9. teams

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Nine: teams

Two years have passed since Naruto entered the ninja academy.  Naruto had only two loyal friends Akria and Shinri.  Both Nariko and Menma tried to apologize to their brother about their actions in the past. 

"As I told Lord Hokage, it will take more than simple words to show me how truly sorry you are.  On the first day of school you said nothing to quell the rumors and have done nothing to stop them.  Actions speak louder than words." growled Naruto.  Nariko and Menma took Naruto's words to heart.

'From now on if anyone speaks ill of Naruto or give him angry stares.  We will do something about it.' Nariko and Menma made a silent pledge to themselves.

Today was graduation day as they had to pass a series of tests.  Naruto was on top of the class followed by the Uchiha prodigy, Sasuke.  Naruto couldn't understand what the girls saw in him.

*Guess the love the whole brooding emo teenager vibe that he has going on.* Kurama joked in the back of his mind.  Naruto found himself smiling as he knew that this Uchiha felt that everyone was beneath him. 

*Perhaps we should show him his rightful place.* replied Naruto with a slight smirk on his face.  Naruto could feel Kurama grinning in the back of his mind.

First test was kunai and shuriken throwing.  Naruto stumped Sasuke when he got a perfect ten while Sasuke only got an eight out of ten.  Most of the students got either a five or six out of ten.  Next was the written exam.  Once again Naruto got a perfect score along with one other student by the name of Shikamaru Nara.  The last and final test was a clone jutsu and transformation jutsu.  Extra points were awarded for creativity and originality.  Sasuke created three clones and transformed then into his family.

"Beat that dweeb." he smirked.  Naruto rose his brow to the challenge.

"Naruto Kitsune." called out Iruka.  Naruto could hear the murmurs but they were suddenly quitted when both Nariko and Menma shot them glares.  Naruto stepped in front of the class creating eleven clones.  It was way more than any other student was able to create.  Naruto then transformed each of them into the members of the Kitsune family only in their true demonic half forms including one of Kurama's human form with his nine tails.  Naruto also gave himself blonde fox ears and nine fox tails.  Everyone's jaws dropped at the sight.  Naruto unleashed the jutsus causing the clones and the transformation to vanish.  "Congratulations Naruto.  You have graduated with top honors and title of rookie of the year.  I am so proud of you." replied Iruka as he handed Naruto his leaf headband.  A broad smile crossed Naruto's face while Sasuke scowled.  "Congratulations on everyone who had graduated.  Report back here tomorrow to find out what teams you will be placed on."

Naruto took off as he couldn't wait to show his family that he had begun to achieve his dream.

*Congratulations kit.  I am proud of you.* stated Kurama.

*Thanks Kurama.  I am glad that I managed to achieve the clone jutsu finally after all that practicing we did.*

*Its because you have so much chakra that you can't pull off a normal clone jutsu.  You could create hundreds or even a thousand of clones.*  As Naruto got outside as he could see parents waiting for their kids who graduated.  He felt bad for Akira and Shinri as they couldn't celebrate with family.  Naruto could see Shuichi waiting for him.  Shuichi wore his headband as a badge on his Anbu uniform which was all white and looked more like a martial arts outfit than a regular Anbu guards.  Shuichi was given the fox mask which he only wore it only when he was on missions.

"Shuichi!" Naruto shouted out as he ran to his adoptive big brother waving his head plate around.   Shuichi smiled as he hugged Naruto.

"Congratulations.  I knew that you could do it.  We should celebrate."

"Shuichi...... Would it be alright if I invite my two friends.  They don't have any family."

"But of course, ototo (little brother).  I will warn the others."

"Thanks Shuichi." Naruto replied as he went over to Akira and Shinri.  "Akira...... Shinri!"

"Hey Naruto.  Congratulations on being rookie of the year and top of the class." stated Akira.  Naruto was happy that Akira wasn't a Sasuke fangirl like most in their class.

"Thanks.  I heard you tied with top kunochi (female ninja)."

"Yeah with Sakura Haruno.  I sware if I hear fangirl put you down one more time.  I am going to claw her throat out." she growled as Miki hissed in agreement. 

"My family and I are going to celebrate as I want you two to come."

"Are you sure Naruto?" asked Shinri in shock.

"Of course.  You're my only friends.  I just hope that we are placed on a team together." replied Naruto causing both Shinri and Akira to smile.

"Alright then what are we waiting for!" cheered Shinri.

Meanwhile within the hokage towers, Minato looked over the graduation marks as his eyes widened at Naruto's score.  Menma and Nariko did all right in graduation but Naruto's score made it look like no else even mattered.  Minato couldn't be prouder of Naruto.  Now came the hard part of assigning teams.  Minato began to draft together a list.  Three of his best Anbu had expressed an interest in being captains for new genin as he had three other captains ready for teams as only one squad made the final cut last year.  Minato would have to wait and see which teams passed the cut this year.

The next day everyone meet up in the academy as the two loudest fangirls fought over who was going to sit next to Sasuke Uchiha.  Sasuke was still brooding over the fact that Naruot had beat him for the rookie of the year.

"Alright listen up as I call out your names for your teams." stated Iruka.  Both Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno hoped that they would be on a team with Sasuke.  The first six teams came and went quickly.  "Team Seven......  Menma Uzumaki-Namikaze, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha.  Your captain is Kakashi Hatake."

'Great the banshee and the emo.  Why dad?!' Menma asked himself.  Sakura smirked and flashed a victory sign to Ino.

"Team Eight......  Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka, and Hinta Hyuga.  Your captain is Kurenai Yuhi.  Team Ten......  Choji Akamichi, Shikamaru Nara, and Ino Yamanaka.  Your captain is Asuma Sarutobi.  Team Eleven......  Daisuke Hayabusa (OC creation), Sai, and Nariko Uzumaki-Namikaze.  Your captain is Itachi Uchiha.  And finally, Team Thirteen.......  Naruto Kitsune, Shinri Korudo, and Akira Tensho.  Your captain is Simba (OC creation)."  Naruto, Shinri, and Akira smiled glad that they were together on the same team.  "Good luck everyone and best of luck in your careers as proud ninja of the leaf."

The teams sat together waiting for their captains.  Team eight, ten, along with one through six were picked up almost right away by their sensei (teachers).  Nariko was talking with a young boy the same age as her who had short reddish-brown hair, emerald green eye, and light Caucasian skin. 

This was Daisuke Hayabusa.  He wore a crimson half sleeve shirt which was trimed in orange at the collar going down the shirt as it wrapped around the bottom of the shirt.  He wore a black shirt underneath and a pair of baggy pine green pants.  He wore a pair of fingerless black gloves, standard pair of shinobi shoes, as his gear was strapped to his left side, and he wore his headband around his waist.  Most ninja wore their headbands around their foreheads.  Naruto chose to wear his around his bicep.  Menma, Sasuke, and Sai wore theirs around their foreheads.  Nariko wore hers around her neck.  Shinri chose to wear his around the waist while Akira and Sakura wore theirs as hairbands.  Next to show up was Sasuke's older brother Itachi for team eleven.  After Nariko, Daisuke, and Sai left, another man entered the room wearing an Anbu's uniform without a mask covering his face. 

His hair was black with a small part in his bangs a teal color.  He had chocolate brown eyes and fair Caucasian skin.  He wore a blue scarf around his neck and his headband around his bicep like Naruto.  This was team thirteen's captain Simba.

"Team Thirteen?" he questions as Naruto, Akira, and Shinri rose to their feet.  "Let's head to the roof." stated Simba as he vanished in a swirl of leaves.  The three teens left team seven to continue to wait for their sensei.

Simba sat on the roof as team thirteen showed up after a couple of minutes.

"Alright you three.  I am sorry that I am a bit late but I had to finish one last Anbu mission before becoming your captian.  My name is Simba and I would like to get to know you all.  So, could you each tell me your name, likes and dislikes, and future goals or dreams.  I will start.  As I stated before my name is Simba.  My likes are cats no matter how small or large.  My dislikes are hunters who hunt them.  My goal is to make this the top squad in the leaf." stated Simba as he then pointed to Shinri.

"My name is Shinri Korudo.  My likes are my two best friends Naruto and Akira as I also like snow and cold weather.  My dislikes are heat and people who stereo type others as well as pick on the weak and defenseless.  My goals is to become a proud shinobi of the leaf. "   Simba nodded his head as he then pointed to Akira.

"My name is Akira Tensho and this is Mikihisa or Miki for short." she stated as Akira patted her dragon's head who was draped across her shoulders.  Miki unleashed a chirping click as a greeting.  "My likes are dragons, training, and learning new dragon jutsu's thanks to my kekkigenkai.  I also like my closest friends Naruto and Shinri and of course Miki.  My dislikes are bullies, people who put labels on others, and spreading rumors that aren't true.  My goal is to become the greatest dragon master around and to find other dragons." stated Akira.

*Naruto......  I want for you to tell the others that you are a Jinchuriki who holds the nine tailed fox.* Kurama stated mentally.

*Are you sure?* Naruto asked in shock.

*I have a feeling that these people won't judge you.  Plus it will be more beneficial for you to get it out in the open.* replied Kurama.  Naruto sighed out loud.

"My last name was Uzumaki-Namikaze but since my family disowned me when I was four years old because I am the Jinchuriki for the nine-tailed fox."  Naruto's group at the teen in shock.  "But since being found by the Kitsune clan, I had changed my last name to be Kitsune.  My likes are those who treat me as an actual human being, Kurama the name of the nine tails sealed within me and his family, training with ero-sannin (pervy sage) and Shuichi.  And also about my only two friends that I have made, Akira and Shinri.  My dislikes are being seen as a monster or a demon when I only hold one within me and my former family.  My dream or more my goal for the future is to become strong and to show everyone how wrong they were to judge me."

Naruto bowed his head waiting to hear his team reactions to what he had just told them.  He could feel a pair of warm arms embrace him as Akira hugged him.  Miki gave Naruto small kisses. 

"Simba-sensei, is what Naruto just said true?" Shinri asked in shock.

"Yes." replied the captain.

"It wasn't Kurama's fault as he was forced to attack that night.  I don't blame you Shinri if you hate me now because of it." stated Naruto as Akira unleashed the hug.

"I don't hate you Naruto nor do I blame the beast.  I know that my family fought to protect the people and the village to the best of their abilities.  And you being it's Jinchuriki means that you are doing the same thing." stated Shinri.

"Have faith in us Naruto as we are still your friends and teammates no matter what." added Akira.

"Naruto.......  Are you sure about your decision to tell us an S-Ranked secret?" asked Simba.

"Yes.  I trust my friends who are also my teammates to continue to work with me.  I will help them achieve their goals if they help me with mine." replied Naruto.

"Good......" Simba replied with a smile.  "I don't see a reason to give you guys the bell test.  I officially recognize you three as Squad Thirteen as from this day forwards, you are genin of the leaf.  Tomorrow we will meet at nine in the morning at the Hokage tower to get our first missions." replied Simba

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