10. wave mission

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Ten: wave mission

Squad thirteen was supposed to be considered the unlucky team.  But the opposite was true as they were the only team who didn't have to do the bell test to learn the lesson of teamwork.  Squad thirteen completed several D-Rank missions quickly than any other team before them.  Seeing their effectiveness and how they didn't have any team available for a C-Rank mission that had just come in.  Minato had no choice but to assign the mission to squad thirteen.

"Squad thirteen...... Usually we would give you another D-Rank but since we are short on available teams, I am giving you a C-Rank mission.  Can you please bring in the client?" Minato asked.  A guard left quickly returning with an older drunk man.  "This is Tazuna and your task is to escort him to the wave and protect him until his bridge is finished."  Tazuna took a quickly drink from his bottle looking at squad thirteen.  He was expecting some snort nose kids but this group that stood before felt different.

"Alright squad thirteen.  Go back home and prepare for a long mission.  We will meet at the main gate within an hour."  Before Naruto could turn to leave, Minato called out to him.


"Hai (yes) Lord Hokage." Naruto replied.

"I heard that you were on top of your class and rookie of the year.  Everyone is buzzing about your accomplishments.  I want you to know that I am proud of you as well.  I hope that you will be careful out there."  Naruto just simply nodded his head before leaving.  Minato sighed softly.  Naruto still showed no emotion towards him as all Minato could do was continued trying to make some small efforts to gain Naruto's trust back.  Something about the request of the C-Rank didn't sit well with Minato.  'Please kami (god) protect Naruto.' Minato prayed.

Naruto had alerted his family to his mission outside of the village.

"If you need us don't hesitate in summoning us Naruto."  The young blonde nodded his head as he grabbed the necessary supplies that he needed.  Naruto had shown up at the designated time along with the rest of his squad.

"All right team.  It should take us two days to get to the wave village.  Make sure to always be on guard." stated Simba as the three teens nodded their heads.  The group set out with Simba at the lead, followed by both Akira and Shinri who flanked Tazuna.  Naruto followed behind them.  He allowed Kurama to heightened all of his senses.  As the group passed by a water puddle, Simba made a very small hand movement which was clearly seen by the members of his team.  The group walked by as the puddle shapeshifted into who armed ninja as they moved to attack squad thirteen's captain first before moving to attack the group.  Both Akira and Shinri stood in defensive mode before Tazuna while Naruto had created several shadow clones to help him fight the two attackers.  Naruto could smell the poison that was laced on their gloves.  Naruto and his clones moved as fire gathered in the palms of their hands.

"Kitsune Flame (an original attack)!"  The two-attacking ninja shot water out of their mouths but the fire didn't go out.  Naruto and his clones waved their hands causing the flame to leap out and attack the two ninja.  The two-ninja screamed out in pain before collapsing.  Naruto and the clones quickly tied up the two earning an applause from their captain.  The clones that Naruto had created disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Good work you guys.  Well done Naruto.  You managed to take out two rogue chunin from the hidden mist."

"Simba-sensei, it seems that they were after Tazuna-san." stated Shinri.

"Yes, it would seem so.  Care to tell us why Tazuna-san?" asked Simba.  Tazuna let out a low sigh. 

"It is because of Gato." he replied.

"Gato as in Gato Indrustries?" asked Akira.

"Yes.  You see our village is very poor and we are not connected to the main lands.  The bridge that I am building will bring in funding and supplies.  This is a threat to Gato so he hired ninja to kill me without me, the bridge will never be finished and his rule will be absolute."

"But if you are being hunted down by rogue ninja.  Wouldn't this mission be ranked higher?" asked Akira.

"Unfortunately, without how poor our village is we barely had enough money for a C-Ranked mission." replied Tazuna.  Their C-Rank mission had just got bumped up to an A-Rank one in the matter of minutes.  But Simba had faith in his team to complete the mission if they chose to.

"This mission is known as A-Ranked.  It's you guys' choice if we chose to continue or return back to the village."  The three teens huddled together to discuss the options.  The group reached a universal conclusion.

"We are going to continue on with the mission Simba-sensei." they replied in unison.  Simba made sure that the two-rogue ninjas were tied up as he performed a summoning jutsu calling forth two lions.  One to go back to the leaf with a message and to bring Anbu guards back to grab the rogues.  The other was to watch the rogues and make sure that they don't escape.

The group continued on their way coming upon a large bay that lead to the wave village.  A small motorboat awaited the group to bring them across.  By now a fog began to blanket the bay allowing the group to sneak in unnoticed as the fairy man talked to Tazuna.  The group could see Tazuna's bridge which was almost half way completed.

"There it is.  The bridge that is the hope for our village to free us from Gato's grasp." whispered Tazuna.

"I still think that you are crazy.  But if you do manage to complete the bridge, I will take back every terrible thing I have said about you." whispered back the ferryman.

"Just wait and see.  My bridge will be famous." stated Tazuna.  The ferryman let them off once they got to the other side.  "All right left ninja please make sure that I get home safely." commanded Tazuna.

The group continued on their way traveling through a forest as it looked almost like they weren't aware that they were being hunted.  Miki tensed as he unleashed a low growling hiss.  This caused the group to slip into defensive stance.  Naruto's keen ears could hear a blade flying through the air.

"Everyone get down!" Naruto shouted out.  Everyone did as Naruto commanded as a large broad sword flew through and sank into a tree.  A large man wearing cow print pants and bandages covering a part of his face stood on the sword.

"Zabuza Momochi....... I still see that you are still sealing out to the highest bidder." growled Simba.

"Huh...... A former leaf Anbu.  Just hand over the bridge builder and no one will get hurt." replied Zabuza.

"Sorry no can do." snarled Simba.

"It's your funeral." stated Zabuza as he ripped the sword out from the tree landing on the ground.  Zabuza made a single hand sign causing the mist to roll in.  The group wasn't able to see a single thing.  Akira activated her dragon spy technique not being able to see a single thing even with her draconic vision.  Simba merged with one of his jungle cats summons which gave him their vision and senses.   Naruto activated his sage mode as his eyes would be able to detect anything regardless.

"Kidneys, liver, spleen, throat, eyes......  Where shall I strike first?" Zabuza asked.  Naruto could sense the demon of the mist was right behind them.  Naruto tapped Shinri who created an ice wall so thick that Zabuza's sword couldn't cut through.  The mist cleared causing Zabuza to look at squad thirteen in shock.  They showed no fear when standing before a powerful opponent.  Zabuza didn't notice that Simba looked different as he seemed more cat-like as patches of fur covered his body.  His eyes were like a cat's.

"Beast Human Fury Kicks." growled out Simba as he unleashed a flurry of quick kicks.  Zabuza used a water clone jutsu to escape but Simba proved to be quicker. "Great Cat Claw Attack!" he snarled as sharp claws lined his hands as he moved to slash Zabuza.  Zabuza cursed to himself as he had to use a substitution to escape.  This man was far quicker as Zabuza had no choice but to try to use his trump card but he had no clue what ice jutsus that Shinri knew.  Zabuza went over to the water as his hands ran through a series of hand signs. 

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet!" snapped out Zabuza.  A water dragon arose from the water causing Zabuza to smirk as he motioned the dragon to strike at Simba but it seemed that the dragon wouldn't obey.  'How in the world is my jutsu failing?' Zabuza asked himself.  He looked to see Akira's reptilian eyes glowing as one had was stretched out.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet!" she commanded forcing Zabuza's own jutsu to attack him. 

'Don't tell me that she is of the Tensho clan!' he though as he could see Miki fly over to Tazuna.  'Damn it I have to rethink of my plan.' Zabuza thought to himself.  Even with Haku waiting to prevent his capture, the Anbu card wouldn't play with this group as they had an Anbu for a captain whom he now recognized only by the nickname Death Tiger.  So Zabuza used a water clone substitution to escape.  He knew that he had to rethink of a way to kill the bridge builder and get rid of the ninja that was guarding him.

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