2. Hatred

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Author Notes: I have seen many different fanfiction stories involving a neglected Naruto.  Most of them haven't been completed or poorly written.  So, I decided to try my hand at it.  I strongly advise those whom are faint of heart, hate violence, brutality, and neglect not to read this.  I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Two: hatred

Three years have passed since the attack on the leaf made by Kyuubi.  Almost everyone knows of the story about how the fourth hokage Minato Namikaze fought off the beast and how the third sacrificed his life to kill off the beast.  Not many knew the truth about how the nine-tailed fox was actually sealed away within the body of a newborn baby.  And it was the fourth's own son, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze.  The fourth and his family were often treated like royalty everyone except for Naruto.  Everyone looked down upon the child.  Spat in his general direction, spoke ill about the child, and hated him all because of what he held within his body.  Rumors spread throughout the village that Naruto was the nine-tailed fox.  This caused him to become alienated and hated.

There was only a small handful of people who didn't fear Naruto.  They saw a sad and lonely boy who hid behind a mask of smiles.  Several of the Anbu would make certain that Naruto didn't get abused by the villagers.  When it did happen and Naruto went to his parents, he was called a liar and beaten up even more.  It seemed to Naruto that even his own family hated him.  He was only given scraps for food.  He was given Menma's second hand and ripped clothing.  His room existed up in the attic where he had a ratty old blanket and destroyed mattress for a bed.  Not even his older brother or twin sister treated him with respect. 

The ones who did try to help him the most where four of the Anbu guards cat (Yugao), dog (Kakashi), weasel (Itachi), and bear (Yamato).  They were always around to help protect Naruto.  Naruto's god parents Jiraiya and Tsunade who tried to spoil him rotten.  But a day or two later after they left, his parents would give the items that Naruto got to Nariko and Menma.  Naruto at times had to hide items that Jiraiya and Tsunade gave him without his family knowing.  Then there was the owner of Ichiraku Ramen, Teuchi and his daughter Ayame, who would give Naruto something to eat for free because he had no money and it was clear as day that he was starving.  Finally, there was his teacher at the ninja academy Iruka who would help Naruto with his school work and training.

When Nariko and Menma began learning the clans jutsu.  Naruto also wanted to learn but his parents refused to teach him even the basics.  In what free time the Anbu guards and Iruka had, they helped him learn about jutsu.  It wasn't until Naruto was four years old that he learned the hard way about the burden he carried.  It was the night of the Kyuubi festival.  Naruto's and Nariko's birthday when it happened.  Naruto was kicked out of the house because of Nariko's birthday even though it was his as well seeing how they were twins.

'I can't believe that they forgot yet again.' Naruto sighed as he made his way through the village.  Naruto couldn't understand why everyone hated him.  Night fell quickly as he could see a bunch of villagers who had a blood thirsty look in their eyes.  'Shit!' Naruto cursed as he turned to run.

"There's the demon!  Let's get him!" yelled out the villagers as they gave chase.

Naruto dodged and weaved through the ally's as the villagers were in hot pursuit.  Naruto cursed at his dumb luck as his four Anbu guardians were out of the village.  Naruto hoped to make it to the Forest of Death.  There he had found a hollow tree that was big enough to hide in escaping the villagers' wrath.  But this time he wasn't so lucky as several villagers waited for him near the entrance to the forest. 

"End of the road demon."

"But I'm not a demon!" Naruto yelled out.  Before he could turn and run, the rest of the villagers blocked off his escape route.

"It's time that you died monster.  We will complete was the third and fourth started!"

"Wait please......" Naruto began to plead when he felt a sudden and sharp pain in his legs that caused him to go down to his knees.  Long sharp senbon needles were stuck in both of his legs.

"There is no way that you can escape." snarled a villager who wore a leaf headband.  Naruto tried to crawl away only to have someone grab one of his arms breaking it.  Naruto cried out in pain as the villagers laughed.

"That's right demon...... Scream!  Cry!  Feel the pain that you caused to others!  You will die tonight monster!"  Tears ran down Naruto's face as the villagers pounced on him.  Some armed with weapons while others used their fists and feet.

Naruto cried out in pain pleading for them to stop.  But the more he cried, the worse it got.  He had two broken arms, several broken fingers, broken legs and ankles.  Several deep cuts and bruises lined his small body.

'Please......  I don't want to die.  Why does everyone hate me?  Why do they call me a demon and a monster?  What did I ever do to deserve this fate?' Naruto thought to himself.

*Nothing.* replied a dark voice in the back of his mind.  Naruto closed his eyes preparing for the final blow.  When it never came, Naruto opened his eyes finding himself deep within a sewer.  He no longer felt any pain from his wounds as they seemed to have been healed.  Naruto rose to his feet as he began to navigate his way through the sewer.  He had no clue where he was going but it felt like he knew he was going to find answers to his questions.

Soon Naruto found himself standing before a large cage that held a paper seal on it.  Naruto could hear something moving behind the large gate but it was too dark for him to make out.

"Hello?" Naruto asked in a soft voice.

"Welcome to your mindscape kit." replied the voice behind the cage.  It was the same dark voice that he had heard in the back of his mind.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked out in fear.  The thing behind the cage flared up its chakra to reveal the nine-tailed fox.  "But I thought that the third had killed you."

"That's what everyone was told but, it's next to impossible to kill off a tailed beast.  The only way that a person can stop us is to seal us away within hosts.  So, I'm sorry to say that I am the cause of all of your problems.  The idiots don't see you as a person but only me within you." stated the nine tails. "You possibly hate me, now don't you?"

"No......" replied Naruto as tears streaked down his face.  "You possibly didn't ask to be locked away like this.  I have no idea what caused you to attack the village that night.  But I can tell that you didn't ask for this." Naruto replied.  This caused the nine tails to smile.  He was right about this gut feelings when it came to Naruto.  This small child reminded him so much of his creator.  The sage of six paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki.

"You truly are one of a kind kit.  I won't allow these idiot villagers or anyone else to hurt you anymore."

"What are you planning to do?" Naruto asked in fear.

"I can give you my chakra to strike back.  Defend yourself."

"I can't do that!" Naruto cried out in shock.  "Even though they may hate me for something that is beyond my control, I could never hurt anyone regardless of what they do to me."

'Truly this kit is unique.  He would rather suffer the beatings and cruelty than to hurt someone else knowing that it won't help ease their pain.' the nine tails thought to himself as he let out a long soft sigh. "Fine......  I won't kill them.  Come here kit and rest.  I will take care of everything.  You have nothing to fear."

Naruto entered the cage curling up next to the fox as he could feel the demon's warm energy fill his body.  This caused Naruto to let out a long yawn as he just wanted to fall asleep in the warmth.

"What's your name?  Do you even have one?  Mine is Naruto."  The nine tails smiled as he wrapped Naruto up in his tails.

"Kurama." replied the fox.

"Thanks, Kurama......" Naruto replied before his eyes closed as he fell fast asleep.  Kurama poked at the seal that laid on Naruto's stomach as he took control over the child.  The villagers leapt back as they could see strange chakra pumping out of Naruto's body.  It took on the form of a fox.  All of Naruto's wounds and broken bones mended back together in an instant.  When Naruto opened his eyes, they were no longer the sapphire blue that he was born with but rather blood red.  The whisker marks on his cheeks grew broader as sharp fangs emerged from his lips and his nails became razor sharp claws.

Without saying a word, Kurama moved attacking the villagers.  He attacked them all in the same savage nature that they did Naruto.  But he kept his promise to his host not to kill them.  He kept his killer instinct to a dull this way not to alert the hokage about what was going on.  Not that the fourth would even help his own son.  After dealing with the villagers, Kurama could see some Anbu heading in his general direction.  Kurama wasn't bound to stick around long enough to get this mess straightened out.  So, he took Naruto deep within the Forest of Death finding the child secret hiding spot.  Once comfortable, Kurama shut down his chakra allowing any lingering wounds to heal.

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