16. the chunin exams begin

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Sixteen: the chunin exams begin

It was the day for the chunin exams as Naruto and his team made their way to the exam building. When they got to the second level, it read that it was the third level. Two ninjas stood before the doorway that read 301 preventing the others from entering.

*What a weak ass genjutsu. Jesus couldn't Izumo and Kotetsu do better?* Kurama asked mentally.

*It's to weed out the weaker ninja. Kind like the bell test.* Naruto replied as he tapped the side of his leg to alert his team that it was a genjutsu trap. The team continued onward to the assigned room to see it full of ninja. All of the leaf's graduating class were already there as squad thirteen where the last to show up.

"So, it seems that even the unlucky squad is here along with it looser genin." laughed Kiba. Menma suddenly grabbed the feral looking boy by his jacket.

"Don't you dare insult my ototo (little brother)." snarled Menma. Kiba took a good look at Naruto as he could see how much both Menma and Naruto looked alike even despite the difference in their hair color and that Menma was two years older than his sibling. Suddenly a cold shiver danced up Kiba's spine as he turned his head to see Nariko giving him a dark glare. Even the female Uzumaki-Namikaze looked like her older brother Menma and Naruto Kitsune.

"All right you maggots listen up...... There will be no fighting here. Now line up and take a number. This number will correspond with a seat that you will take before we can begin!" shouted out a scared-up man.

One at a time each of the genin took a number and a seat. None of the other genin sat near or even close to their teammates.

"All right listen up....... I am only going to explain the rules once. This is a written exam that will take one hour to complete. There are ten questions in total but only nine on the test as the last one will be given verbally. You will only have one hour to complete the test. Close to the end, we will ask you the tenth question. There will be no cheating on this test as we have proctors throughout the room who will be watching. Anyone caught cheating will be eliminated along with their team. The questions are based on a point deduction scale as you will start with one hundred points. For every wrong answer that you get, you will lose ten points. If your team reaches a total of 0 points, you and your team fail. I am your examiner for the first round Ibiki Marino. You may start the test....... NOW!"

Everyone flipped over their test papers as all of the written on the test were far too difficult for a lowly genin to solve. The key was to cheat without getting caught by the proctors.

*Kurama...... Let me borrow your eyes and ears.* Naruto commanded mentally

*Sure thing Kit.* replied the fox. Naruto closed his eyes as he felt Kurama's powers surge through his body. When Naruto opened his eyes they were now Kurama's. Naruto scanned the room carefully, listening to the other genin in the room as they tried to answer the questions. Naruto had noticed that some of the supposed genin weren't filling out answers. But they had their sheets visible to copy from.  Naruto made a mental note to which ones weren't genin and began to copy the answers from the various sheets. Meanwhile Akira had used her clan's jutsu dragon spying technique while Shinri used his ice to create mirrors to copy answers from either Naruto or Akira.

Fourty-Five minutes had passed as the large group had been dwindled down.

"All right you maggots listen up....... It is time for the tenth question. As this question will be a pass or fail question. You can chosoe to take this question and hopefully get it right, or you could leave and take the exam next year. Note that if you leave that means your team leaves with you." stated Ibiki. Several ninjas raised their hands as their numbers were called out and their teams left the room. The numbers began to dwindle down even more. Suddenly someone slammed their hands down onto the desk. Naruto turned his head slightly to see his twin sister standing up staring down Ibiki.

"I refuse to give up and give in!" she shouted out.

"You do understand that there is a chance that you could remain a genin for life, if you fail here." stated Ibiki.

"Then so be it. I will continue to try again if I fail. But at least I know that I tried and didn't give up." Nariko stated as she sat back down.

*God damn. She is about as stubborn as your mother and about as hot headed too.* Kurama stated in the back of Naruto's mind causing the young teen to snicker.

*Just think...... You could have ended up with her as your jailor.*

*No...... Thank you!* growled Kurama. Ibiki looked around seeing that after Nariko's little speech, no one else was budging.

"All right then....... You all pass!" stated Ibiki.

Everyone was in complete shock. How in the world did they pass?

"This test was geared to get you to cheat and gather information through cheating. As for the tenth question, it was to see if you were willing to risk everything. On missions when gathering intel, you will have to risk your life to gather that information. Those whom are captured by the enemy will try to break you to gain that information." stated Ibiki as he removed the bandana from his head to show everyone in the room all of the numerous wounds that had been inflicted upon him. It was not a pretty sight as some gasped at the wounds. "You will be asked as chunin and jonin to risk your life for the sake of this village and for the sake of others that you are sworn as ninja to protect."

Suddenly the window from the side of Ibiki shattered as a large banner hung before him that read "The Super Sexy Proctor Anko Mitarashi is here!"

"All right everyone...... It's time to begin the second half of the exam." Anko cheered out.

"Anko...... You are early again!" coughed Ibiki from behind the banner. Anko looked out at the group and noticed that there were far more than she anticipated.

"Ibiki...... Have you grown soft? You passed so many this year."

"What can I say? We have gotten a good crop of candidates this year."

"Well that doesn't matter. By the time that I am done with them, I will have the number cut down to half." Anko stated with a slight smirk. "All right everyone. I am Anko Mitarashi and I will be the proctor for the second half of this exam. Now if you will all follow me to the next staging ground." replied Anko as she lead everyone to where the second part where the trials were going to take place.

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