15. Minato's letter

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Fifteen: Minato's letter

After discussing the plans about the impending attack, Naruto meet up with his team to see that their sensei (captain) hasn't arrived yet.

"Naruto......  What was that all about?" asked Shinri.

"I will tell you when Simba-sensei gets here." Naruto replied.

"Tell us what Naruto?" asked Simba as he suddenly appeared in a swirl of leaves.  Naruto let out a long soft sigh as he informed his team about Gaara and Shukaku, about what was going to happen during the chunin exams.

"I see......  So, Gaara and Shukaku are going to work with us to help protect the village.  We should alert the hokage about the threat.   Meanwhile, I am going to be giving you guys an A-Rank mission." Simba stated as he handed Naruto, Akira, and Shinri the papers to enter the chunin exams.  "You three are going to enter the exam.  If you happen to come those who are a threat to this village, kill them.  I will inform the hokage about what is going to happen." Simba stated.  Squad thirteen nodded their heads that they understood.  "Naruto......  This is for you from Lord Hokage."  This caused Naruto to raise his brow as he took the scroll from Simba.  "I wish you guys luck in the exam and hopefully some of you may even earn the rank of chunin.  No matter what, I am proud to call you guys my genin as you are the best squad that I had the pleasure of serving as your sensei."

Squad thirteen went their separate ways as Naruto stayed in the field to read the hokage's letter.  Naruto bit into his thumb to unseal the scroll that Simba gave him.

"Naruto......  No words can ever express how sorry I am for how I treated you.  I have no right to call myself a parent as I should have obeyed the third's wishes and see you as a hero of the leaf.  Kushina told me just how terrible the nine tails was and how much of a burden he was to carry.  I was a bit shocked that she would even agree to put such a heavy burden on you.  Even battling against the nine tails, I could only see a monster capable of rage and destruction.  I listened to everyone telling me that my own child was a demon and monster that I began to believe their words.  And for that I had lost you.  I am eternally grateful for the Kitsune family who took you in and helped provide for you in the way that I should have.  When I heard about your C-Rank becoming an A-Rank, I wanted to fly to you and help you come back home safely.  It surprised when Simba told me how you single handedly took out two rogue chunins.  It made me realize that I knew next about you or even what training you have done.  Now it turns out you are going for the chunin exams.  First, I want to wish you luck even though I feel that you won't need it.  Second, if you do make it towards the final rounds, I would like to be your sensei if you let me.  I also want to try to get to know you as a person if you let me.  Please give me and our family a chance to show you how deeply sorry we are.  As we want to earn your trust before it's too late.  Good luck in the chunin exams.  Sincerely your father, Minato Namikaze.  The fourth hokage."

Tears began to fall from Naruto's eyes even though he may have changed his last name and refused to have any interactions with his former family, his father was willing to start off with a clean slate.

*I say that you give them a chance Naruto.  If his letter moved you this much, I say let bygones be bygones.  I know how much they have hurt you in the past but we have to move past that.* stated Kurama in the back of his mind.  Naruto wiped away his tears rolling up the scroll.  Naruto knew that he couldn't let his hate continue to consume him.  Forgive and forget was the way of the sage.

*What about your kids?*

*Naruto....... I am not saying that you should go live with your family right away.  Ease them back into your life little by little.  Give them a chance to slowly earn your trust and love.  My family will always be there for you regardless.* Kurama stated.

Naruto had a lot to think about as he wanted to talk to Kurama's children to get their imput.  He even let them read Minato's letter.  The girls broke down crying as Minato's letter moved them deeply.  Even the guys had a bit of tears in their eyes. 

"Naruto...... You should give your family a chance.  Minato always asks me when I see him how you are doing.  I can tell that he does genuinely worry about you.  Have them show you how truly they want you back in their lives.  We will be here no matter what as you are a part of our family.  You have got to allow them the chance to truly get to know the real you." stated Shuichi.

"Shuichi is right Naruto.  You can always come here to see us if you wish as we will always come to your aid if summoned.  We will not leave you no matter what happens." added Sherufanir.  All the others nodded their heads is agreement causing Naruto to break down in tears before the foxes all moved to give Naruto a big group hug.

"Thanks, you guys." Naruto stated as he broke the hug wiping the tears away from his eyes.  "Ginko could you go and deliver a message to the hokage for me?"

"Of course, Naruto." chirped Ginko.

"Tell him that I will take him up on his offer.  I will also give my family the chance to try to make up for lost time but a little bit at a time.  I want to see for myself how truly sorry they are and work on a relationship with them."

"Certainly Naruto." Ginko replied as she took on her fox form darting out of the house.

Naruto let out a long soft sigh as he wondered in his mind if he was making the right decision.  He could tell from Minato's letter that he meant every word.  He could see from Menma's reaction today that he knew that Gaara was a lot like him.  Even the elder great toad sage had foretold him that if he didn't fix his estranged relationship with his former family, he may forever lose them and go into a state of depression that would cause him to lose the will to live and protect those he cares about.  Naruto found himself praying to kami (god) that he was doing the right thing.

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