3. Leaving the village

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Author Notes: I have seen many different fanfiction stories involving a neglected Naruto. Most of them haven't been completed or poorly written. So, I decided to try my hand at it. I strongly advise those whom are faint of heart, hate violence, brutality, and neglect not to read this. I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Three: leaving the village

Four Anbu arrived outside of the Forest of Death to find a bunch of villagers and fellow ninja whom have been wounded.  These four just happened to be Naruto's own personal guardians.

"That damn demon......."

"Wait till I get my hands on that monster......" The villagers and ninja spat out.  It didn't take long for the four Anbu to realize that they were talking about Naruto.  The Forest of Death was one of the few place that Naruto felt safe.

"Cat......  Weasel.......  Bear......  Take care of these guys.  I'm going to find Naruto." stated dog known as Kakashi Hatake.  The other three Anbu didn't argue as they arrested the people that were still alive.  Some bloody tracks followed Naruto's into the forest as Kakashi knew that the creatures in the forest would take care of them.  Kakashi entered the forest angry with the fourth hokage.  'Sensei, how can you turn a blind eye to your son's suffering?  Both you and Kushina placed this burden on him as you promised Lord Sarutobi that Naruto would be seen as a hero.  You treat both Menma and Nariko better than you treat Naruto.' Kakashi thought to himself.  Once in the forest, Kakashi performed a summoning jutsu calling forth his ninja hounds.

"You summoned us Kakashi?" asked a small pug.

"Yeah Pakun.  I need for you guys to track down and find Naruto.  He may be injured as he had been attacked by the villagers." replied Kakashi.

"Leave it to us." stated Pakun as the ninja hounds scrambled into the forest.

'Please be alright Naruto.' Kakashi prayed.

Meanwhile, Naruto began to stir slowly waking up.  He found himself laying in a den with some foxes.  Surprisingly he didn't hurt as much as he thought he would.  It seemed all of the wounds he had gotten the night before had been fully healed.  This caused a lot of questions to pop up in Naruto's mind.

*I had boosted your own natural healing with my own.* stated Kurama.

"Oh, thanks Kurama.  What happened to the villagers?  You didn't kill them.......  Did you?" Naruto asked.

*No Kit.  But I caused the same damage that they did to you.  So, don't worry......  They won't harm you ever again.*

"Oh......  Thank you Kurama......" Naruto replied.  When he blinked his eyes, he found himself once again standing before Kurama's cage.

"It's no problem Naruto.  Quite frankly out of all my hosts, you surprise me the most.  You don't hate me for being sealed within you or even get mad because I had attacked the village on the day of your birth.  You treat me more like a friend rather than a burden."

"You are not a burden Kurama.  Everyone needs a friend.  Even a mighty creature such as yourself.  Don't you have any friends or family?"

"I have my brothers and sisters but, I haven't seen them since our creator's death.  I have family somewhere out there but I haven't seen them since I have been sealed away." replied Kurama.

"I'm sorry about that Kurama.  But I will be your friend and family if you want." Naruto stated with a bright smile.  This caused Kurama also to smile.

Naruto suddenly found himself face to face with a large dog who barked happily licking at the blonde's face.  Naruto let out a laugh as he tried to push the dog off of him.

"Ok Bull......  Enough......  Please stop......." Naruto gasped out in between his fits of laughter.  The large dog finally got off of Naruto when his master arrived.

"Thank heavens that you are all right Naruto." spoke Kakashi as he dispelled his summons.  Naruto leapt up into Kakashi's arms crying.  "It's all right Naruto.  You are safe now."

"Why me?  Why......?" he sobbed as he now knew the answer to everyone's hatred towards him.  Kakashi knew the answer but it was forbidden to let Naruto know.

'I wish I could tell you Naruto.' Kakashi thought to himself as he carried the blonde who had now fallen asleep in his arms out of the forest.

When Kakashi left the Forest of Death, he found the other three Anbu waiting for him.

"Is he alright Kakashi?" asked Weasel known as Itachi Uchicha.  Itachi couldn't help but to picture his little brother Sasuke in Naruto's place.  His brother and Naruto was the same age.  Itachi wondered why Sasuke hasn't befriended Naruto.  Knowing his baby brother, he thought that he was possibly far superior and better than him.

"He's fine Itachi.  It seems that the Kyuubi helped him and healed his wounds.  I wonder that is going through sensei's mind.  Can't he see Naruto's suffering?"

"We all wonder that as well Kaskashi.  We can't let the fourth know about what had happened...... That is why we......" stated Cat known as Yugao.  Kakashi looked to see all those whom had attacked Naruto were dead.  

"I know Yugao and I can't agree more.  Come on and let's bring Naruto home.  He had a long night." stated Kakashi.  The others nodded their heads as the four of them headed for the Uzumaki-Namikaze home.

While Naruto slept, Kurama had brought the child back into his mindscape.  He felt like he owed it up to Naruto to explain what truly happened on the day he was forced to attack the leaf.

"Even before I was sealed within you, something about your presence drew me in.  I could feel this strong connection and bond with you.  Even though you are still quite young, some of your mannerisms remind me a lot of my creator."

"You must have had a very strong bond with him as he sounds like a very noble man.  I wish I could have meet him and get to know him the way that you do."

"So, do I Kit as I have a feeling that you two would have gotten along so well." replied Kurama.  The smile that was on Naruto's face slowly disappeared.

"Kurama....... Is there a way that I can free you from that cage?  I don't like seeing you trapped like this."  Now it was time for the fox to frown.

"Sorry Kit but, at this point in time, you aren't capable of handling all of my chakra."  Naruto seemed to pout at this fact. "But however, this doesn't mean that you can't alter your mindscape."  This caused Nartuo to grin.

"Alright, next time that I am here I will do that if you tell me how to do it."

"Also, Naruto before you go.  You know how you heard me in the back of your mind?" asked Kurama causing to nod his head. "You can communicate with me in the same way.  It's possibly best that no one knows that you know about me."

"Kay Kurama."

When Naruto awoke, he found himself within his room in the attic.  When he tried to leave, he found that the door was locked.  His family at times would often lock him up there for days or weeks at a time.

"Great......" Naruto mumbled.  Suddenly he could hear the door unlock as his parents entered.  They both looked pissed.  Without warning Naruto got slapped across the face and punched in his stomach.  Naruto tried to hold back his tears.  He would never give his family the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

"You, little filthy brat.  How dare you show you show your face to us.  We have lost more ninja because of you." Minato snarled.  Seemed to Naruto that his so-called father found out about what happened last night.

"My wounds still throb because of you as I can't even use any of my chakra.  I wonder how in the world can you be cut form the same cloth as Nariko as she is such a sweet angel.  You are nothing but a beast, a monster, a demon." Kushina growled.  Both of Naruto's parents beat up Naruto until he was black and blue.

"Now get out of our sights.  You are no longer welcomed here." snarled Minato.  Naruto scrambled past his parents as tears streaked down his face.  He could hear Kurama snarling harsh words as they were directed more towards Kushina and Minato.  He was infuriated that they could treat their son in such a manner.

Naruto arrived outside of the ninja academy as he watched the kid whom were playing run away from   him.

"My dad says that he is a demon who will bring nothing but bad luck."

"It's the monster.  We have to stay away from him."

"He's such a loser anyway.  He can't even hold a candle to the best and brightest students."

"He's only dead weight.  He's not worthy to become a ninja."  Naruto sat down on the swing as his blue eyes became dull in color.

*They are wrong about you Naruto.  If you are truly this unhappy here, then let's leave!* Kurama stated.

*But where would I go?* Naruto asked.

*Anywhere.  You can search for my children, my cubs.  I know that they would look after you and help you become stronger.  Please Nartuo.......  I can't stand to see you like this anymore.  Staying here is going to bring nothing but misery.*

*Alright Kurama.  When do we leave?*


Later that night Naruto snuck back into his home packing what little he had for his belongings.  He didn't feel right about not leaving a note for his god parents.  Once Naruto had done everything placing the note where it could be found, he slipped back into the night heading towards the main gate.  When he got there, he had noticed that the two guards were fast asleep.  Naruto managed to sneak by them disappearing into the night.  God only knew if he would ever return.  He hoped that he could find what remained of Kurama's children hoping that they wouldn't treat him as badly as the villagers of the leaf and his own so-called family.

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