13. back home

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Thirteen: back home

After winning back the bridge and chasing all of Gato's men out of the village, Simba felt that it was only proper to bury Zabuza's body as the young girl named Haku was distraught.

"He wanted for you to live a better life. At least honor his wishes as you are a very skilled ninja and it would be a shame to see you throw away your life." stated Naruto as he went over to were Akira laid. Yoko was back in his fox form as the young teen was waking up.

"Naruto......? What happened?" asked Akira as she slowly sat up.

"I placed my senbon in certain spots to knock you out. I didn't want to kill anybody. I'm sorry about that." stated Haku.

"It's all right Haku. No harm was done." Akira replied as she rose to her feet.

*Thanks Yoko and Momiji for your help.* Naruto told the two foxes mentally.

*Any time Naruto. You are family after all as we will help you regardless.* chirped Momiji.

*We will see you back home Naruto.* added Yoko as the two foxes vanished from sight.

Naruto and his team remained in the wave village for two more days to witness the completion of the bridge.

"Thank you for all of your help. We will be forever in debt to your village." stated Tazuna.

"It is our duty Tazuna-san. All right squad thirteen...... Haku...... Let's head home." Commanded Simba.

"Naruto......!" Inari shouted out forcing the blonde ninja to stop and looked at the young kid who was smiling. "Thank you for everything. I won't ever forget what you had taught me!" Inari yelled out causing Naruto to smile softly before he turned back around. Before leaving Naruto gave Inari a thumb up. Once Naruto and his team was gone, the villagers decided to name the bridge as it was dubbed "The Great Naruto Bridge."

Squad thirteen along with Haku made it back to the Leaf village as they reported to the Hokage tower. Minato was worried when he received word through one of Simba's summons that the C-Rank was actually an A-Rank. He felt that the group wasn't qualified for a A-Ranked mission. But when he heard the group was returning back with a former mist ninja who was seeking shelter, Minato wasn't sure whether to be relieved or surprised. Squad thirteen was proving to be a team not to underestimate. A knock came on the hokage's door breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Come in." replied Minato as he sat down at his desk. Squad thirteen entered the room along with a young female dressed like a boy as she had a hidden mist headband around her forehead. "Ah...... Squad thirteen. Welcome back home. Well done on your mission. So, this is the ninja that you have told me about." stated Minato as he smiled at Haku.

"Lord Hokage may I introduce Haku Momochi." stated Simba as Haku nodded her head.

"Wait...... Momochi as in Zabuza Momochi? The demon of the mist?!" asked Minato in shock.

"Hai (yes). Haku is his adoptive daughter as Zabuza sacrificed his life to help us defeat a greater evil. He asked for Haku who has a kekkigenkai to be sheltered within the leaf as if she returned to the mist, she would be killed." replied Simba.

"I see."

"She is a very skilled ninja close to Anbu and/or chunin levels." added Simba. Minato nodded his head as he opened up a drawer in his desk pulling out a leaf headband.

"Well then Haku Momochi...... Welcome to the leaf. I will have someone evaluate your skills to see if you are as good as Simba says. You will be watched over during a period of time in order to make certain that you are not a threat to the village." stated Minato. Haku took off the mist headband handing it to Minato before she took the leaf headband placing it around her forehead.

"Lord Hokage....... I would also like to request that Shinri, Akira, and Haku be placed under my care until they are old enough to live alone." requested Simba.

"Granted. I will also pay you all for completing an A-Rank mission. Simba please remain behind as I would like to get a full report. Meanwhile, your team is dismissed." stated Minato. Squad thirteen along with Haku left the tower as the team decided to show the ice ninja around the village.

After Simba gave his full report and completed the necessary paperwork to become a temporary guardian over Haku, Shinri, and Akira; Minato slumped back into his chair. What Simba had just told him about what happened and how Naruto dealt with the situations. Minato began to feel even worse. It was almost as if his son was a stranger to him. He battled against rogue chunin without thinking twice about it. He took out a skilled ninja like Haku like it was nothing. He was able to use the demon's power without losing control.

'Naruto just how strong have you become?' Minato thought to himself. He wondered if Menma or even Nariko could even stand next to Naruto in his time of need. 'Sensei (teacher)....... Why do I fear that Naruto could become a threat to this village instead of a hero that has been prophesied?' Minato thought as he got up from his chair as he went to the window to look at the carved faces on Hokage Mountain. 'Lord Sarutobi....... I have failed and went against your wishes. I have failed my own son as a parent as I saw him just as everyone else did...... as a monster, a demon. Now it seems that I don't know anything about Naruto or even tried to understand him.' Minato sighed to himself. He went back to his desk to see that the chunin exams were coming up soon. 'Perhaps I should gauge his skill and try harder to be a better parent to him. Please let this be the right choice.' Minato prayed as he began to fill out the paperwork for the chunin selection exams.

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