12. attack on the bridge

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Twelve: attack on the bridge

Meanwhile at the bridge, squad thirteen along with Tazuna arrived at the bridge to see all of the workers out cold as they had been knocked out. Thick mist began to roll across the bridge forcing the ninja to take on defensive positions. Protecting the bridge builder Tazuna.

"So you returned Zabuza. You still will not have the bridge builder." growled Simba as he summoned several jungle cats and instantly merging with a panther. Both Shinri and Akira stood armed with their weapons as Miki flew besides Akira.

"It seems that you are missing the blonde brat, Death Tiger. You and your team will not make it off this bridge alive." stated Zabuza.

"We will see about that Zabuza." snarled Simba as he ran his hands through a series of hand signs. Two lion heads made out of wind appeared surrounding his hands. "Twin Lion Fists!" Simba chanted out as he punched the air unleashing the jutsu. The wind lions roared out dispelling the mist and killing instantly two of Gato's men. Zabuza stood with several of Gato's men along with a kid wearing an Anbu mask. "Shinri...... You and some of my summons will protect Tazuna and the others whom are unconscious. Akira...... Do you think that you can handle the kid in the mask?" asked Simba.

"Hai sensei (yes captain). Miki...... Please stay with Shinri." she replied while giving a command to her pet dragon. Miki chirped as he flew over to Shinri landing on Tazuna's hat. Both Simba and Akira moved to attack quickly before anyone moved.

Simba and some of his summons quickly slashed through Gato's men while moving to attack the main threat, Zabuza. Meanwhile Akira and the masked kid were exchanging blows.

"Your little dragon girl doesn't stand a chance against my Haku. Like your little dragon, Haku also possesses a natural kekkigenkai." As soon those words left Zabuza's lips, a light chill crept across the bridge. A large dome of ice surrounded both Haku and Akira. Zabuza was grinning wildly underneath his bandages. "No one has ever lived once caught in Haku's jutsu." Simba simply smiled at Zabuza earning a questioning look from the rogue ninja.

"I would not underestimate Akira just yet. You haven't seen half of what she is capable of." replied Simba as he and Zabuza traded blows.

Meanwhile within Haku's Demonic Mirror Ice Crystals, Akira tried to meld the ice with her Dragon Fire jutsu.

"Give it up. You will never melt my ice. Like you, I too have a kekkigenakai." Haku stated as the masked ninja threw senbons at Akira. Akira managed to dodge them.

'Well if my fire attacks aren't strong enough then maybe an actual dragon might be able to break them.' Akira thought to herself as she bit into one of her fingertips. When she tried to pull off the summoning, Haku pierced her with Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death. Several sank into Akira's skin causing her to cry out.

"Sorry but I can't allow you to perform that jutsu. I will kill you where stand!" hissed out Haku as the masked ninja moved to attack Akira.

A sudden blast of energy blew Haku away from Akira.

"Akira....... Are you, alright?" asked Naruto as he held Akira in his arms. Several senbon needles were pierced into her skin.

"Naruto....... I'm sorry. I thought that I could stop this ninja but it seems that I am not strong enough." Akria stated before she closed her eyes. Naruto shouted out Akira's name in a fierce roar.

*She's not dead Naruto. Just unconscious. Use my power to shatter this kekkigenkai and call on someone to treat her wounds.* Kurama stated. Naruto nodded his head as he laid Akira down quickly summoning up a white nine tailed fox.

"You summoned me Naruto?" asked the fox.

"Yes Yoko. Look after Akira's wounds please for me. I have to knock some sense into this ninja.* Naruto replied as he unleashed a blast of Kurama's power. His eyes were no longer their normal blue color as they became a slitted blood red. His whisker marks grew wider as sharp claws lined his hands and sharp fangs hanged over his lips. Naruto unleashed another loud roar blowing Haku back into the ice mirrors.

'This kid isn't normal. Most would lose hope seeing a comrade fall. But it's almost like he knows that she is alive. And what's up with that creature behind him? I have never seen a summon like that before.' Haku thought as the masked ninja tried to avoid Naruto's attacks. 'I have to stop this kid. He's dangerous!' Haku thought as the masked ninja moved to attack Naruto. But Naruto caught Haku's hand as Kurama's chakra covered Naruto's hand giving the blonde a super power punch. Naruto punched Haku sending the ninja flying through the ice mirrors causing them to shatter. Naruto could see that Yoko had taken on his his demonic human form and was treating Akira's wounds.

*Don't worry Naruto. No one will see me in this form. Just take care of business.* Yoko stated mentally. Naruto nodded his head as he turned his attention to Haku to see the face mask break falling to the ground. Behind the mask was a young girl the same age as the teens of squad thirteen. (Yes, I know that Haku is a guy but for this story I am making him a girl as I am pairing him/her up with someone in this story. You will have to stay tuned to find out who it is).

"Take your revenge. I have killed your teammate and I am no longer of any use to Zabuza-sama." stated Haku. Naruto charged at Haku with kunai in hand as Haku closed her eyes waiting for her death. She could feel warm liquid splash on her but felt no pain. Haku opened her eyes to see Naruto's kunai had stabbed into one of Gato's men.

"Clearly it seems that even the great Gato considers you and Zabuza to be a threat. Whatever bargain that Zabuza had made with Gato seems to be no longer in affect." replied Naruto as he quickly turned to dispose of another one of Gato's men. Haku armed herself with senbons attacking several of Gato's men.

"It seems that we do have a common enemy after all."

Meanwhile the match between Zabuza and Simba had also come to a stand-still as it seemed both men were getting attacked by Gato's goons.

"What the hell?! I have a contract with Gato." asked Zabuza as he slashed at one of Gato's men with his large sword.

"I guess that he feels that if he kills you, then he won't have to pay you." Simba replied. Loud clapping filled the air as the group turned to see a short stubby business man with a can standing on the bridge with an army of goons.

"Exactly. After I take care of you guys, the village is next!" replied Gato. Zabuza looked over to see Haku and Naruto fighting off some of Gato's men.

"Death Tiger....... Do me a favor."

"What is it Zabuza?" asked Simba.

"Look after Haku for me. It seems that your village embraces those with a kekkigenkai unlike the mist who shuns them and kills those who possess it. She's a good kid as she might be able to teach your ice user a thing or two." replied Zabuza.

"You have my word Zabuza. She is in good hands." stated Simba. Zabuza smiled as he armed himself with two kunai. One in each hand as he placed another kunai in his mouth.

Zabuza dashed across the bridge slashing his way through Gato's men as he could hear Haku yell out his name. Zabuza make his way towards Gato as the short man tried to escape but quickly meet his end at Zabuza's hands. The various wounds that Zabuza had gotten not only from Gato's men but also Simba put him down. The army of thugs tried to escape to the village only to have the villagers armed with various fishing tools and farming tools. They were led by Inari and Momiji whom was still in her fox form.

"We won't let you step one foot in our village!" shouted out Inari as the rest of the villagers cheered. The thugs turned to see the bridge covered with five thousand multiple shadow clones of Naruto.

"Where do you think you are going?" asked all of the Naruto. The thugs decided to jump off the bridge into the waters to escape. The villagers let out a resounding cheer after the thugs left as the clones of Naruto went up into a puff of smoke.

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