sight.  I will lead the beast there."

"Minato!  You can't be serious!  This is your son you're talking about." exclaimed Jiraiya.

"Look sensei......  I understand your concerns but it seems that the fox is paticularily fond of Naruto." stated Minato.

"Minato speaks the truth.  Naruto is the most logical choice." added Kushina.  Jiraiya let out a long sigh.

"I hope that you know what you are doing Minato."

Minato grabbed the supplies that he needed as he put on his battle cloak.  He vanished from his home reappearing on top of the hokage monument, on the carving of his face.  The nine tails beast was running rapid as various ninja were doing battle to hopefully contain the beast.

"I won't let you destroy my home." stated Minato.  The beast let out a loud roar as it turned to attack the fourth hokage.  A powerful blast formed before the creature's mouth as it released it like a cannon blast.  Minato ran through a series of handsigns to cause the blast to vanish as it went off beyond the village walls.  The nine tails let out a loud monstrous roar as Minato flashed through another series of handsigns. "Summoning Jutsu!" he cried out as he placed his hand down.   A large puff of smoke arose from his hand.  Soon Minato was seen standing on the head of a large toad whom was smoking a pipe.

"Minato......  Is that the nine tails?" asked the toad.

"Yes Gamabunta.  I need for you to bring it away from the village.  I am going to deal with the masked man who is controlling it." replied Minato.  Gamabunta nodded his head that he understood.  Gamabunta took out his sword as he charged at the nine tails.  Minato leapt at the masked man as he managed to grab him and teleport away from the two large creatures.  Minato quickly recovered as he went to attack the masked man with his Rasengan only to phase right through him.  'This man is a tricky one.  I have to come at him from an angle that he won't aspect." Minato thought to himself.

Minato and the masked man continued to fight as the fourth hokage threw his special kunai at the masked man.  Once again it went right through him but Minato teleported right above him slamming his Rasengan into the man's back.  He quickly ran his hands through a series of handsigns cutting the man's ties with the nine-tailed beast.  Minato then teleported over to where Gamabunta was still doing battle with the nine tails.  Jiraiya had shown up with Naruto and Kushina.

"Kushina......?!  What are you doing?!" Minato yelled out.  Kushina ran her hands through some handsigns.

"Adamantine Attacking Chains!" she cried out.  Chains made of chakra erupted from her body wrapping around the nine tails. 

"Do you honestly think that I would sit back and let you handle this alone?  Now hurry up and seal this creature." yelled out Kushina.  Before Minato could even perform the sealing or even start attempting the seal, Sarutobi appeared before the young couple.

"Minato......  Alow me to do the sealing.  You still have the village to look after and your family to raise." stated Sarutobi.

"Lord Sarutobi......." Minato replied in sorrow.

"Hurry......  Your wife can't hold the beast at bay for long." stated Sarutobi.  Kushina activated her jutsu of Adamantine Sealing Chains as Minato attached them to Sarutobi.

"Thank you Lord Third."

"Just make sure that everyone knows that your son is a hero for keeping the beast within him."

"I will.  I promise." replied Minato.

Sarutobi ran his hands through a bunch of handsigns.

"Dead Demon Consuming Seal." exclaimed Sarutobi.  The ghostly image of the Shinigami appeared behind the third hokage.  The beast didn't seem to struggle as it looked at its newfound host with a soft smile stretched across its muzzle.  'Could it be that we are wrong about how we view this creature.' Sarutobi thought to himself.  He watched as the nine tails extended his claws out towards Naruto.  A smile stretched across Naruto's whisker marked face as he grabbed a hold of the demon's claw in his small hands giggling.  The nine tails bowed his head as his body vanished completely.  Sarutobi put the last touches on the seal before he collapsed.  The third had died sealing the beast within the body of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze.

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