4. Finding the kitsune

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Author Notes: I have seen many different fanfiction stories involving a neglected Naruto. Most of them haven't been completed or poorly written. So, I decided to try my hand at it. I strongly advise those whom are faint of heart, hate violence, brutality, and neglect not to read this. I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Four: finding the kitsune

Naruto was glad to leave his old miserable life behind him.  The tricky part was going to be trying to find Kurama's children.  For all Naruto knew was they could be sealed away within humans, have been killed, or in hiding.  He had no idea where to even begin.  Naruto figured that Kurama would be able to sense his children.  As he walked, Naruto began to work on changing his mindscape.  He imagined a lush and almost magical forest.  He had a large tree growing over a cave that made for Kurama's den.  A large stream flowed nearby going into a lake.  Various wildlife and fruits grew all around this way Kurama wouldn't go hungry.  Since dissolving the gate the seal transformed into a dog collar that Kurama wore around his neck.  While they traveled, Kurama worked on taking on a human form this way he could teach and train Naruto to become a ninja if still desired to.

After numerous attempts Kurama finally on becoming human.  He looked to be in his mid-thirties early fourties.  He had long spikey red hair that matched the color of his fur.  Long fox ears that sat through his mane of hair on top of his head.  Kurama wore a set of oriental style robes.  During the short breaks, Naruto would go into his mindscape to train with Kurama.  Naruto was grateful to have the fox with him as the great tailed beast treated Naruto as if he was his own child.

Meanwhile, Shuichi Minamino (from Yu Yu Hakusho series pictured above) had come back to the past after staying with his friends and spirit dectective Yusuke Urameshi.  After seeing his human family become happy and live out the rest of their natural lives.  Shuichi began to miss his one true family.  So, after saying his farewells to his friends, Shuichi Minamino traveled back to the past.  Now you may be wondering what Shuichi isn't your normal everyday human.  In fact, he is actually a demon spirit fox reborn with a human body.  In fact, his true name was Yoko Kurama, after his father, the one tailed Biju, Kurama Kyuubi no Yohko.  Before traveling back in time, he gathered what few kitsune's that existed in the present before making the leap back to gather the remaining ones.  In total, there was ten children all of different ages as most where female as there was only three males.  Being the eldest, Shuichi bought a large home for them all to live in as the elder children worked jobs to help out.  Either to supply food and/or clothes.  Shuichi used most of his earnings from the Dark Tournament for the house and furniture.

Naruto arrived within the closest village starving.  He hasn't had anything to eat for nearly two days.  But then again Naruto didn't have any money to buy anything.  His stomach roared angrily.  He could feel Kurama perk up in the back of his mind.

*He's here within this town.*

*Who?* Naruto asked.

*My eldest son, Yoko Kurama.*  Naruto wasn't paying attention to where he was going as he smacked into a bunch of drunk men.  The men he ran into had an expensive bottle of sake in his hands that fell to the ground shattering. 

"I'm sorry......" Naruto stutter in fear.

"You little punk......" slurred the man.

*Naruto.......  Run!I* yelled Kurama.  Naruto scrambled to his feet bolting away from the dunk and angry mob.

Shuichi who was nearby saw the young blonde running for his life with a bunch of drunks hot on his tail.  Shuichi felt bad for the child but, he could feel and sense his father's presence nearby.  As Naruto ran past him, Shuichi could smell the familiar scent belonging to his father coming from the child.  Shuichi had heard rumors that his father had been sealed away within a human host.

'Could it be him?' Shuichi thought to himself.  Without thinking twice, the young looking red head ran after the group.

Naruto ducked into a nearby alley ending stuck in a dead end.  The angry mob charged into the alley and begun to beat Naruto up to a bloody pulp.  Naruto screamed out in pain as one of the guys broke his arm.  He cried out for help which he knew would never come.

"Hey what are you guys doing to that child?"  shouted out a voice.  The group of men turned to see Shuichi standing at the beginning of the alley.

"Are you planning to stop us pretty boy?"

"What if I was?" Shuichi answered with a sly smirk.  The group of men moved to attack Shuichi.  Shuichi took out a single rose which transformed into a whip. "Rose Whip!" he muttered slashing at the men who all went down.  The group of men laid on the ground bleeding from numerous scratches as Shuichi made his way over to the child.  Some of Naruto's wounds had begun to heal as he whimpered in pain from his broken arm.  When Shuichi touched Naruto, he had the small child try to scurry away from him.  "It's all right.  I'm not going to hurt you."

Kneeling in front of the blonde he noticed the dingy clothing that hung off of his body.  Shuichi could sense it a lot clearer, his father's presence and power within Naruto.

"Dad?" questioned Shuichi in a soft voice.

*Hello son.  Could you help my host?  We can catch up when he is better.* Kurama replied.  All of Kurama's children was mentally connected with their father.

*Of course dad.* replied Shuichi as he gently picked up Naruto into his arms.  Shuichi couldn't help but to notice how skinny and light Naruto felt.  "Can you tell me your name?" Shuichi asked.


"It's nice to meet you Naruto.  My name is Shuichi Minamino but, my true name is Yoko Kurama.  Don't worry, you are in safe hands."

"Thank you."

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