14. meeting Shukaku and Gaara

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Fourteen: meeting Shukaku and Gaara

A week had gone by in a blink of an eye as Minato was holding a secret meeting with all of the Jonin captains to see who they recommend for the chunin exams.  Already ninja from the other villages have made their way into the leaf village.  Minato was surprised when all of the captains recommended their teams to participate.  All of the teams had completed the necessary missions to enter.  Minato knew that Naruto and his team were beyond qualified especially given that they had completed a couple of B-Rank.  Minato also knew that Menma and Nariko were also in good standings. And it wasn't because he was their father or the fact that he had trained them.  But it was because they have been training even harder when the two learned about Naruto's A-Rank mission.  When Minato asked them why, they replied......

"We don't want to seem weak if we are to help Naruto complete the prophecy.  We want to be able to stand by his side as strong shinobi."  Minato found himself smiling at the thought as he handed all of the captains the papers to hand to their genins.  As the captains turned to leave, Minato called out to Simba.

"Can you make certain that Naruto gets this?" Minato asked as he handed a scroll to Simba.  Simba took the scroll as he bowed his head.

Meanwhile, squad thirteen was traveling to meet up with Simba when they heard some people arguing and kids screaming.  Without thinking twice, Naruto moved to find out what was going on.  A guy wearing a cat-like suit and purple with white kabuki makeup held Konohamaru by his scarf.  Menma was on the ground with a bloody lip.

"Let Konohamaru go!" snarled Menma as the guy kicked him in the gut laughing.

"You guys are weak.  And besides this brat ruined my outfit." he growled as he went to punch Konohamaru in the face.  Naruto moved grabbing the sand ninja's hand before he could punch the frightened child.  He freed the child from Kankuro's grip as Naruto's hand tightened around the sand ninja's fist causing Kankuro to gasp in pain.  Naruto could hear Kurama gasp in the back of his mind.

*It seems that my baby brother is here.  He is sealed into one of the sand ninja that is behind you.* Kurama stated.  Naruto could sense the other ninja's presence as it seemed that this ninja was very interested in Naruto but he couldn't figure out why.

"If you don't want your teammate here to end up with a broken hand then I suggest that you teach him not to pick on those whom are weaker than him.  Especially a child who didn't harm him in anyway." Naruto snarled.  Everyone looked at Naruto wondering who he was talking to.

"Kankuro......  Stop setting a bad example for our village." Stated a red-haired ninja as he appeared behind Kankuro in a swirl of sand.

"Gaara......." Kankuro studdered in fear.

"I am sorry for the disturbance as I will make certain that it will not happen again." Gaara stated as he watched Sasuke and Sakura help Menma up to his feet.  Something about Sasuke's presence made Gaara crave the Uchiha's blood.

*Don't even think about it Shukaku.  I will not let you full fill your bloody desires with anyone from this village.* Kurama growled out mentally.  This caused Gaara's eyes to widen when he heard Kurama speak in the back of his mind.

"Temari...... Kankuro...... Head on to the hotel.  I need to speak with this ninja." stated Gaara.

"But Gaara......." Kankuro stated earning a death glare from the red head.

"Akira...... Shinri...... Go ahead without me.  I will meet up with you in a bit." Naruto told his team.  Menma could sense the same energy and vibe coming from Gaara that Naruto also had.

"Come on Sasuke, Sakura, and Konohamaru." stated Menma nodding his head to Naruto.

*It seems that your older brother can sense it.  That's why he is pulling everyone away.  This way you and Gaara can talk in private.* Kurama stated.

Once everyone was gone, Naruto turned his complete attention towards Gaara whom was looking at Naruto in confusion. 

"You are a Jinchuriki like me." Naruto stated.

*It's possibly better if we do this in his mindscape Naruto.  I have a feeling that Shukaku has been miss leading the child.*

*Alright Kurama.* Naruto replied as he brought Gaara over to a bench.  Both sat down before Naruto found himself pulled into Gaara's mindscape.  Gaara's mindscape was far different from Naruto's as it was a barren dessert as far as the eye could see.  Gaara stood before Naruto unsure of what was going on.  Gaara's eyes widened considerably when he saw Kurama materialize behind Naruto.

"Shukaku!" Kurama roared out.  A large tan bulky raccoon covered in blue lines and dots appeared behind Gaara.

"Mother?" Gaara questioned earning a sharp snarl from Kurama.

"Fix the damage.......  NOW!" Kurama commanded.  Shukaku placed a paw on Gaara pumping his chakra into his host. "I can't believe you Shukaku.  Do you love to torment and torture your hosts?  You should be working with him not against him." Kurama stated shaking his head.

"But.......  Kurama........." Shukaku begain to state earning a death glare for the nine tails.

"Give us a chance Shukaku.  Not all humans are bad.  Maybe you can give Gaara hope and understanding as he may not see you as the monster that you betray yourself to be." Naruto stated.  Shukaku looked at the young blonde with wide eyes.

Shukaku removed his paw from Gaara only to have the red head look at the raccoon with tears in his eyes.

"Why?" Gaara asked breaking down.  The demon felt so bad that he took on his human form scooping Gaara up into a hug. 

Shukaku had long spikey sandy brown hair that matched his fur when he was in his true demonic form.  As his hair took on the same characteristics as his tail.  Blue swirls lines and dots covered his body as he had pointed human ears.  Shukaku wore clothing that was reminiscent of a desert traveler.

"I am sorry Gaara....... I have been so angry for a long time.  Forcefully ripped and placed into new hosts just to be used as a weapon time and time again."

"You are not a weapon Shukaku.  You have emotions just like every other being.  Perhaps you and Gaara can work together and build a friendship.  Kind of like the one that Naruto and I have." stated Kurama as he took on his human form.  Gaara and Shukaku pulled apart as the red head wiped away the tears that were in his eyes.

"Yeah that would be nice." they both stated.

According to Shukaku, Gaara hasn't lead an easy life.  Much like Naruto, he was viewed as a monster and a demon.  His sanity cracked when someone he cared for deeply tried to kill him.  That's when Shukaku took over to help him cope but not in the way that he should have.

"You are not alone Gaara.  Kurama and I know exactly how you feel as we also went through the same things.  If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always contact us mentally." Naruto stated.  Since Kurama and Shukaku managed to set up a link for the two Jinchuriki to speak mentally even over great distances.  It would also allow Kurama and Shukaku to speak with one another catching up on lost time.

"Thanks Naruto." stated Gaara with a soft smile.

"Kurama before you leave.......  I feel that I should warn you." stated Shukaku.

"Warn me about what?" Kurama asked.

"The sound and the sand village have teamed up to start to rage war on the leaf." replied Shukaku.

"Let me guess.  Their goal is to have Gaara unleash you to cause a great number of casualities." Kurama growled as Shukaku nodded his head.  Kurama unleashed a loud snarling curse which caused both Naruto and Gaara to flinch.

"But no matter what their plans.  I won't do it.  I am not going to be their weapon for this silly war." Shukaku stated.  This caused Kurama to give his younger brother a fanged smile.

"Perhaps with the help of our hosts we can avoid what is going to happen." Kurama stated as it seemed that the fox had a plan.

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