17. the forst of death

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto.  The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using.  I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in.  Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Seventeen: the forest of death

Anko lead the remaining genin to the Forest of Death. Naruto couldn't help hide the smirk on his face as he knew every inch of this forest.

"Welcome everyone to training area seventy-seven or as we in the leaf know it as the Forest of Death. Here is where the second part of the exam will take place. Each of you will fill out a waver stating that we will not be reliable if you die or get injured from this point on. I will then explain the ruled for the second half of the exams." stated Anko. The genin were all given a paper and pen to fill out the form that was handed to them. Once the papers were filled out Anko directed their attention to the map of the area. "All right listen up." called out Anko directed their attention to the map of the area. "See that tent behind me. One member of your team will take the papers and be either given a heaven scroll or an earth scroll. Your task is to obtain both scroll and make it to the tower in the center within five days. You also can't open the scroll for any reasons." stated Anko.

"What are we to do about food?" asked Choji.

"There are various animals and plants that you can hunt to survive on. Just beware of the poisonous and vicious animals that can or will kill you." replied Naruto.

Anko looked at him in shock. How could a genin know so much about the forest? Then she remembered when some of the Anbu who told her about a child who would seek shelter within the forest to escape the people who want to harm him because of what he held within him.

"It is just as this genin says. From this point on, anything goes. Now all of you chose a team member and we will assign you to a gate to enter in from." stated Anko. One at a time, the teams lined up as Naruto was chosen to get the scroll for their team. Naruto's team obtained a Heaven scroll meaning that they would have to secure an Earth scroll to move on. Naruto and his team were given gate ten. "At the sound of the buzzer the gates will open. Best of luck to all of you." shouted out Anko.

The buzzer rang out as the gates swung open. The teams of genin rushed into the forest. Naruto lead his team to where he knew his secret hiding spot was. There they could plan their moves.

"All right guys before we continue on we should plan." Naruto whispered as he took out from his pouch communication devices handing one to Akira and Shinri. Both clipped on their devices activating them. "Pass code?" he asked in a low voice.

"Nine Kurama." both answered. Naruto nodded his head. In a low voice he told the group of the plan to capture the scroll they needed and to head straight for the tower.

"If we come across sand or sound ninja that are a theat to the village. We are to kill them." stated Naruto. "Remember if we are separated for any reason, give the password." Both Shinri and Akira nodded their heads.

Squad thirteen began to make their track through the forest when suddenly Miki let out a low snarling hiss.

"Naruto....... Hold up." Akira stated.

"What's up Akira?" Naruto asked.

"Miki is picking up an odd scent of a snake-like human." replied Akira.

*Orochimaru. He is possibly in disguise as he had his sights on gaining the Uchiha's Sharningan.* Kurama stated mentally. This caused Naruto to curse out loud as he quickly changed direction.

"Akira....... Have Miki lead us to that scent. Team Seven ins going to need our back up!" Naruto stated. Akira nodded her head as the little feathered serpent dragon flew ahead of the team. They found team seven facing against what looked to be a lone grass ninja. Squad thirteen leapt landing before team seven with their weapons drawn.

"So, it seems that back up has arrived." laughed the grass ninja.

"Drop the disguise Orochimaru. We won't let you get to Sasuke in order to gain the Sharningan." snarled Naruto. Orochimaru laughed as he noticed Menma standing behind Naruto and the similarity between the two.

"I am surprised. At first, I thought that the brat behind you contained the fox but, it turns out that the nine tails is within you." laughed Orochimaru.

"Naruto what is going on?" Menma asked in a low whisper.

"Be on your guard. That's no ordinary ninja whom is standing before us. It is Orochimaru in disguise as he is after Sasuke and his Sharningan." Naruto replied in a low whisper.

Both team seven and squad thirteen stood in defensive position.

"Well it looks like the gig is up." replied Orochimaru as he pealed off a part of his face to reveal reptilian eyes and pale white skin. He unleashed a killer intent that caused the group to flinch all except for Naruto as he fired one back at Orochimaru releasing the two groups from the effects. This brought a wicked smile to stretch across Orochimaru's face as he dropped the disguise he was wearing. "This is going to be interesting." Orochimaru stated with a smirk. He then moved to attack Naruto first. Orochimaru knew that the brat whom held the nine-tailed fox possessed a greater threat than anyone else. But Menma pushed Naruto out of the way as Orochimaru slammed into him. Both Akira and Sasuke both moved to attack the snake sannin as they unleashed a volley of Dragon Fireballs once Menma was out of the way. They hoped to get Orochimaru. But the snake sannin used his Body Replacement skills as he slithered around in a brand-new body that was an exact copy of his own. Sakura still stood paralyzed from the clash of killer intent that it forced Shinri to use his Ice Wall to protect her from harm.

"Shinri are you alright?" asked Akira in concern.

"I am fine. Don't worry about me or Sakura. Focus on Orochimaru." replied Shinri. Akira turned her head to see both Naruto and Menma armed spiraling orbs of wind.

"Rasengan!" both snapped slamming the orbs into Orochimaru.

Wind and debris flew about as the rest retreated behind Shinri's Wall of Ice.

"Did they get him?" Sakura asked in a weak voice finally able to move. She had no idea that Naruto could seem so scary. Shinri retracted the Wall of Ice not seeing a trace of the snake sannin.

"Don't drop your guards." Naruto snarled.

*He's behind Sasuke.* Kurama yelled out. Naruto moved so fast as he pushed Sasuke out of the way as Orochimaru's fangs sank into the nape of Naruto's neck.

"Naruto!" cried out everyone in shock as Orochimaru's head slithered back to the rest of his body.

"Damn...... So close!" hissed Orochimaru. Naruto flared up Kurama's coating his body in golden energy as he moved to strike at Orochimaru. No one realized that it was actually Kurama controlling his host's body.

"I am going to kill you!" roared out Kurama. Orochimaru decided that it was best to retreat rather than face an enraged nine-tailed fox.

"I hope your host enjoys my little gift." hissed Orochimaru. Throughout the forest of death, Kurama's loud roar could be clearly heard.

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